TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: décembre 2020


Iterpipes, Between Bash and Hash-bash

A library for running shell pipelines using shell-like syntax

Enables piping infinite streams through shell pipelines in Python

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Yet Another Comprehensive Content

Like, Young's modulus is a vibrating variation inside a solid... The times it take to respanw to an excess of energy is what molding apparence may look to not-so solid thing's... Like this Blog when adding content, the effor is like slapping it and the time it goes back, centered... we consider being more stable than usual...

mardi 15 décembre 2020

After Michel Rozon case, Does the Good aunt judge the bad aunt ?

 In some involvement, the so called Mme The Pandemic aunt does have an involvement as 'complice' inside Michel Rozon case. To find an alternative to get some extra from her personal interest in poking people face. She was apparently hired because the so called 'Ordre des Podologues', may admit people and excerse under their order, so conditionnally admitted in both 'Podologue', and a Make-up job to poke people face which dually introduce her to lie around and grab at people fear to instruct how to promote 'Picotine' as punishement at home... A big mistake for for pedophilic assault, the term "haunting at bed like Pandemist", make child-killer person as sex abuse assault using an artefact to profit from fake relievement and confirm emporwerment of the sex-assault to be a big criminal case.

To be Judged for many more than only 'haunting' at people, a worker out of the box I went, was harassed by her but She forget she was also accused on behalf of an external proof... Making people dumb to let a dumb person not having memory for a second attempt !

I Hope this idea is totally wrong, because over that case, some pretend holding people in hand with a paper to dertermine who is living or who is not toward a weird fact. Does it really remain some one in Ireland... Being totally acquire by the Crown, it should become a Pure Quarantine, and only because transporation are safe and whealty now !

vendredi 4 décembre 2020

And about the Omnia '\ˈˌȯm-nē-ä\' !

Omnia can ba a group, a name, or an Instrument.
As Grec , their names to express the full difinition, asking about "Oracle", stand to entity that open way between God like Zeus or any High level entity to provide an answer. Asking for an artefact, armor and or priest to be used to fight ancien and wisdom, we can ask about artefact from them and understand.  

And if the '\ˈˌȯm-nē-ä\' or  '\ˈȯm-nē-ä-ˈ\', (omnia) was an instrument !

From the latin sentences :
 'omnia vincit amor' it's definition :
 - "love conquers all"
 'omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis' it's definition :
 -"all things change, and we change with them"

 'Omnia mutantur, nihil interit' it's definition :
 - "everything changes, nothing perishes"

- Crafting the "Omnia", in fact if the video "Evitez les Arnaques", hold really my efforts, the rolling ' Ô Canada ' at the end stand for one of the most used Instrument and the most mashed, recycled, re-used. Used in the dedicated "Armin Van Buuren", song singed by a guy performer, This do own a complex set of exponential rolling-"Omnia" instrument that make thing rumble when music stard... A music not cited in the title because somes song inside A.T.R hold about [omnia], but one about love does'nt ? Did I tell 'omnia vincit amor'. But :

- "Love shine for us and all !"

So this video also own the prototype of the pure methodology created in it's simplicity in a lower level to let people understand how inventing a instrument is not simple, but long...

But my 'omnia' was initially modelled over a rotary speaker that mimic a piano, and shout send the sound when the speaker is in the front section to not ear like a missing tone with echo. And other effort inside the model to be 90 degree shifted to look like to a BBQ grill rotation and speaker can start from back, spinning to the front by turning up, and send the piano sound when it's in the front. To preserve the piano and transform it to it's old-rumble encarved music, it use something softer than metal to tinglate and do already make the sound intgriguing, Like it's not missing any of them anytime we crank the box and earing :

- ' Ô Canada '  !

Can re-using and re-using it, the theory of mixing really extend the composition of song but notes too. Do someone have to lie more about myself to vent about A.T.R. to itself sucess. I can add this was also thinked to be a green project. What's you're ?

jeudi 3 décembre 2020

Evitez les Arnaques, Good to see it still exist !

 Known to be published on my on compaq computer in mid'90, a Canadian publicity made with all the free software you can found on a 101 applications for Windows CD-ROM. And a bit of Sound Blaster Pro golden edition application. Where some multimedia composition existing to cast image in a good standard ready to push on an overlay TV, i can't even ask myself does they really take this and make some warning !

