TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: septembre 2013


Iterpipes, Between Bash and Hash-bash

A library for running shell pipelines using shell-like syntax

Enables piping infinite streams through shell pipelines in Python

xhtml-css Bivalidator

Check your markup and style validity


Just type or paste an URL in the form above, and click on "check it" to see the magic. If you want to fine tune your validation, click on the "advanced" link. That's it!

Yet Another Comprehensive Content

Like, Young's modulus is a vibrating variation inside a solid... The times it take to respanw to an excess of energy is what molding apparence may look to not-so solid thing's... Like this Blog when adding content, the effor is like slapping it and the time it goes back, centered... we consider being more stable than usual...

lundi 30 septembre 2013

The Irakian Karim Case, not even part of a Rho factor of discordance and conflicts

Karim is an Irakian,

Meeted his wife here in Québec, working in Laval region he had a good life with his wife... Might have some sort of ancestry behind Muslim, he had study enough to understand all action are not Religious action and all status in a society is not devoted to be challenged by Muslim faith...

Karim had a wife with friend, who one day bring a friend really endocrined in many way inside same Muslim, and also help her hiding more than only religion... His wife bring the friend at home and discus with them and see friend's wife under another eyes... Wife friend just hiding herself and having lot to hide be cause she doing Illegal thing under this role of Muslim faith...

His wife ask to offend and even injurie the wife's friend after hearing what she is gulty of...

Karim speak honestly,
- I won't leave my faith for and offend any of you or her, but there is something existing here... Divorce and Psychiatric help were I should call them instead...

Might Karim will continue to practice his faith in this way because at this moment, understanding what is a Rho factor of discordance imply dismissing action of two and even more cause ( called theta of discordance ) ; Exercising a role of not entering in this realm help him to concentrate himself on real fact.

Why Karim not really doing a Rheault-Etccy Analysis today, he's doing great to communicate people hiding themself under ostentatious artefact...


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vendredi 27 septembre 2013

ControlQueryText, an AutoIT application freely distributed on, aka National Bank Auto-Copy-Paster between apps.

ControlQueryApps was merely designed In-wall inside IBM tower from 1360 René-Levesque West. While I was in formation with M.Dagobert trainner and Supervisor for DDH and merely hidden Recovery center gossip made from Old tools left from National Bank, pretending desserving «Itinerant » Immo-Mortgage like Director ( while it kinda 3rd party investor and almost Mafia-Assets being calling every day)... I was waiting for him, being absent for a full day and having no plug to connect my laptop offered by IBM, Kelly-Services and National Bank, My T-60 was used to craft an AutoIT application to enhance experience of getting informations from a sheet or an application and pasting to the other one... Application Like Citrix application respond not so well from ControlQuery or plain IDL-code to talk to a Windows componnent, the best way is to access to the Whole windows and paste the information.

After, some tuning the application can even work on citrix server, having a buffy look or with big scroll-bar and big button the application can be use on citrix side and can recognized the windows and all button and field...

But was initially served to type at the place of the caller... Client had problems to insert a password and tell us he did and the login screen lock... A Remote session to it's desk and paste the password inside the sender-windows and transmit everything...

People having AS400 emulator or terminal had problems to acces to a specific place or are newbies to acces to a section within it's application, pasting information like `{CTRLDOWN}{ALTDOWN}a_key{ALTUP}{CTRLUP}` acting fine on client side to enable client doing a CTRL-ALT + a_key... I suppose Videotron Client Services side should agree SGA can answer well doing automatic key sending to compete with actual key-pad on the left side... But the tools is available in .au3 source and compiled for Windows XP/7 .

The first source is on, AutoMath-ASE / ControlQueryText section and soon under my ... 

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mercredi 25 septembre 2013

Falstad, antenna and Quad-voltage multiplier not giving correct answer.

Quite amazing , using a simple antenna of 0.2v, even a weak LED giving almost same voltage and 4 times quadruple voltage multiplier with Inductor binded like following schema, 100mH, 300mH, 500mH, 700mH or 1mH,3mH,5mH,7mH giving a voltage output of 11 to 21 volts... Might be the antenna bug recently erased from Boffin re-writing the code and not publishing correct observation:

By the way it's the falstad circuit simualtor, The 555-square wave oscillator work well in real-life ( I mean punching circuit on white board or soldering it... ). While it suppose to be binded the aneutronics corridor I'm building this cause me some question about inserting random variation inside a schema... The Amplifier class-D is just amazing and fuzzy something should come out of this...

