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Like Pauline Marois we do share problematic interaction with recidivist activities of well known descendant of 'Mad House' resident of Taylor effort ... The one who provide the money to Tesla to make itself great as well, and itself so fortunate to turn into madness, Taylor story at Bareau will eventually tell more but historical truth is the mean.
Recidivist of quasi lethal action where expert confirm illness into mental illness are falling apart and sometime forgeted. That's also the family story to let forget and people pretend to make apart.
But it's expert case against civil-hand signature to retrieve them temporary. In case of harassing people for specific reason like for Pauline Marois case for hate against women at the power.
So you do get the point why a WOMEN WITH ALL THE MONEY AT THE POWER can only bring another recidivist doing the same. I do stay in medical problem avoiding myself seiing myself as LBGTQ2+ because it madness initiated fault of my father believing NICOLE RIENDEAU help to turn myself into boy, but boy-bean first...
Let describe the artifact of guiltiness through NICOLE RIENDEAU-GIROUX to constantly get out of her internement through my mother, father, brother and brother-wive signature to pluck her out some times in even in a place with her name on cough, fridge and place where she also have found her loosing her self-administrative power she just fake to own.
- Through this she also want back another attempt to reproduce a 'boy-bean' activities which is the psychiatric illness she was intern for. Monique Tremble was apparently the Psychiatric responsible for ...
My haunt, just having time to make another 'boy bean' and filling me out of what she calling earth in my private part. She got accused also for second and third time doing it on baby around. The third can only be baby of Karl and Myriam where my brother and her wive to continue to claim not having mixing NICOLE RIENDEAU with presence of the baby for changing diaper ; she was already interned for doing this on me but side effect like monkey variole in defective state can be found on her baby too.
So it strongly possible that all the money should help any case as long I am not out of medical protection for having right to invest in myself being what I should really look like out of a boy in error for having hard life and parent refusing my absence of testosterone even around 40 years old is strainding them to be anothe madness and illness to apologize but should be interned as well . I do promise this for my father too to believe NICOLE RIENDEAU-GIROUX. And you do have to consider than Natalie Roy do protect myself too out of all this, including invention, paradox, and much more. So I will not remove it upon you all cited exclusivity to Natalie because she had to be thank for all this protection.
It's Working
This little 7$ CAN and a bit lower if you found it with free shipping. Just Get it for all linux user and Mac as well. It may encounter few problems on Windows. It's cdc-acm emulation of USB connection make it invisible to big block reserved on Windows for apparent devices working on same design , in the same fashion ; either can be your personal printer or simply your too big camera which tend to be affordable to build your own webcam using esp32 as this gizmos is another successor core out of four of them, esp32s2 is a 4 Megabyte core.  Like few minor point with less memory than its esp32 previous members in 1 and 2 Megabyte, 320 KB against 520 KB for esp32 original family. Does it include the same specs for the A9G offer in esp32 autonomous MCU for driving a quad band, GPS and GPRS working on cellular network, it should come with bluetooth were esp32s2 had fall to remove them options like theses. It have T.O.F Time of Flight which is equivalent to your Helix tele-command that shine during it's transportation, apparently owning RMT (remote control),and more touch sensor it probably answering to specific market like advanced remote control rather than floor duster. As companion ? Assuming seeing around 7$ and look for the price for some other widget like Raspberry family. They are another wisdom that offer low price and efficiency. Raspberry pi pico to be buffed with Bluetooth function that are extending in functionality , adding as companion Raspberry pi Pico, Raspberry Pi Zero V1.3 bought for 25$ and less 2 year ago, it's version 2.0 with the same processor around 1Ghz, still around 80$ and a bit more. Adding a 7$ widget like this give other possibility, but more adding a plain LOLIN esp32 at 11$ and 6$ in a range of 12 months in distance. Had you think it's not only a companion as the other one you will build to save about money during this recession will let you save... Having things like GPS, 9 Direction of Freedom tools to offer compass, barometric pressure, temperature, and other things Fuzzy logic brings by the collection of information around yourself, it's plenty essential to try it out ; It can be only the 9DOF tagging your car before you leave the mall and go shopping, there is enough place in your pocket to bring it and seeing were your car is accross the shopping mall, you can tag another place like "rendez-vous", appointment, for a group, plenty of practical things that do require few line stroke of logic and point-to-point exchanging elements across C++ or in python to make something working....