But the problem remain, How I can get this being pushed on Radio-Canada a 15h00, on december 3rd of this of this year 2020 ! Apparently the (FLV) never exist out of this compaq 486. Also this computer which was also used to run intensively ModTracker, Impulse Tracker, for something call VOLUME and itself should put around of 26 to 32Gb of Music with a Module-Tracker of less than 200Mb, and about composition of what, Linux 1.2.3 with a Tseng ET4000 with less than 1 Mo od memory, was problably used to start a hole somewhere ... Does the carrilon at the end sound familliar to A.T.R. ? Maybe.

mardi 1 décembre 2020

It's take only a lack of ethic to end miserably.

In face of a civil-role. Upon this, advocacy, and exceptionnaly notary does note about what you say. To testify it like you believe it should help whence it only help the Crown, the law, the republican toward this exhaustive American concession, to "Feu" Britain Carthis becoming the Civil Order, and toward Canadian reality.

Heard recently, Canadian are behind 2.7 Billions of doses or living in term of priority having this vaccin. Even if we have contributed. Some throw the fault on fact we accept help from china. While the problems remain in the way coronavirus or COVID-19 appear or see it.

In a new world definition, a bit early and before 1980, an important person "MAMA DIAMOUNY" the name is not spell correctly and because she just around the root of that pain, it does not require to add some precision. That person intrigued by England move from Haiti to there and got some study. Benefit from ressource to help Haiti she do cumulate some effort and do also browse against all Royal academy knowledge being Pandemic and do some local practice that end into mess. Belong to Crown statement which are similar to "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", she was throwed out and accused. Her 'Illness' to cause problem and here refusal to get relieve, she was docked back to Haiti. Between 1975-1980, American also investigate for a nominal cause to help getting the flavor for an Union holding the world, their investigation drive to not use anyone in America to promote republican for a weird fact, nobody can fit in a Pattern for that context and would never able to sustain about 50 years of story and hold theirs new set of Royalty-like effort to smell like the European story had... So they found the clumsy case of "MAMA DIAMOUNY", that require to be treated, judged and conclued to open a valuable effort to be granted to share alike Union-Fortune....
apparently a Military biased moldy notary-merchant-advocacy to prefer it's own house to everything else found a named "NefertitiNeferneferuaten" and myself of fews months, at this moment I am no more than 7 or 8 inch high. Apparently I should not be in her hand but I was. So the so called contract is to bring her in a convential jail to force to treat here. She was choosed not for a person to hold exactly Egyptian Queen, but for her strong health... What ever you say in the paper-story Nefertiti was also hold first patent because she draw down by scribble a methodology for Treating Pandemic by eradication of the environment, which is something that remains true otherelse.

Ok, It still unclear why someone not really liked chose a name Nefertiti, and should be aware in fact she was purging environment and story leave impression  like she was poisonning, killing family and bringging it back and still exist. Can be an effect like to impress "MAMA DIAMOUNY". In fact once found in Haiti she just follow Nefertiti, because Mme DIAMOUNY does held a fact, she want to show to gratest of this time he was able to bring PANDEMIC in pride of RICH SOCIETY money maker owning society... Holding important information from Royal Academy, she just fall appart and telling everything to something that look like an FOUNDER or ALPHA. Both used in literracy, sometimes American General Casimir Pulaski , does probably more like FOUNDER than title actually used and accepted. So Bring In USA, there is an unsual relation of some member of my family, at this moment where pure American and do have to leave to Canada, so Two persone hold the pandemitial "MAMA DIAMOUNY", "en route" to some place around Montreal where something land on a church and transformed into mall-and-church. One serious had created all the setup for holding her story like tell at the beginning, but the other memeber of the family just trap in all of "MAMA DIAMOUNY" story and do repeat all event require to proceed to Pandemic because she was believe bing in fashion to find out thing that "kick-ass".

In fact doinf this reduce the Canada to hold the formed knowledge cumuled from 1789 - today as holding excercices from Faraday from frog leg to all mutation made with simple things. It's approximately a Nightmare of Frankenstein. Since this storya dated to 1818, it's way out of reality and usually helding this term and telling thing like :

- "She was doing thing" like Frankenstein, you should listen at her she can change a person face, she can mimic diseases... The second person even accept to inject herself soft-vinegar to get weight and so one....