Those have old Enenco MX-507, MX-6xx and MX-907 the big suite-cage to punch wire like we playing battle-war game is just like old read I found and try newbies things ... Cheaper than buying the oscillator, the monitor and ...

While some may forget, aneutronics reaction in electric schema always happen close to high-voltage region... But this one uses the Thorium to ensure a spreading of alpha-ray coming from the replacement of tantalum capacitor, it more jumping the action I'm looking for...

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lundi 23 septembre 2013

Oups, The AME 2012 Atomic Mass Evalutation fall in my Hand...

 I don't know what Zantagor, a real fanatic of Japanese / Chinese games told me about the Word Downloading in Japanese, but during I was looking to update data toward my Python module names NuclearMassTable from masstable having a lot of inexact information behind, but this PDF just fall in my hand when I was trying to seek for a document from , which is the type of hack-site not made to be KANJI-prone and backend still in english...

The AME2012 Atomic Mass Evaluation

Some content in Image.. Sorry my ImagePathDesign is not ready, but orcad give about perfect conversion and PDF2DJVU seems to work fine with...

Few example about the content :

Units; recalibration of α- and γ-ray energies

Atomic mass determination for a particular nuclide can be generally performed by establishing an energy relation between the mass we want to deduce and that for a well known nuclide. This energy relation is then expressed in electron-volts (eV). Mass values can also be obtained as an inertial mass from the movement characteristics of an ionized atom in an electro-magnetic field. The mass, is
then derived from a ratio of masses and it is then expressed in ‘unified atomic mass’ (u). Those two units are used in the present work.

The mass unit is defined, since 1960, as one twelfth of the mass of one free atom of carbon-12 in its atomic and nuclear ground states, 1 u = M(12 C)/12. Before 1960, two mass units were used: the physics one, defined as of nucleons in a molecule, at least as it is presently used in these domains. It is thus not strictly the same as ‘u’. The unit for energy is the electron-volt. Until the end
of last century, the relative precision of M −A expressed in keV was for several nuclides less accurate than the same quantity expressed in mass units. The choice of the volt for the energy unit (the electronvolt) is not unambiguous.
For example, one may use the international volt V, but other can choose the volt V90 as maintained in national metrology laboratories and defined by adopting an exact value for the constant (2e/h) in the relation between fre-
quency and voltage in the Josephson effect. Since 1990, by definition 2e/h = 483597.9 (exact) GHz/V90 (see Table B). Already in 1983, an analysis by Cohen and Wap-stra [16] showed that all precision measurements of re-action and decay energies were calibrated in such a way that they can be more accurately expressed in maintained volt. Also, as seen in Table A, the precision of the con-
version factor between mass units and maintained volt (V90 ) is more accurate than that between the former and international volt. In fact, the accuracy is so high that the relative precision of M − A expressed in eV90 is the
same as that expressed in mass units. For example, the mass excess of 4 He is 2 603 254.13±0.06 nu in mass units, 2 424 915.63±0.06 eV90 in maintained volt units and 2 424 915.78±0.08 eV in international volt units. Due to the increase of precision, the relative precision of MA expressed in keV90 is as good as the same quantity ex-pressed in mass units, whereas the uncertainties expressed
in international volts are larger than in V90 . Therefore, as already adopted in our previous mass evaluations, the V90 (maintained volt) unit is used in the present work. In the most recent (2012) evaluation by Mohr et al.
[13], the relation between maintained and international volts is given as V90 =[1+6.3(2.2)×10−8 ]V, that could be expressed as a difference of 63(22) ppb.
In Table A the relations between maintained and international volts, and several constants of interest, obtained from the evaluation of Mohr et al. [13] are given. Given also are the ratio of mass units to electronvolts for the two...

Now where is the feed to get data-calibration inside my engine !!!

- And what's magic with the Volume II of The AME2012 Atomic mass evaluation, is the page 232 with the Ds element having a graph with Two-neutron separation Energies N=142 to 165, the Ds-269 - Ds-275 had data which is merely impossible with actual technology.. see the graph

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Society is aging...