Showed here, also the LogicGreen core called LG8TF328 it support 32 Mhz if you are not putting it one, the MCU having a reliable timer, it uses an HOLTEK USB-Bridge familiar to FTDI, CH340, CP1202 . This is not really clear, but the barometric acquire in a combos 10DOF allowing magnetic gyroscopic detection of your direction and angulation thru north pole. The tiny 128X32 can hold much more as added DHT11 which this one is a FIR respond algorithm and do start at 50% and do analyses inbound humidity. But the caddied BMP180 inside GY-91 ECU bought on Ebay is also available on Aliexpress for lesser than 10$ the original prices acquire 2 years ago, is simply lower by now and should be see as retail elements, and couldn't increase by 1% if you sell it as is . Yes sometimes number on your package can be a part of a retail number allowing to be ordered from your retail seller, some Home Hardware do support it, I do use The Audiovox on Taschereault if you did not find it on internet. It fact they are present in-there through portal and old "Search Catalog" did not disappear it's embedded inside Ontario market... Apparently you can from your Canadian Tire pieces&part counter, it's way old fashion to pull people out of recession to do yourself your armory like IKEA, but in part for your next exploration...
The image show barometric pressure at 100.00 Kpa the OLED are very bright and I did not put any filter on the surface of the OLED so it giving off light over the picture
It's relatively tiny but the AstroLab code take 90% of the 29696 bytes
available on it. The Arduino 32U4 did not pass the compilation and do
make impossible without reducing the graphical core and suppressing 4K
of characters map, or drawing then in US-ASCII to reduce the place,
there is effort I should try because I do the same effort for MH-Tiny 88
which is a 8K MCU. Especially Adafruit_SSD1306.h and Adafruit_GFX.h are
taking 60% of the overall leaving the space to load the 9DOF, the
BMP180 and DHT11 to own a good Barometric pressure and this AstroLab
does own where is the north....
It's already know
It's not only observed by the past where "lending itself" to King / Queen itself for liberal act like doing politic do depend of the King/Queen fact because they invent it !
As an old settlement for doing politic talk freely among old party call P.Q. the one before "Partis Québecois", does old a member wherein hold the signature for citizen practicing politics and to create a formal letter for all member pretending itself a civilian to protect The Politics as they create it.
As Jean Charest also decommissioned for many problems belong to Haut-Canada conflictual reality with Queen may turn itself to confess such list of those who had "lending itself" in faith of King/Queen. I think also the old right-hand of Jean Charest does know a bit about this practice and do require interest of each other or this list can be harmful to your party and disrupt it... Does founding new liberal party was to exhaust this liberty to know confess properly in faith of the King / Queen. In Fact Jean-Charest leave with this list of unfaithful in the name of the King / Queen homage rather than directly to the name of actual Queen or King, it's a bit different . King or Queen do have to plaid in the previous King / Queen Faith of liberty to practice politic in royalties its an homage long of who ? Consort family to reign across politics.
Back to Partis Québecois
As PSPP ( Paul St-Pierre Plamondon ) sign it's about this homage and long practice that lead to establishment of Haut-[__YOUR_COUNTRY_NAME_HERE__], and Bas-[__YOUR_COUNTRY_NAME_HERE__] in French or in English High-[__YOUR_COUNTRY_NAME_HERE__], and Low-[__YOUR_COUNTRY_NAME_HERE__], and many more action that make difference between rich and poor when population grow freely. And many more purging system in what we should praise luxury and plaid to King denarius...
So it's around all what the king will have to represent. Representing the Commandment by Queen we should be honored that we are in several ways already independent. Every act we receive since first Gift Act stand in nominative part all what had acquired as independent.
Also as finite reality we are the official Commandment, the Canada as place and unique name for unifying haut, bas-Canada and recently making peace with first nation, continuing into expanding will in politics, implementing the Republican senate like our Brotherhood U.S.A. which had already sign against King way out of the man of Poland who ran out of the Queen course as infamous and continue it's kingdom of terror founding 13 states in U.S.A. place. To gain population in a democratic way which is against Kingdom.... Extending them they growing in states but idea remain the same they had start a Republican senate and open faith for those believe in Madison Man as well and married the law into an Courthouse and discriminating through the White House...