To derate this element, uses of vinegar by the Pandemic Aunt from previous blog, does this to itself and she was also hit to hand by a book for having not only poking me at night during kidgardenning, but spraying vinegar and inject a tiny amount of it...

The word before she get hit because I was close to them or in the tv-room. Does look like :

- I don't know which smell to use to make sense with it's plenty vinegar odor.

- In fact we have see the hoile and it can stand for a systemic reaction or having plenty of zit, Two year old, common are you trying to kill it...

-0nly to make it a bit bigger. I will do it bakc to an appropriate moment. And About the smelly looking, risin can be good.

- Youy are not listen to me I already say this baby was injected with "rhumano retro tetanoid" or I will never be able to get it out of the hospital and nobody will see it, but result may be to leave it here, it's apparently softer thant letting nursing smoking the weed reserved for it's cure...

- Or simply more vinegar, like vinegar and potato...

- In fact you are here to never come back because you will promise it, and I told you this baby should get intake of thorium nitrate instead of water-verlain, acetic acid... You will Promise and I tell you here why it's important to listen you are accused of attempt to murder this baby.

- But "MAMA DIAMOUNY" tell until she barely get confirmation of Cecespedia 1st legal owner of This republic and it's son Pulaski were killed by hand of Nefertiti, and "DIAMOUNY" says if they are killing each other why not making experiment with...

- You Know Hitler was out of "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", and we did going higher in the level of commitment accused because refer to Act and related to religion this one come first in liberty of practising.

- You not let me practicing, this baby is too cute to be it should be ugly like all of us... In fact all baby in the place should get new wrinkle with my idea...

- And, BANG !!!! with a dictionarry of 700 pages on her hand, because she was posing hand on table and say :
- I tell you for real we can look back to old Irish man sick from Irish famines, we do descent from and we are puny and should look back as ugly as they look.

After being hit she promise to never come back and the good aunt hold adoption title of myself have added.

The other guy you believe to help you will only put you on hand what we really have to give to this baby to get it well. This baby is growing and it's not because you never saw baby growing they can be old and thinking...

- Thinking this is just shit and leave...

So here another description of that Aunt that follow all rules of a nobody and carry trace of COVID-19 as inter-genetically constrainned by an old Pandemitial bite that swim in acid warter (acidified) and may sustain life in human body like host but propagating like fibrous nerve and developping and end of the fibosys formation and you can get theses insects leaving your breath, your ass. Exceptionnaly having one leaving by the eyes, ear, you will become blind, deaf... And supress antibody relatively fast...

Once explained some are simply forbidden to enclose her, might stand in important fault she make and having the chance to get her alive if we do regret some trial out of China.

- This is REASON FIRST REASON to think we should wait to be the last. Canada have important amount of protected heade. Myself, Gandi and many other big head. You can even believe seeing in the same days in a bicycle in downtown to Beaubien Level you can see person like Poutine that left for seriously being afraid of what russia had become, while it's more disciples of Dalai Lama you can see he still present to Canada days. We do hosting cause I think. It's totally normal than artist and puny consummer and at least Amercan accused to rethrown things that never have to move, to be the greedy in the story.

This information coming here after comparing FBN Morpheus account holding 4 Gazillions, Nefertiti have really exist in name having such locked amount. Trump and Lawyer did in front of Republican a story of possible threat, the picture out of Royal Academy speak and adopt the reality ; Alpha and long standing and Gazillion still stand together. So she buy American Catalog and disguish the biased-leverage economy down into expanding the American Catalog and promise to lower everything. It should exist a descendant of that but in the way it was crafted. But Nefertiti was so happy she was ready to process to it's sacrifice, and giving one of my hand to American... And It's not a joke...
To top down a bit about a law and is definition, and from how far we can follow such important Law because they are fundamental.

- Hitler was overpassing it, my Aunt but simple law and fundamental do require to start from far or else are we are really like my aunt and prefer to use a plan used to destroy High and Rich society, but it's just the definition of the artefact, I'm doing zit, poke, fake sharp, weird growing thing on skin and I sucessfully register to Podologue to charge people or that... Hey an american classic inscription form and Republican approved methodology. Not reading the act and practicing in the face all the shit you did over severals person while you do should worry about Feet.