After filling some job-research report, this the type of banner we had... Are we are there... In fact, Alzheimer's disease affecting a persone deprivate themself of clicking on this bannner. Already affected by this, you should be found playing a simple game, not strong and repetively...  Assuming filling request after feeding this engine shall give you more information about what you will not click...

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dimanche 22 septembre 2013

It's a Sixth-Grade error reported...

Not as old as a young teeneager, they always told to me... You are everywhere, I have to change something in a book to let it stay here...

called JF effect, do someone like «pizzazz»

Coming from WxPython, it's a bad press for Reader Digest... Manning getting the book we don't know why the error persist !!!

... No it's not Turd I left behind me, but skittles... or smarties...

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Thoses can remember the sc2reader, sc2factory, the double-for test and not tripple-for from prettyPrinter

The sc2reader Was merely a prototype, or even beta, where a Mister Houle can say I'm spending my time on jobs doing readthedocs and developping more example ... We kindly benefit from him having a Stud-avatar for stud module... Both were in prototype around 1994-1995 before I own an overdrive being able to test at least Metal Warrior that work only a bit...

Some may agree after downloading the python version 2.3 it was a pain in the ass by follower having conviction we can surpass actual coders-works by reluking inside developpers stuff and find way to replay Starcraft II replay...

If fact it does but after seeing me doing the copy and paste to see if we can can get at least player involved inside the replay, some may find it wearying of doing the coders playing extracting by hand such information... Turning his feet to coding and loading his popular Fighting, and piloting and seeing video from it's Epic Orin Games (...) we are at least 2 years before this family exchange this person after conceding having a problems with his mobility which was already see in it's personality to failed  to wake up from itself having a exta-doses of radiation like a character from it's epic story ...

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samedi 21 septembre 2013

The Alterable About is underway...

Having clonclude yesterday in late hour before Today, recrafting masstable that lot of error in masstable report coming from pypi documentation and example ; By doing a self recraft of this engine named nuclearmasstable and extracting data not from textfile but directly from web ( National Nuclear Data Center ), I just end up doing a clever engine with restructured text extractor, extracting topic it's simple and Pythonnist know to have a lot of automatic tools where we do not care about facility to change content... Masstable is one example to show how crutial an experiment may fail having suche inequity and lack of certification relying on engine without hardening data to handle...

While doing the other module, aim to get challenged about a tool where we can change the About field without problems is the tools coming directly from this nuclearmasstable module under analysis...

I do have heard by the past around 1998, a group working for Succ BNC from Matane accessing to Information based on time-de-jitteration and talking about this project... What should I said about current one being the ODBC/JDBC...

Noticed about her ( Ass. Director of Matane Succ ), date concording and we should'nt talk about present things... Really... It suppose to fall on Barreau du Québec hand and it a bit more appealing than talking about a widget available in future for the WX module not being ready after 2002, stable is the word...

So, Everybody can change the Readme.rst and putting a lot of «mess» inside the About section and being reflected inside the tools. It's the definition of OpenSource application, let you feel free to work with messy stuff it's on your computer at least and not the repository.... Unless you get access or password from the Administrator to access to my account, can be considered like messing and really messing a project...

New NuclearMassTable project to make term in weak-design of masstable:

ImagePathDesign, tools to own OCR management.

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vendredi 20 septembre 2013

M.Karl Rheault.Etccy, a Poison ratio in Internet Recruiting.

After compiling weekly Bulletins and daily Job-Offer, a wide open economic systems labeled «Free to Submit» does not mean «Responsability to hire».

Hardening the case a bit higher, event « Emplois du Québec » hold precedent and lot of false recruiter, was bring in psychiatric analysis after having a consensus around 1989 and Impossibility to sustain a Network based recruitment engine after a showroom from «Psychiatre and Psychologue du Québec coloc» show this following information

- Our potential observer can and will uses following technique to drown potential candidate and reducing change for him having a good life and good work.
 - Tools like CV maker like website making automatic CV, creating virtual profile and changing names and adding General informations render impossible for someone validating an excess of « Postulant » in a decent time.
- Uses of irrational job offering lead to discourage « postulant » and prefer to leave the domain and work for something simpler if it's not falling on psychologist / psychiatric help to automatically being sustained by Social Help.

We are far from its:
- just pleasant to look to your new C.V. or resume...

After all analyzing a Financial group that merely exist, it uses Generic term like
plateform SARAGA and plateform SARACLOU for Network Administer offering support for desk ...