And after PSPP ( Paul St-Pierre Plamondon ) action ?
We do have an emission with the Blue House that is infamous to conjugate two or more power altoghether !
So this is probably this will happen after PSPP ( Paul St-Pierre Plamondon ) will be suspended.
Ok Next things, its still the pepper I have found in all my piece of work @ VDL2.
Philippe Leroux really liked the involvement of corporation in providing to group food, selected essential needs. I think it was moving in this way, as another gain interest in my future-retrospection of time using the internet I have extracted another piece of happening :
- The CAQ that will deliver the politic power for a precise reason. It deliver the Partis Quebecois the right to own the siege for a specific reason ? Maybe PSPP ( Paul St-Pierre Plamondon ) will not only be suspended (I did not made any information official until the moment ) but asking to leave WE should receive a mention from our King to offer as American had received long ago a motion to form a Republican chamber for goods and do fire all other party and do require motion, interest to be elected. As stand in 'WE' also mean the party itself.
For myself I do vote for "Partis Québecois" event if they refund my card, because I should not be member of any interest, except with "Les louveteaux du Canada" which is tethered by the Queen, I do already sold Queen face on Louveteaux yearly Calendar event.
Out of reality I should think about this .
Go ask to Divinity of Cap Trinity what SHE thinking of that reality ? I guest she have some interest to form . Because It's wonderful to see The Commandment is a Canadian reality, and made by the Queen, our culture inherit from this gift. In Europe side it's King effort and you can't believe, but King Philip as well Charles know and where friend with Trump and do challenge to support nuclear-winter every year, because this year the Donald Trump so called guy that buy any occasion including converting a girl into boy for it's IQ result and apparently tried hard to buy that apparent false guy and trying to make that pseudo-guy happy around poor and low-mind parent to drive it out easy.... Dismissed by Biden telling it your going to become a president and tell us all how you are going to help USA for that. You are right it is surprising to not see Donald Trump at the Queen funeral, because apparently Donald was under Queen authority and not haut-canada Commandment, so Trump can be the beast back in town like 1980.Apparently he did meet her wife in Montréal !?!?!?
- Like how Trump use United Estate of America like a car. - How this shit shift ?
Trump was having driver for his limousine, driving still a question ?
But by today, our local President and local committee de-registered during the election can claim "Being president like Trump; and new insult for your adversaries".
Lead to a concession, defining someone career like Clinton stories is appear to be finite for Trump.
- Do we have to tell like Trump : - Va donc caché tes armes avant de te faire prendre. - Tu pilotes ton pays comme un char . - Ta femme te dis que tu es deux fois plus mort que n'importe qui aux prochaines élection contre ton candidats local. - Le scandale des commandites a été rapides a saisir, ont analyses encore les preuves avec un salaud comme Trump. And many more things to add to someone outside of USA ; it's dead like reputation of a bad politician you own apparently.
It's a good draw fro m 1983 and does tell a tale including Charles III that try to escape with a big ship escaping time to re-write the constitution as the divinity apparently does...
And apparently it end in a dimension where the divinity is already include and they have no choice to depend of ...
While the driver of this big ship his somewhat brewed or soaked in champagne bubble he as be brainwashed by a somewhat music where you do have to count number of "Lost for words", and ends with a little mouth for the pronunciation. The Ship itself is a metaphor for moving it's kingdom out of the divinity powers, and big at the same... So you don't even mind how long dream doing this music to answer to characteristic of this picture ; is just things I made when I was 16 years old but I state to think at it since third grade when I receive this draw as gift... To revert back Nostrabek of Jean Dumas in "La Grande Entrerprise" might
own the making for "having a ticket in universe", but one you are in
while I was include state to be another already-include ticket is inside
Futurama Season 4 Episode 11 "The 30% Iron Chef", where Fry insist to
say to get ticket to Iron Cook you must supply your own universe with
the ticket included... I'm still wreck for the answer for 4th dimension
As Charles III to claim it's a new era , it's pleiad of way it can be...
Unlike Dune the movie does explicitly show a story of a major change in Monarchy settlement for managing about spices ... But first I should see Jean-Chretien to full fill what Feu Prince Charles now in Charles III is to hold about management of "charitative society", in the name of all talk Jean-Chretien had with the Queen, starting with Inuit invitation, and talk with nation.
