It's the latest cover made to start creating a per-title book and resStructuredText from GitHub...
Sure it wont be part of O'Reilly, Pocket Reference, but it take couples of hours crafting it from Web-scratch and SVG vector handling...
The Colophon Explained:
- Simple Homo-Sapiens on cover, attempted to launch a craft way far in space without having more information where it should go and why it should go ... Here...
All The times, O'Reilly drawer take old ugly animals on theirs cover... Having doubt on how many lift, face lifting, body shaping they had before I appear in this world, but they should consider them ugly to suffer enough to be part of another twinkling...
X | Text may contains errors, syntax errors or lexical error... |
X | Now with SpellChecking and Editable text. Up
to you to get something correct. |
X | An Alien open-up Explorer-2 shuttle and see this, on a plate, can he consider this an offence ??? |