- While after meeting a personal case wasting case of CAIIR member around a internet connection not working and showing them an offer create by herself, showing or asking to show more information about plateform SARAGA and/or SARACLOU she just open google and showing us the amount of hint about this platforme, while it was only many copies in many JobSite offert with her offer...

Cant be more omni-present and wasteful like publicity having a person asking to profesionnal to see what she only giving us as Basic-showing example...

So Internally, they keep working on this, hiring teacher teaching method to create rational Offer and asking to not pollute real Jobsite offer, they caught somes some times, not to Mention M.Bourget from Collège Rosemont which was always a question about.

- It's jobs out of any group and concern should to caught people on act or after act... Having lot of hacker lying around and person like exposed case to relieve from psychiatric penalty  and being re-inserted and constating she doing all the same error all over again or this guys is really Drinking jasmin tea and teaching whenever whats happenning around him...

Hope he was surprising with my JDBC connector on it's MAC to open a ODBC database in a unexpected-time where Java was only 3 or 4 years old in maturity and already Job offert asking for 10 years of Java knowledge...

- Question of Poison ratio !

- While we are informed we have to be realistic with offer, we are even instructed to continue to submit to higher criteron like previous one... Maybe after they asking to Own potential to own 10 years in knowledge with them... Not really, it's hoaxing techniques by owning candidate wise informations...

Having mega-portal like, Videotron Taleo, Desjardins Taleo, even being a master Widget for American side, Event McDonalds owning offer on TalentExchange while the average worker can at least have the internet and will probably uses it to listen TV, or Internet movie like Netflix not to fill CV on ...

Their portals will also have major discrimant and will eliminate canditate with some mail like
 - Your postulation can be accepted.
 - You were rejected by the offer.
 -Missing criterion we will send you other offer

Might depend from unknow poison ratio which should be telled to governement, rather than falling on Psy. asking to fall on social help, a Governement will probably have to inform they will closes JobSite and recruit-engine if they are not committing with a real ratio of loosed profile and wrongly misleading candidate...

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jeudi 19 septembre 2013

In late 90,, I may had communicate to R.-C. the GrandMa Doctor in vacation @Porter...

She was really beloved Grandma... I was present during a visit in St-Luc hospital and having my grand-mother suffering from hips pain, loosing a lot of calcium from drugs she taking... Late after it stay in my mind and I may communicate to Radio-Canada a Fact about this St-Luc visit... The first time M.Couillard to see me after asking to my grand-mother.

- And who is the Alien...

- She answer in English,
- The white-one
- They are all white...
- I mean blond one...

So the background being this story is for a possible broken bone and she page, and page she was really suffering and be setup in priority for an operation to hips, this guys was in vacation at Porter...

It may happen something else, human love mixing multiples action and event altogether...

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I smell the need to own a Spade !!!

I smell the need to own a Spade... I smell all that misery falling from the sky...


Or it's only overdoses of «Murder on 21th street » !!!

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mardi 17 septembre 2013

@End 2013, Madame Renata should give her Advice on terminaison of Embrosia Colony.

It's a signal travelling at the speed of light, coupled with Thorium Bar (Rhode ) merely similar to FM Transmitter, this one use Thorium or stable Uranium and receive dissoluted-signal and recombining itself after crossing few nanometer out of the Thorium Bar... This recombined signal merely similar to travelling at speed of light with worm-hole into «Big-H-Bar corridor transition » method a dissoluted signal recombine itself into magnetic variation causing high amplitudinal signal, the tiniest wave-range know lying around 10-20 Ghz... Almost why our technology beneath within range of 1- 20 Ghz in frequency and should overlaps over 100Ghz out of Beaconnian recombining protocols merely similar to DCF77 German NTP clock or Japaneses Radio Local Clock. 

It's like magic, we can communicate almost in real-time as far as 60 light-year away in real time... Keeping communication bridge in real-time and repositoring the whole internet in a week or a day, because Decay in dissolution is the Equal amount of energy spread, having move alpha-decay, will only mean transferring to an higher  rate... 