Milling for power strength application.
Following this images it's a milling with a broken ebay mesh of 0.2 mm. It takes fews times without looking at it and moving fingers to your mesh you realize it's already broken and pinning inside your finger... My 0.2 mm mesh didn't live more than half hour and my 0.5 about a day or so... When it's taking 97 days to get them, I do appreciate theirs half life as hand milling with a Dremel like... Benchmark twistor to be exact, from Home depot as well. The other order belong to aliexpress does make sense, it's withing month this time and get 10 times 0.6 mm mesh, and they are fine... So this scan is simple the copper plate to a 300 Dpi, but final project will be in many picture format, like black and white format, SVG for all the network.
The following schema is somewhat I do refer and belong to initial documentation I had no information on the PNP transistor. I choose a TIP125 for having Emitter-Base voltage to 5 volts. But this trick come initially from 90' where Voltage regulator start to drop in price and appear with LM78xx, MC78xx, LM317, LM338, this trick consist to pad a current driver a PNP transistor.
Look to schema:
This schema sometimes refer to Power transistor Voltage regulator, or High Current Voltage Regulator.
The example show 3Ω and having no mention on it's wattage. I say that for many Resistor Load to be used in Voltage Stage saturation do use resistor as load and in AC power it may refer to a diode bridge from AC 120 Volts outlet and can use a Ohm based load. My plate is made from 4 x 12 Ω in parallel it give 3 Ω. Using 4 times 1/4 watts give a total of 1 watt @ 5 volts .
The reason why all this plate-scan end in my github soon, for having some plate to drill out and try MOSFET Following source work to offer 2 source of power and upon one fail, the other take the load. And 2 or 3 of this examples in parallel for increasing ampere load ... And another one in 3V3 will also be bind in the same fashion this example but replace the TIP125 for 2n5087 for low voltage applications.
This summer I do already start the test of esp8266 into esp-01 6 pins wonder to do something with.
Pardon, Wemos will ... Always be smear of any. It work fine this tiny canned esp12f have way more pin than low friend like attiny88. MH-Tiny Live is an experience in the tiny size world, but 8k of memory is probably for all the Led-things... My Attiny167 which is a USB on chip with 16k, support few things but low to manage a screen...
Yes this spring I was in a small 8k to 16k to test LCD, LM35D temperature widget. Playing a lot in 3v3 with my Pro Micro, Arduino 32u4, and LM35D not reporting information because of the voltage level conversion.
A big thank for Ebay/AliExpress ombudsman, they working hard and it can be seen.
So into dealing with ESP-01 with 6 pins because it give a lot, it own more than 512kB in many case and own possibly a Wifi manager prior to manage the SSID/PASSWORD from your Arduino Script. By reading on uses of GPIO0, GPIO2, you can put few pull-up resistor and you can connect a screen like OLED 0.96 inch to tell at least the IP address. There is a so called networking way where 3 esp-01 can : - The server that exchange between Pool and Temperature
- The Pool server for Web interface and the pool-switch.
- The Temperature server
So in a 1, 2 ,3 Fashion way, Server 1 does receive temperature from server 3 which is a esp-01 with a BMP180 or LM35 with external voltage. And Server 2 is the interface where you connect and see the state of the pool between ON/OFF. Because the server 2 is also an esp-01 it hook the switch only. Asking yourself for circulating the water belong to temperature. The server 2 do require to connect to server 1 and ask for temperature. So Server1 upon having nothing it should refer to LATER in case of uncollected temperature or the temperature by connecting to Server3 and ask for temperature... So this is also how they have invented the CPU-IP relation in this fashion of having core so small they can only connect few wire by core, doing few thing between them they poking a master or master is poking for managing about the process. And in the case of a cleaned smudged, smeared Wemos, it does all the 3 servers tasks and the Web interface too. And probably few other things. Because out of the concept of having distant things to obtain to promote a better pool switch into temperature wise and sibling filtration for saving of full operation.