- Did I told to enter by infraction and start screening feet with cutips to ensure my foot-athletes come back... Like the inverse of currying ...

Sometimes I should study much more the definition of "synthetic human", because she just hit as way that you can not consider everything done over century to help us living confortely, nope you bring a end with this tub...

Not understand law, here some example why we should not start over, everything was already made peopel had just forget.

- The "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" a french and near universal act is created in 1789. Believe or not but at this time Michael Faraday born in 1791, 2 year after the act.
This guys is FAMOUS Like TESLA, but remain more important because he invent the Farady scale. The electric capacity and do know about di-electric constant. Putting M. Faraday with a time machine back out of today time will simply draw carbon-capacitor on Arduino mother like I do. He will simply fit in the day-to-day. Some a Civilized since the beginning while some don't. Apparently Autochthon out of new land discovery where also more civilised than calvinist persecutor's

And some tell they aren't made to live in our civilized world and prefer spreading diseases and Pandemic playing with "fauve grill", "tic grill" and believe we are such copy-paste of an old family book, that we should close ur mounth during some are painting your face to make you ugly forever... That a real problem in human perception, we have apparently stand in well form because such law where enforcing about everything that make this world  delicate.

But at the period Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu end over feudal nobility, and calvinist from this time were counter-border Britain and French and may akin be the real root of Crown and it's. It's cute you tell them about an artefact to hold their name but in fact you are alied with thoses to end them over... Were critized but it end in this act "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen".  

Here 5 statement of this act, she BROKE ALL OF THEM .
These statements was read ou to this faulty aunt and only complain about not doing history again...

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

Article I – Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good.

- poking, injection, test and I'm unique

Article II – The goal of any political association is the conservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, safety and resistance against oppression.

- association with "MAMA DIAMOUNY" was already declared by Crown as dangerous, Britain does kept her from were she was, moving here is like suicide.

Article III – The principle of any sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation. No body, no individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.
- Re-using an Republican act to make wrong thing, to make people sick instead of well, and applying economic charge. Using money is not only penny in hand it's a Law and enforcement of everything economically viable is protectable. But her... baffling to everything.

Article IV – Liberty consists of doing anything which does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has only those borders which assure other members of the society the fruition of these same rights. These borders can be determined only by the law.

- It does cause zit, narcolepsy. Using Silicon pan will simply irritate my hupper hips, because she was using fugilique acid with it's special blend. She always look at me and asking : "How can you run, I made this indian shirt draw on you to make you suffer enought to not run at all. Don't you feel like a round comb inside your back-side upper hip ", that hurt... In fact all irritation simple require uses of liquid-tylenol-gelcap but forever... So I'm not well but lasting...

Article V – The law has the right to forbid only actions harmful to society. Anything which is not forbidden by the law cannot be impeded, and no one can be constrained to do what it does not order.

- Both Trump and her, what it is written on this tube of fusilique-acid, first prescribed by doctor and on the tube itself all the couter action is explained. And because it is carciogenic and dangerous for sea-life, covering part and body are simply forbidden.

I can also add everything this aunt is try to do, like convincing my brother to offer a "pot-of-wine" to my friend holding picture proof. To be so essential, my friend also is a NOTARY, so I may probably read some day, my brother had try to buy a LAWYER. Cathy broking the screen of the neo-geo ( daughter of the aunt ) were following that friend and broke the screen. To reply it's already send and you hit one of them now.... You do believe we this year my aunt was hooking to her iPad, got escaped by the enforcement. But she really ready personal email and try to convince me to help her, while you tieft at personal information get of I am pushing you by pretending it's related to version of your mail, but kept your information for your own and you should be able to .

In fact. Husband of Cathy had grad her and say, YOUR mom went to far, had you see me how fat I am since she inject something in my back, to look at you how fat you are stop that your ill like her...It's approximately that but it's far and so simple the way resumed by the source it could be only face regard and stand in my friend is going to be not only rich with that but will finally get all the console he want...

- But basically Trump is and will remain the startup-thing to start the hell and well above, to merit Martial court and the rest... Ceremony of a death clumsy poker-guys.