I do not make a patch for and even doing some Git-Addup to my repository, or some using Morph to change it's face forget to Talk to M.Shanned* and M.Gailloux* most important thing compiling source code and using String or const char* for String Inter-operability...
I mean, forgetting to add :
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
from following file: jp_env.cpp
- Compiling thru setup.py, it works if you have couple of seconds to check what is a memset call or what malloc is involving...
--- Therefore, having learn some trick to overpass the memset, it's malloc casting... While the concurrent code does not contain static_cast inside C++ file. It's safer... Only Safer...
Now What IS the good reason to use Java class and Java code inside Python... Merely testing a transport layer to call the flywheel_thorium.java from flywheel_thorium.java from flywheel_thorium.mph , to see if the Jar-file from COMSOL can be loaded and the interface definition can be understand from side-to-side of layer... Like Increasing precision and using other unit module from python, and even, doing raw rpc, from rpyc package... Understanding the wheel under the hood...
Flywheel made from Thorium, Java Interface
Note:* : Most important Knowledge Teacher for Rosemont College... I mean on fair side, The Administrative side belong to M.Bourget already confirming me after coding a simple engine doing bridge with an ODBC database for storing it's virtual compagny of Financial Team leader and many collegian from Administration Branch... I do had to remember his talk about octroying 35k to my Social Security ... But I tell him to verify because it was already here...
---> So in what a third-party from Boucherville can not confirm such information ????
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