Operation over IP and over Sea, your pool ?Yes, these type of Arduino stuff like ESP-01, WEMOS ( esp12f doting ), are IOT ( Internet Of Things ), and they are futile and simple, they aren't communicating everywhere when you open it, it only do the jobs it should. Thus why they have lesser and lesser restriction over Videotron or Bell or any Internet provider allowed by CRTC. Apparently IOT are exempt of firewall blocking like CRTC Technician on your lan it uses know address and range that you modem aren't blocking or apparently visible under IOT or Hardware access. As my test are based on the ON/OFF light from esp8266 document on internet, you add the eeprom require to save the light state and your are in business. Switches with memory own several things at home to improve your live... As my test are done under Videotron, it take address 10.0.0.xx and are under 100, and usually even Videotron Helix and next grade of videotron high-speed cant really block IOT hardware. It's like to stay connected and out of problem. But out of your network ? As technician, internal function of modem own sometimes remote access, like a proxy from your access configured through the modem. But avoiding having your light and pool being turned on/off remotely, adding a not connected to internet router can accept your IOT to run locally and instead of calling your SSID from your Internet compagny, you use the second SSID from the not connected to the internet router and you get all yours IOT's AI doing things.
Is it rolling curtain with motor to configure the amount of LUX in your room, it start with motor but at least with "High Current Voltage Regulator" in your pad to start it up.
The world had apparently already end in 2002 after my visit at The Hotel Dieu of Montreal.
Because of the so called 'Important Operation' to be overdue you were already choose to accomplished a self doomsday devices across the content of the second operation. The power promoted across the few's steps to respect across first operation. Binding them together give and important acceleration in time that cause all surround to age, and things to accelerate. It should be funny to see the sun rising and sun settings for almost 1460 times to complete 4 years of acceleration in 72 hours or lesser after finishing the touch of second operation to sleep for that amount of times.
- By raising myself after theses 48 / 72 hours or rest, I should remain all alone on earth ?
According to the recent observation of the 'Train light asteroids', this one is know from NASA as well to be really far around 35 years ago when they studying it's coming and recently this comet is 6 years to us and should irradiate surround including earth ?
- By raising myself after theses 48 / 72 hours or rest, I should already notice a light hitting several's times and calm become permanent and sun rising / setting should become like circle.
And you all already turn into dust !
For theses reading this, I do have a Wedding this summer, and I think it should be wrong to make a liberal offer process to theses operation before the wedding or mate and wedding invitee will never celebrate.
For those having the power to push me in the Quebec hospital region and try another times to avoid the cutting hand effect and believe I should get back to my 7 years in face look-like to you rather than having cumulating times like 21 years younger than you and maybe sooner by 7 years out of for your kids ?
- Horrible how you can't understand It's really effective that I am eternal !
But I can promise after to offer an end for this : - Don't want to pay about old U.S. sanctions
- To pay about Russian new sanctions.
- Those don't want to pay about the debt.
- Don't want to de-contaminate.
It's pure liberal offer because it's already scheduling to be and some already push the button to try to make it happen sooner .
In this case I can see to be saving for 20 years of humans and theirs effort because I cut hands, because I refuse to participate to it closely ; they already tell me, so why not telling you us all .
I can tell you it can be 26 years not 24 if you are insisting...
Apparently it's an option than nobody can give out be cause it was hold by notary and promised by a civilian. That course is directly providing help in experiment and is apparently the promise to put me back were I was found before I was able to give my sign that I am not interested in this war. If I was found for a second on that field, it's by error I was in Ukraine.
I Should thank first M. Murgulescu to offer my this alternative since some need were understand-ed, and compromised presence of myself in Ukraine and also in 'Augmented reality' video captured by a phone. It look weird and compromising to be a sensitive region were I was present, around parking... at least.
This course was also the so-called invitation. Providing 45 courses to know at me the invitation was around the moment they offer me to un-built an electronic balance. I offer to quit early because I respond to be wrongly managed and I do require to meet about. Back in Cegep Rosemont I just confirm everything. I Should believe after my little show up of weighing and Arduino picture is the reason about were I was also solicited to get this options.
Actually working with Arduino World, I do own the PIC4550 require for the exercises. To be done myself alone or not I am far for having a profile of a rich child getting caught for non-lethal near vandalism and do require to work so they going to ask Super-rich-Dad and a way to get money on the easy-way. It's not only Donald son of Trump I caught in activism near 1998, also heard about activism on place where only information between Dad and Son. Especially when the guy managing the manifestation receive call like. The guys is sick so you can present you and your group to protest. Or It's a left place for SRAM and move to a better infrastructure so making manifestation here is useless but good for you !