This is also just an importan message and and also the based broadband existing around all FM,AM,QAM transmitter that might be affected and being receiving  in same time... Around 1984-1985 we shall had a hack like this hearing all the same messages ( We are now leaving this broaden space and ... ). It easier on their side to enlarge a communication field than our to focus on Beaconnian dissolution/re-solution because we have to use acute uses of Nuclear energy and rdiant envirronement to control as simply as few nanometer wide coridor to change status of some lepton of actual remaining mater existing in this corridor and thus will recover from it's status way far, or far far away creating a signal with high amplitude... Caveat or not it's probably between feeling something becoming cracly while it shoud be bouncing and Something more elastic than usual while it should be weak and had not elasticity this apparatus just went out of idea of living million kilometer away and always calling mom for souper....

- Sorry Mom, I can be home tonight, i'm Still stuck here in Embrossia... 

And the message... It was already know and shall be only a remainder... This technique was not always existing and they should know it have some weakness... But interressed one might wage around Nova-Scotia stone-cave and find some-one intriguing asking about this beaconnian technique, shall be mastered by mankind from Embrossia ??? 

But the device, what can calculate such interleave between the receiver and the source acknowledging it might had communication pathway around all nuclear coumpound...

- First are we are only the only one nation had such-down permanently a nuclear reactor... Can Becancourt can interfer... Can Uranium nuclear reactor are only Oxygen spontaneous-combustion from Uranium producing Energy ?

- Which the only one precise light doing that ? Oxygen-Iode Based laser, A continuous pulse only last less than 30 secondes, so might had such type of uses 1/20 Ghz can be appropriate pulse duration !

-Basing this point view around annihilating Oxygen combustion can be a way to preserve some status in matter, Solid, liquid or O2 / O3 transition ; Around Uranium combustion in a safe widget...

Another After-fact, if this setup run a the speed of light, can the Oxygen-Iode based laser had to age or depleted ? It's suppose to be carried by energy equivalent to light and while traveling at speed of light, it's instant and there is no moment where the Oxygen-Iode Laser can broke, because there is no movement between the pathway fixed... Even us can't really move and according to some reference, travelling higher than 40% of speed of light our brain start flicking and stop transmitting information because there is not enough light particule present to reflect anything... Thus mean at this speed or in a magnet in levitation in a laser and mirror can produce light and reflection but will only capture or bouncing external light where in this case can carry exotic transfert and might damage a Oxygen-Iode based laser...

But probably not to tell you travelling at speed of light is like closing and opening eyes over 60 years of distance in a fraction... In fact we do not need to eat, to wait it's instant.

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vendredi 13 septembre 2013

Belong to Law, I sould not work One and even Two times.... Under Protection ...

Well, This being confirmed,

I should not work for One and Two more reason... still waiting some-one to protect me because, being under-fire and/or present during such Third party know to be managed By Mme Beaucage ( responsible of managing Dark avenue and Mad house where fraud are prolifering ). Seeing here Once and receiving a comment like :

- You should leave or law should keep you working.
- Seeing such amount of illegality in 2006-2006 with Synergie Contact inc being poised by testing the OAuth factory  implementation.

- This Mechanism is good in some way, Asking to reset a password does not mean you will have to change it. And Correctly setuped inside Clever infrastructure, let people calling to much secur place to allow a password reset being done properly... A Real-real Clever infrastructure also allowing to do a call over the secure place only inside a secure infrastructure preventign uses of cell and PBX-Transfert ...

Some client also call-us at IBM and National Bank saying sometimes ;
- Why we are falling on Geek Squad number .
 - In fact it was setuped like this only private place should have to acces Here to National Bank password manager...

- While Some wicked traffic the Squad-Line to fall on National Bank directly and this called a PBX-Transfert from a menu... Somes are continuing to ask for Azdine to help them configuring a Box... Not yet still purging sentences for phone-traffic into legal place...

- However this guys can be sollicited by law to come back on work and seeing place like IBM and CNC if they are safe...
  - Easy Mister you wait until some from Bassel Maf... call you and offer you the same jobs, all line are monitored and your is exclusively linked to police....

Some Other guys being first hand in squashing windows, openning doors was here about 4 weeks not more, I think he had the time to make dozen of tickets...

- The poison-ill guys, Alami is Great to poison someone more than 2 times with Tatline inside a 7up or Pepsi... Wait a minute, I'm the poisoned one...
 - This recipe lead to understand Alami talk, using Auto-key every words is ciphered with Alami... Good to see there is 1 out 5 letter being aligned with 5 letter ciphering and can be understood without writing down what he says...

