TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: juin 2023


Iterpipes, Between Bash and Hash-bash

A library for running shell pipelines using shell-like syntax

Enables piping infinite streams through shell pipelines in Python

xhtml-css Bivalidator

Check your markup and style validity


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Yet Another Comprehensive Content

Like, Young's modulus is a vibrating variation inside a solid... The times it take to respanw to an excess of energy is what molding apparence may look to not-so solid thing's... Like this Blog when adding content, the effor is like slapping it and the time it goes back, centered... we consider being more stable than usual...

dimanche 25 juin 2023

The buried Sequoia Land - The scent of flaming Pine.


"Life Cycle of oldest tree, Pine Sequoia can be 500 years long cycle and include episodic fire around. And fire is replaced by time with strong fog and damp humidity."


The story long of the one who made "The guy who plant tree" . Had a long story walking long to get the answer why it's burning in Russia/Ukraine . They had shaved long the forest to get every tree . And plant everything including borrowed or stolen tree from and arctic pic during winter. King from way there had only story from south who acquire out of African land through far south big tree to form ancient port from historical large wooden platform where Sequoia. 

 As far as 600 years before B.C. king before Constantinople does have a taste for discovered big Tree ; removed from all north crown they plant Sequoia bud and everywhere within 50 years, fire start it up from somewhere, and an old old human common uses of nature where suggested here, to throw everything on until it stop. So Russian as far as they are hiring colony or army to collect garbage, they where throwing them everywhere because of the so called mutation of Sequoia tree into flaming Pine which come from root of Sequoia contamination the sol producing a faint pine able to spread and cause fire.


African are a lot ahead of the Holocene situation where exporting tree from Antarctic as far as 2500 year before Christ to export cutting own in this region Sequoia tree had kill the environment and cold it down ? But can we expect having remaining trace of Sequoia root not in the common sol, but water all around and suspecting other hybrid of plant holding past of Sequoia, alike Good, gift plant they grow huge in sea and some benefit from faint salty effect to preserve the branch in the water, and mixed with algae. Having a side effect to can Sequoia C.B.D. merge into something so volatile it cool down by evaporation and contamination of Sequoia tree in surface water is a phenomenon not a consequence ?

And Russian / Chinese side ?

Sequoia tree in tinier version where also spread by the wind and country like Laos can possibly elect them as symbols of life, but still creating fire around.  

Other possible effect is spreading from Sequoia moving root into distribution into stem of whitish high pine and flaming pine are harboring their presences from air-pollen and residue of pine-skin which is extremely abundant in Flaming pine and consequent drying and burning on itself ; is the same mutation happen but stronger because the Chinese soil is apparently not a Sequoia earth ; so Terra-forming into Sequoia earth do require to spread habit like fire and strong fog of Pine appear . And following theory that it the fire starter in a cause of Chinese coal mine incident from accumulation of so called pine-residue into mine and start fire from Sequoia-starting stemming .

Sequoia Earth ? 


In Quebec , we are originated owner of the so called Big Tree Home . From American legend to get Giant start from Sudburry  Ontario, and ran out to collect every trees is a tale as 150 years old and not more. After we meet high shed from California wood reserve of this times.  Cousin of the giant does burn wood all night long to make place and winter fall with 15 meter of snow . Had we saw something recently similar  ?

But Sequoia tree in upper Quebec had already disappear and honestly attract eyes sight from Italian Galileo to sell telescope(eye-scope-long) to Britain in visit and attract them through this question. Over the sea it's burning and Why ? So around 1400-1500 we probably see the side effect of total withdrawal of all great tree from north-russian and starting theirs hell by spreading this tree all around . Us North had burned long and turn into permafrost dough and apparently Colombie-Britanique had observed a dense equivalent around past Sequoia remaining root. So it's relatively safe to believe it's not dying but merging and possibly go back to a foam of micro-pine.

From apparently observed, Holocene period is hot period where ice did not take place, some part of the world where not having all the dense crust we have today ? In fact it's tinier than all other layer of earth ; it was also tinier and may be simply warmer but not directly by the sol. Expected to hold ton of fail ; They apparition of Sequoia state to start a 0 to 10 meter from the that level and not much. Known to be dragged in fallen and omnipresent in some abrupt pic . They move along the rock and adapt to stay up ; sol having a mere flat land everywhere ; it's nature opacity that create sediment resistant to heat that prevent the planetary to be recycled punctually They can be also being burned and stew with past rock to kindly exist into microscopic stash pressurized can someday broke back and participate to creep formation for mechanical reaction of root coming of sol and devoted to prepare the sol again . We know nothing about past of Sequoia and can possibly an anorexic time-based carnivorous of tree and plant and adopt the fire to kill and collect nutriment ?