But I m getting the profile about who I am going to present theirs solutions, theirs barrel for preparation....
And apparently everything is around this well to be the earth of the "Technique laboratory for Science and Applied", was offered instead of Science and Applied. But I do built the case and ultimately the table-shaft pressure gear to allow a maximum deformation upon putting something on the weighing
It's not an exaggerated protection. Atelka is out of permission to write down about disclosement with Bell, not to be another M. Bell but injured M. Bell at work by a co-worker ? Is there a smell of out of court arrangement ?
Another proof why in Canada we are in a pre-deterministic society, some of my tools help really to manage about war subscription from civil which is only remaining today's reality in history we learn.
I did not forget about course, I do consider the option since my Arduino stuff was acquire to a incredible low price than ever. And some one had give the loan back without the Affidavit.
We'll see !
This is a picture of one of my block, my case for my weighing.
From brain from my family and surround; They heards they can ask me for a 'Liberal process'. But that point is just outstanding why they do require me ? To push me in that way they where design it almost after the Symposium Baby.
Which Direction ?
A was also victim for a FALSE Conference. Conferences are civil activities. One they are free by the intention. Except paying for assisting it, sometimes somes may think it's right to pay for some protection, like protagonist acheiving an terrorist activities can be good ? But After getting an invitation at 13 years old for a 'Conference' on 'Carnet de Vaccination', some one is calling for insisting than the conferences is Free but the volunteer vaccination is mandatory. They were also informing there is no conference with information only it do require your to become like 'patrner' of that. And I was not a person under hand of a psychologist or psychiatrist because it's apparently feeded out with liberal do offer like your were rip of a process requiring (psychologist or psychiatrist) and do carry you for all the other step.
The other way where after they say welcome in the liberal family you got tranform into a total victim with ability to be transformed ... A unique condition of mine do require a strong calming agent before 'the Operation'. As she informed me you, you should sleep during the conference... So I refuse by telling, first it can be called conferences, but simply Operation.
I should be transformed into some one weighting about double of the weight, got a seizure during the conference and got huge memory problems... And in my family I do have a member that had visited the Poland Court for Civil Great guy including my Nathalie... I am sure you do know why I don't want to get back into this direction.
I Turned 4 Nursery Guy* into Four "One-Handist" to let me keep in touch with Liberal Act.
Ripping out a volunteer for M. Montplaisir for monitoring my narcolepsy it's coming without the nursery rip off during the night to talk to Mme Quidoz to not continue that Operation like the first one where you got hit on the head. I am sure you are not remember it due to you self "pre-veal" situation you have injected in yourself instead of me.
*: 4 of them was also hold capabilities so are alike in the jail and working in the community.
From Linus - Money only is the main motivator being liberty-act ! From Lucy: - Hi Chalie Brown, Why you're not asking to your favorites psychologist aid about what she think about war ? - And why not about war in Ukraine ? Just look, theses book aren't being burned they had passed times.
Toward the fact of The Russian pay some economical sanctions equal to the amount of Mutella they are eating in my theory of : They still de-contaminating a /bombrdment/ environment, it's still few to justify even our trading from having petroleum from them was not arising 50% of the load before we do war ?
It's going even in the same way as. If by today we do promise a Military Judgment( Palais Militaire ) for them with the actual "crown-civilan" treaty agreeing loyalist to impeach back an Impeachment-persistent to president for a second error out their first one is to reduce the impeachment for weeks. It's total collusion and while the apparent Trump is missing and should take care of this after Impeachment :
and avoid itself of : - Of it's presence in a debate, or either lucrative action . - Since this amendment was docked a bit before Bush Times, where Impeaching of a president will become Nation-wide either just for Washington state.
We do heard about and still acting about everywhere like it was before.
Does some one take even a hand to allow this thing to perform. Ask to Jean-Charest to replace Trump and Will have the chance to run against Trump...
But apparently M.Trump Impeached is also banned from Montreal and have to take course outside of Montreal, in Brossard, observed in 2009 it's surprising.