- What about Lenovo computer... Laughting so loud I have no choice to get out of reunion room to not stop laughing for 30 seconds... Bad side of getting a slurp of pepsi and taltline, know as white-spirit... 

-Another one, Marius Boroley is probably the one informing the Polish-Group i'm a bit more radio-active than previously tought ... How you can keep a body Eternal if you can not spread Your energy beyond normal limit...

So Meeting Mme Beaucage in Synergie-Contact in 2006-2007, In National-Bank First Edge Implenmentation of password management from Third party in 2010-2012 , is like being more than a survivor, usually you died one or more than one time and waking you in hospital... Being poised, drugged, punched by one of the actor in the group... The only one thing I did not participate with them is going to a 5 to 7 after the job... How many crap I can get from a bunch like that...

So I should receive something some day like Mediation because I'm not guilty for working in a plan, Or Law let me free to behave because i'm un-stoppable .

The rest behave between Federalist subventionning all this blocking me to come back to work...

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Python SSOClient from National Bank/FBN and Third party connection API available on PYPI.

While the most important Web Framework being Vignette 7 and beyond, this engine work in their world. Their world is an internal Network Between IBM and some Canadian provider. Lying between layer 4.x.x.x and 10.x.x.x, it start to move to independant network and start it's entry thru Wordlcom and AllStream, and Bell affiliate as well.

Out of this network, it start merely to had problems to manage Name resolution and acces. It was seen by myself to change the resolution file to let Beta version of Vignette for CGI contractor had problems to knee on changing it's resolution file name available on Windows XP, Windows 2k, Windows 7... And Sometimes they call their « own Squad Team » to resolve problems like this... Vignette 7 work perfectly if your network own an FBN machine hooked to a VPN to Possible IBM Mulder gateway of FBN canned network. Until it comes the OAuth1 authentification realm where it's a layer between a Bigger infractructure and the WEB.

In many case it's Self programmed Layer, but can be associate with LDAP server and Now some application only dependant of LDAP might hold on OAuth1 know to be SSOClient . Initially managed by CGI consultant Painting a faint glue between SharePoint and Web framework, it was possible to live with Possibility to Access to a Disk or mapped Drive thru Internet Explorer.

In late 2003, tested by volunteer in some company it lack Browser support to depend on Internet Explore SSL layer until OAuth TLS become more understood by CGI consultant and start to migrate a wide range of Browser to acces to a SharePoint Access Storage Solution (Initially SASS, become Storage Solution & Orginizer, SSO). Where it's only the LDAP more frequently asked operation being done by an apps.

Python SSO Client (Oauth1) authentification Engine.

The day they will support A logging function to this they will catch all Evil Scumm using the SSO Layer from Beta-version available Internally since a while and Ajilon might dipping more thant previously tought .

Sorry, for this, even working 2 years with them, the corrupted group had all fake name and seems to be a little bit more encrypted on my Tree-lines files, but remaining about 20 or so persons using the Layer to crack password.

Personally, it was a master in Remote-Services manager and being really implanted in FBN network, I do not understand their act...  

Personally, after hearing a Brother from a big kingdom from Africa/Middle-East in run and living here in Québec, couple of stroke away inside a ds-query application and I fall on the same name. A old group inside ss300 not active anymore holding about 21 or 25 member ... Still doubtful, this group was active between 2005-2007 While I was doing Tech-support for videotron and National-Bank at the same time... How clumsy Azdine did a call re-routing... enought to present videotron greeting and National Bank at the same-times... If it was not the same group pretending being any person at the bank... But unfortunately, no name from this moment had remember about me...

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samedi 7 septembre 2013

Fnct.D Cover with Colophon Explained.

It's the latest cover made to start creating a per-title book and resStructuredText from GitHub...

Sure it wont be part of O'Reilly, Pocket Reference, but it take couples of hours crafting it from Web-scratch and SVG vector handling... 

The Colophon Explained:

- Simple Homo-Sapiens on cover, attempted to launch a craft way far in space without having more information where it should go and why it should go ... Here... 

All The times, O'Reilly drawer take old ugly animals on theirs cover... Having doubt on how many lift, face lifting, body shaping they had before I appear in this world, but they should consider them ugly to suffer enough to be part of another twinkling... 



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XAn Alien open-up Explorer-2 shuttle and see this, on a plate, can he consider this an offence ???

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