It's really important to understand the so called factor of a tree out of Holocene period acquire a so called "Queen" title if their living root origin from there had stop collecting everything but this tree had "Quinone" operation similar to ton-tank and bee kind producing vapor from "Quinone" and part self peroxide reaction from internal sugar. These "Queen Tree" , may collect during it's early day of growth actinine, pro-actinine ( heavy metal ) product and apparent these long term tree had possibly drawn out hydrothermal source creep enough radioactive gems once burned the so called root leave caveat and let discover Sudburry mine discover after fire, but it's remnant fume causing to enlarge them and found many type of minerals. Hope to define to so expelled region is Upper Quebec and continue in Hudson Bay where the trees may collect and condensate jewelry like gem from millions year. All gems contains impurities and whats making them sustaining the fact out of geode with fix amount of impurities .All the gems from there in the creep can be sol activity including converting coal to nutriment and forming cubic diamond as well. All the know step to raise high an Sequoia or using heat, tar and rock to grow out.

Us in our place is like depending the season, we said it's an Sequoia earth, by  the last "black ice" fall they made it . Apparently silent, an Sequoia earth, propagate to code for changing from normal pine, into flaming pine is an behavior coded into dated remaining root and possibly here it's only put rock around and on fire region to let assume an Sequoia will someday get out of rock like volcano are. For an exotic reality volcano aren't active at every times and Sequoia tree, may know when to start growing and enforce itself. But Sequoia in Africa is merely impossible. Everyone know the legend it require a baobab first. Personally treat to understand how they turn land into fire ?

We did not have all the answer, but it's clear Sequoia have an advantage in high, but had you ask yourself, does bigger planet own about same tree ? Gravity is one of the insight, as dinosaur also are another one. Had it exist a lifeforms for big planet too ? A planet 75 lights year of us, 6 times bigger than earth and it's moon with in phases  green-housing toward it is 4 times bigger than earth. They may share tree existence because, this "Gliess" planetary will eventually show it green and brown color; but it's surface moon does not reflect either sol or sun light so it's kinda white and green.

But effect from Gravity tell probably they are wonderful on "Ewok's" world and we barely define having a higher sense of the environment and may decompose the light into color stripe of sky-arc and are distancing them equally with time to avoid to burn. And constant presence of Ewok's to pile and throw residue of everything answer to the carnivorous side . It's probably an femtometric scale the operate and being in a land from hit from his moon apparently neutron star extincted, they to lensing on ? What bad when we are not the only one looking to sky ? On earth despite not having all the Ewok's under make a lone tree to ask itself about that local problem of are we gauging the moon first or look at the sun... It burn, we should do the opposite... Someday they may learn from.

Or Tell us the truth ; we were burning wood for 2000 year and stop, some using deeper like coal and might contains Sequoia contaminant ; but tree have adapted and may reproduce self human image to voluntary reproduce the volume of ashes require to start a Sequoia period. We just don't even know about period growth of Sequoia and do have to respect it.

Sequoia is particularly strong and do have a communication mode with root and does test and adapt itself from heat and many dip it's root into tar pit which can boil around 70 to 300 degree Celsius and resist. But So adapt-full it should twist and inspect it's surround in discover of treat ; feed it with light resources. And cut the root for forcing a deprivation and die. It Burn because Sequoia does also enlighten itself and let the light burn it virtually. Norwegian maple a similar effect to acidify the surround and leave itself to density the surround. From bamboo to pine ( including indica pine ) become extremely flammable close to an Sequoia, so root of them are like codec to render them.

Regardless what Ukrainian made to their land, they conclude putting sand , stating from a feet of sand, some had dump more than meter, and finally stop the fire, the the life too.

So I hope S.O.P.E.FEU had some recommendation to dump rock in large volume, flammable thing berry will simply not emerge from pile of rock ; and burning under the rock , we especially not owning coal mine so it will stop .

And it's fume, but smell pine fume, that an idea how nature start over.

And you know, casual day in your region, we don't if the mask is for COVID or Fume from us ? Tell us had you cut down in the past tree from North, you know consequence of it !

mardi 20 juin 2023

Huckleberry Finn - Freed from Slaavic contract on behalf of the King !


History of "Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn" ; hence Huckleberry is a kid he living free and his first source food in South of States are picking, and it mean picking free growing strawberry, blueberry, berry and mild and small fruit from forest. And the other reason to grab them is fire ! Since Ever on the America and almost everywhere it's problematic to grow such fruit in something else than flat land, they are causing fire in some dry season and just because they are gorgeous so gorgeous that they are a treat for nature itself. 

Kind of classic schema, "Tom Sawyer" find Huckleberry, a kids owned by a local Rich men, do work for him since he high as hurdle ; so He was promised for food and place to sleep as long he do picking the so gorgeous fruit. 


 Tom Sawyer finally meet itself and even by coming back from daily grab he does receive a paper and he not longer attended in place ; being free on behalf of the King ; he wasn't  aware of such . 

