TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: juillet 2022


Iterpipes, Between Bash and Hash-bash

A library for running shell pipelines using shell-like syntax

Enables piping infinite streams through shell pipelines in Python

xhtml-css Bivalidator

Check your markup and style validity


Just type or paste an URL in the form above, and click on "check it" to see the magic. If you want to fine tune your validation, click on the "advanced" link. That's it!

Yet Another Comprehensive Content

Like, Young's modulus is a vibrating variation inside a solid... The times it take to respanw to an excess of energy is what molding apparence may look to not-so solid thing's... Like this Blog when adding content, the effor is like slapping it and the time it goes back, centered... we consider being more stable than usual...

jeudi 28 juillet 2022

A pretty Good Milling for power assets.

 Milling for power strength application.

    Following this images it's a milling with a broken ebay mesh of 0.2 mm. It takes fews times without looking at it and moving fingers to your mesh you realize it's already broken and pinning inside your finger... My 0.2 mm mesh didn't live more than half hour and my 0.5 about a day or so... When it's taking 97 days to get them, I do appreciate theirs half life as hand milling with a Dremel like... Benchmark twistor to be exact, from Home depot as well.

    The other order belong to aliexpress does make sense, it's withing month this time and get 10 times 0.6 mm mesh, and they are fine... 


 So this scan is simple the copper plate to a 300 Dpi, but final project will be in many picture format, like black and white format, SVG for all the network.

    The following schema is somewhat I do refer and belong to initial documentation I had no information on the PNP transistor. I choose a TIP125 for having Emitter-Base voltage to 5 volts. But this trick come initially from 90' where Voltage regulator start to drop in price and appear with LM78xx, MC78xx, LM317, LM338, this trick consist to pad a current driver a PNP transistor. 

Look to schema:

This schema sometimes refer to Power transistor Voltage regulator, or High Current Voltage Regulator. 

    The example show 3Ω and having no mention on it's wattage. I say that for many Resistor Load to be used in Voltage Stage saturation do use resistor as load and in AC power it may refer to a diode bridge from AC 120 Volts outlet and can use a Ohm based load. My plate is made from 4 x 12 Ω in parallel it give 3 Ω. Using 4 times 1/4 watts give a total of 1 watt @ 5 volts . 

    The reason why all this plate-scan end in my github soon, for having some plate to drill out and try MOSFET Following source work to offer 2 source of power and upon one fail, the other take the load. And 2 or 3 of this examples in parallel for increasing ampere load ...   

And another one in 3V3 will also be bind in the same fashion this example but replace the TIP125 for 2n5087 for low voltage applications. 

This summer I do already start the test of esp8266 into esp-01 6 pins wonder to do something with. 

Pardon, Wemos will ... Always be smear of any. It work fine this tiny canned esp12f have way more pin than low friend like attiny88. MH-Tiny Live is an experience in the tiny size world, but 8k of memory is probably for all the Led-things... My Attiny167 which is a USB on chip with 16k, support few things but low to manage a screen... 

    Yes this spring I was in a small 8k to 16k to test LCD, LM35D temperature widget. Playing a lot in 3v3 with my Pro Micro, Arduino 32u4, and LM35D not reporting information because of the voltage level conversion. 

A big thank for Ebay/AliExpress ombudsman, they working hard and it can be seen.

    So into dealing with ESP-01 with 6 pins because it give a lot, it own more than 512kB in many case and own possibly a Wifi manager prior to manage the SSID/PASSWORD from your Arduino Script. 

By reading on uses of GPIO0, GPIO2, you can put few pull-up resistor and you can connect a screen like OLED 0.96 inch to tell at least the IP address. There is a so called networking way where 3 esp-01 can :

  1. The server that exchange between Pool and Temperature
  2. The Pool server for Web interface and the pool-switch.
  3. The Temperature server 

    So in a 1, 2 ,3 Fashion way, Server 1 does receive temperature from server 3 which is a esp-01 with a BMP180 or LM35 with external voltage. And Server 2 is the interface where you connect and see the state of the pool between ON/OFF. 

    Because the server 2 is also an esp-01 it hook the switch only. Asking yourself for circulating the water belong to temperature. The server 2 do require to connect to server 1 and ask for temperature. So Server1 upon having nothing it should refer to LATER in case of uncollected temperature or the temperature by connecting to Server3 and ask for temperature... 

    So this is also how  they have invented the CPU-IP relation in this fashion of having core so small they can only connect few wire by core, doing few thing between them they poking a master or master is poking for managing about the process. 

    And in the case of a cleaned smudged, smeared Wemos, it does all the 3 servers tasks and the Web interface too. And probably few other things. Because out of the concept of having distant things to obtain to promote a better pool switch into temperature wise and sibling filtration for saving of full operation. 

Operation over IP and over Sea, your pool ?

Yes, these type of Arduino stuff like ESP-01, WEMOS ( esp12f doting ), are IOT ( Internet Of Things ), and they are futile and simple, they aren't communicating everywhere when you open it, it only do the jobs it should. Thus why they have lesser and lesser restriction over Videotron or Bell or any Internet provider allowed by CRTC. Apparently IOT are exempt of firewall blocking like CRTC Technician on your lan it uses know address and range that you modem aren't blocking or apparently visible under IOT or Hardware access. As my test are based on the ON/OFF light from esp8266 document on internet, you add the eeprom require to save the light state and your are in business. Switches with memory own several things at home to improve your live...
As my test are done under Videotron, it take address 10.0.0.xx and are under 100, and usually even Videotron Helix and next grade of videotron high-speed cant really block IOT hardware. It's like to stay connected and out of problem. 
But out of your network ? As technician, internal function of modem own sometimes remote access, like a proxy from your access configured through the modem. But avoiding having your light and pool being turned on/off remotely, adding a not connected to internet router can accept your IOT to run locally and instead of calling your SSID from your Internet compagny, you use the second SSID from the not connected to the internet router and you get all yours IOT's AI doing things.     
Is it rolling curtain with motor to configure the amount of LUX in your room, it start with motor but at least with "High Current Voltage Regulator" in your pad to start it up.