After, some tuning the application can even work on citrix server, having a buffy look or with big scroll-bar and big button the application can be use on citrix side and can recognized the windows and all button and field...
But was initially served to type at the place of the caller... Client had problems to insert a password and tell us he did and the login screen lock... A Remote session to it's desk and paste the password inside the sender-windows and transmit everything...
People having AS400 emulator or terminal had problems to acces to a specific place or are newbies to acces to a section within it's application, pasting information like `{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}a_key{ALTUP}{CTRLUP}` acting fine on client side to enable client doing a CTRL-ALT + a_key... I suppose Videotron Client Services side should agree SGA can answer well doing automatic key sending to compete with actual key-pad on the left side... But the tools is available in .au3 source and compiled for Windows XP/7 .
The first source is on, AutoMath-ASE / ControlQueryText section and soon under my ...
X | Text may contains errors, syntax errors or lexical error... |
X | Now with SpellChecking and Editable text. Up to you to get something correct. |
1 No Interest 2 Somewhat good 3 Good 4 Special.