Apparently Every slave have their name and they adding a paper name for those are found in place caught to be worker ; they get freed and baptized with the surrender name. 

Question ? Does the member and adopted by by the Republican party was named Finn or Huckleberry ? 

Around this Freeing attempt; it precede the so called First and On-Going Auction of slave from this so called stored held and tethered by Republican Party. It Stop on request  on the King , and then it continue to be. President had received this mention to prospect for since the Republic party, close and or is disclosed and re-opened will always prospect in hope of freeing people. 

And it's really authorized by the Republican Party of that time. 

So when you a receiving a sheet from an apparent U.S. civil offering you a like contract for job ; and it's topped from "Saavic contract", in fact today the Civilian in charge is not even aware of that and it only you to sign and he will informed like that was a normal hiring. It's the so called comity around that "Guy" playing the Civil courtesy when it's outsourcing to hire slave from out of your country, through example of Ivanka Trump...


Apparently and recently she is declared by Donald Trump and some friends around from Fraud Charge. Since we are apparently out of news. But Donald kept so tight his family through this engine of "Saavic contract" and have personally the will to do and transfer that as well , in a urge of finding a so called LBGTQ to hold and official status of criminal by it's design and transfer enslavement charge ; That another guy recently and totally purge by Republican party, because it's theirs jobs ! 

 If She had like 24 more years to understand to not try this and to not sign it ; were she was be killed by your friends ? 

Some day I will probably find the Story of the so Called "Slave" redeemed and transfer from hand of a Civil from that Party to another Invited in this Annual and ongoing Auction of slave for having :

- Kill the brother asked to be kill because this one study at university and help slave.

- No one want its until the Owner explains by tricking the "Killer" might be a good servant and protector and finally end into a kitchen servant where he had the so called right to beat anyone stealing about the silvery ; and do show it and it's apparently well show on the menu too... But it's an odd Tourism that also disappear in flavor of not talking about that tragic story of United Slave. 

dimanche 18 juin 2023

Richard Anderson alias René Riendeau

 Richard Anderson as common name . Is as similar as John Smith, For all the Richard Anderson that are really are Sorry to not talk about an real "Richard Anderson", but my dad René Riendeau, subscribing itself to the Canadian Air Force, prompt himself to follow our demon haunt to start you with a new name. 


So, by "parjure" He should be accused and this "Guy" who recently give out he paper he own, and all of them since he was accused of leaving United State Governance with paper in hand. Medical report and White paper protection to autism, criminal and "parjure" are protected by you until you surrender them. 


By listening a  bit of politic, "Donald Trump" is also a Civil in the Bush Army Party, and this dismantled by Republican party, thy promise to recover theses white paper upon Governance, and Donald Trump did not. 

As is famous and long ; but My dad subscribe to the Canadian Air Force, pretending having 10 more years, today it give an 89 instead of 79, or he around 80, an old autism in constant slaavic appelation and should obey to Trump and do have to deliver A GIRL TURN INTO BOY AND INTO MAN. Upon you own will to enforce myself or my father to respond in this mistreatment and hold about it in U.S.A.


 By now you do talk to a person that defy rules of science, and quantic as well and had you fear it can't be solved ? 


Protected by Mme Valerie Plante, akin a pretty good person where past of her function in Montreal Administration may fall over you previous Wife working in this field. You may not even hold about skate park,, but clumsy place to hide ton of human caught in theses condition and busted in your so called "Northland" , here Montreal...   

What else, he was sacred, so belong to release of Mme Plante protection to thems it's offered to new teams around and will probably afford to bring Mister Richard Anderson to Fish-land paradise of all Fisher, offering last treatment of the type for them condition ! 

Apparently in a Liberal accusation and found revert in René, it can be good to add to it's declaration of honest surrender, I am not good anymore for fighting, I am too old for army I am like death . Please sign that. 

Had you an Anderson story about ?

jeudi 15 juin 2023

Arduino UNO R4, I did you wait for the sticker ?



It's not a matter of drawing things over to guess if ? But apparently the Beagle Bone owning similar cousin of Renesas RA4M1, where this device is used to do RTOS. So akin to show more memory which is always a problem, the Espressif S3 mini is a 4 Mbit memory and probably, future of this uno r4 with a bit more of a memory ecu found in aliexpress and easy to craft can sustain eventually this board can be a cheap RTOS with few extras, I do think it's complete.

Seeing independently, I did not own the RA4M1 processor, but STM32F401CDU6 with a M4 , 384Kb rom, 96 Kb of memory , and a DSP, running at 84 Mhz, it's only the level 5V tolerant that is good for Renesas RA4M1.

But apparently owner of processor M4 does also own DPS internally and well set for suitable  I2S interfacing and apparently correct frequency sampling, and support to read like 22khz to 96 Khz which is surprising .

