Ok... Why this photography already exist in Psychiatric-vault prior than my hand... ask them, they also own thing not yet show, not yet fabbed and possibly not yet used...
... Because it also a work-around, against shopped Thorium-Flywheel keeping nuclear barrier down on "Don't know where ; Beta-Regulatis, Rigel or Here on earth !!! ", and preventing human to clone itself due to surround radiation ; Thus type of nuclear-holdrum synchronized to reduce nuclear-jitteration in specific location like hospital, bar-pressurized room to allow genetic experience to not depleting faster than average, keep me in somewhat field... Why I sould give them, I'm not paid for this action yet.
Picture of the Damn:
- Shall be the first one wishing-in some ends of an epic or saga, know to be human kind...
- So holding the answer on how we can create wimp and weak genome stand doing de-jitteration of a environment by de-necluarizing a region by transposing fabric, slice by slice using liight filter from a nuclear-holdrum syncronization ...
... Thus explain, why some needs to invest time in magnetic-leviation, not for the flywheel, but satellite being pushed with magnet, are taking photo from theirs push until being stabilized in troposphere and confirming the minimum jitteration of Big-H-bar momentum...
So in their story Mom shipping the Thorium Flywheel away ; having same effect hold a hudge heritage before she left and annoying still delay the transfert to me or my ideas...
This time Mom stand for a lot of sentences on Psychiatric-Vault sustained in Any observance field from other, holding a somewhat-thruth about my futur... It did not explain why my observance field is empty and why they did not put the conclusion in mine.
X | Text may contains errors, syntax errors or lexical error... |
X | Now with SpellChecking and Editable text. Up to you to get something correct. |
X | this has to be Identified as Radioactive material, made from 50% Uranium-TetraFluoride and/or Thorium-TetraFluoride, this should own at least 100 micro-rad or 75 millisev at least |
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