My recent acquisition is also the previous entry core ; similar to MKR, Wemos develop the SAMD21 version working at 3V3 it own also 256 kbit of development and more than one Analog port.  SAMD21 are M0 and or M0+, and come with a convenient DSP  .


No, I think it's complete, because  RA4M1, and many RISC-V processor are merging into Python so maybe this processor had friendly extension to allow the heavy weight of python fit into a 4Mb Expressif core exchanging the network card for python or putting it on the RA4M1 with adding through pin some memory . 

Personally I own 2 dead example of w600-pico being pure python interface, actually the development site of Allwinner pointing on Chinese website are like dead but the essential of the design in 1Mbit of memory it allow you to put down file in micro-python, it respond from internal ftp and WiFi setting being accessible through the boot ? I think the next exercise is talking to it in a i2c interface to see if it can share information... 

So that part sometimes is all which is mistaken in uno r4 if this one will do like some spaced version in Arduino world where they can do python on a chip and C++/LUA on the other, I think it can probably own a cheap version of python in case but every little chip owning lesser than 1mbit of memory are sometimes exempted from this task. 

 So they sell you out back into, the get back the 5V tolerance , bigger memory. I do say , than a SAMD21 padded with level voltage translation , TXB0106PWR still equivalent if it not coming with a battery of things. Arduino BLE, SENSE, have some extra like 6 or 9 DOF MEMS chip, some a micro ; I think Arduino will have to popularize I2S interface to be a easy way to manage directly the audio from an mp3 decoder or radio-chip, RDA5807 is particularly small and offer an I2S output to FM radio chip. 


 Tell us than Minima version owning a big 9V battery because it stand in size of the sticker ; what you holding under the sticker. But since our government show future in lithium and advanced battery to officially buy or built alternative. But battery in the retail portal haven't lower so fast since he announce it. So do people had ask about power rather than memory ?

By the way, actually in the retail market, there is so many error toward translation and uses of wrong to appeal to a better definition, I can joke a bit over it tell you, word "Being" should stand in the paper itself hiding you ... Nothing ; here the correction. 

dimanche 11 juin 2023

TRUMP and his own faith, finally regret the system and law apparently corrupted !

 Had you "collusion-n-ate" it ? 

Being President of United State of America goes as well to change about it. You as "The system" you do have the power to go in abortion to prevent to weaken it or to aloud it ! 

For Expert like me developing an "Point-to-Point" Protocol to access in  a desired portion of time through the Internet, make your news like impossible to avoid and see all 380 millions of voters had this time expressed few years ago the will of owning you TRUMP as president; 50 millions of buyers loves Elvis and had push itself to death by loving him so much. Will the law will embrace you fully as our engine agree us you are apparently and entire Impeach and love it's song to push you to death too ? 

Here in Canada it's possible than we have bought out some fake news belong to your hands, it might fall into "Party hand" and communicate us this ...

You apparently second accusation will not only push you in accusation of the second amendment but it our English class we are also learning US Court are not giving Judgment that are useless. While you do had touch someone out of United State and do have respond to any possible Societal nomination may reserve to have and may impact in your accusation. Wright, in term falling into suicide or partial illnes will be easy for rich elite to eliminate a case like you where accused, US court is also ready to accuse a group on your behalf trying to produce an equivalent to castration her as well attempt to buy silence or simply promote activist to kill about here will all be reflected inside the next accusation. I my mind i goes in pair M. Nuyen Paul Ny and couple of "ming" inside it's name is a part of many group and affiliated with Trump counter border, there is also couple of outside Montreal video production that are tethered by and or Larry King Bill and it's similar image of Donald Trump, may had share other guiltiness around ... But it's up to CIA, and it's FBI to had catch couple of instrument dedicated to operation of the apparent women and are Animal based caplet to produce a somewhat feminine part out of a silicone based caplet dedicated for pork generating a vaginal ; As well animal injection of pork/veal apo-thyroidal in large volume so she can excess 300 lbs to be declared invalid and other silicon/TPE with pheromone of skunk, pock and veal to inject in private part for put her into captivity ; there is also the same for esthetic back for female dog that should be seize that size by weight to women at this time ; There some guiltiness for person that are already arrested purged women have using the Women ID to get the Anti-Depressor of her and verify if they are already taken or forced to introduced to force her to be wrapped and bring into Trump place and get an agreement or get kill by who know ; She listen to the so called advice so she can survive too.

 You know TRUMP, you are recorded behind a great republican picture back to you; This one had probably a better pricing if French Republican want to buy it out in a common sense of reflecting old Republican picture as old and fortunate as you appear to not represent behind your second in second accusation that will be stronger than Clinton aggression accusation and retrieved from Presidency avoiding Impeachment , while after this one you will be selected to be Impeach for real .

- And being declared twice death !