The second error stand in a Third of the economic locked between Troy and Canada/United-Stated where a thief from "feu-professionnal" family stole the Gazillion and I was in charge to answer and provide an X1 or X3 check-id change to let it fall in the thief hand. Once the command send The supervisor that give me the access have revoked the check and even lock the 100000 $CAN pending into nothing in the thief hand... So this year is the year they are officially opening the amount out of the Morpheus protection and left into Financial locking without Liberty-Act to avoid this one to fall into a pitfall to increase the inflation due to the high-value accounted not being active.
Liberty-Act is also holding some economical protection like some organism are protected being this. NASA is also standing around .
I was present in this action and some have well done to deserve the protection it deserve to protect us from this problem.
But Liberal does suffer a lot from it. Not as firing out all Trump allegation, but this person had Truncated Teamsters voters externally of United Stated and voters from New-Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, and Saskatchewan where found being voter for Trump and are classed by white hand whom came to my desk pretending they are American too to vote and they are voters ....
About Cornell Dubilier, I did not leak any information for your Cornell Thin Aluminum Capacitor. No, I did not leak any... I don't know if they can leak I have the expert 2 years ago in a chat-conference and It did not come to my mind if they are ! Because the ebay rail gun is officially online and accessible, plating it with old Cornell Ampacitor was an apparent subject ongoing actually in State.
"Cornell Dubilier THA and THAS ThinPack capacitors are designed for high capacitance bulk storage and filtering in
space-critical applications, with both series available with capacitance
values from 18,000µF at 10V to 140µF at 450V. This allows designers to
replace entire bulk storage arrays, which can reduce PCB area by
approximately 70% while also reducing size and weight. The reduced part
count also simplifies assembly and improves reliability. " Mentionned by EETech Media, LLC.
And couple of arduino news as well.
As radio-canada as presented video of the Whitehouse. It seems they can even talk about today right after American as proposed some effort to Ukrainian during the war ; but images in background also show the White is Disclosed today ?
A Whitehouse disclosed can be for many reason ; Infrastructure restoration can be first one. A simple fault also can disclose that place. If you are feeling like Rambo and run away of guard and A.T.F. ; it's disclosed and they looking at YOU .
But Since I did something like bring a person in front of highest civilian to explain in what I am different and I do demand to be see differently. That person to represent at once some one close to some disregard over a father can constantly looking for theirs loosen child ; I did only open a door to a member of the family to talk in your so family tie...
Entering in the Whitehouse without appointment ? It's Forbidden I also tell directly I was bringing a person here on my behalf. Because I shouldn't enter myself here all alone... It's possible I was outside few hours before this is why it's fault-and-counting.
- I was asking about images of sidewalk or even the entry-door it's kinda more Civil access where I should bring the person I bring on my behalf.
It's so forbidden to access in a place like this there is ton an huge amount of movie toward : - How and all reason to get an appointment. - Be civilized and don't enter in the place like a 'The prize is right' presentation. Did I copy a room accessories during this attempts ?
Some can consider having sight of first teleportation through worm-hole. There is many reason why a Whitehouse is disclosed.
I should come back some days to getting fingerprint I mean...
Because leaving a Whitehouse during the War and a colony may fall in pieces and they don't want to heard about, many consequences can be. Liberal act from many not so social initiative aren't protected. Even those reserve me the 'Carnet de Vaccination' for esthetic purposes to look like fat corpulent lady or bitches aren't protected because the civilian collected voice out of Trump are in the Whitehouse wall not President hand when the Whitehouse is disclosed.
So my Not so favorite General Quidoz can be arrested without being protected, and Bernadette too from this initial Liberal clause ; it can't be renewed and can be handled...
As spoke from it's own course. We can have more information by passing by this place. M. Michel Murgulescu does a pretty and excellent work as teacher at College Rosemont. But this person is also a Civil voice for something specific. A hand in this war, and many act and liberty of declaration either from russian and Ukrainian are handled by civil hand. Exceptionally they are in hand of the teachers from where I do express my believe toward 'student-only' does war at this moment.
It also posing me that question, does the 137 to 139 persons dead from Tchernobyl event are such 'Eternally remember' like on the first day, we do claim either it still having about 137 deads from the first day of war with Ukrainian.
It stand well because the autochthonous remembrance day where Russian burn books too for burning all book collected from Russian and expressly recently over Ukrainian population. These book harboring negatives images of autochthonous ; I think individually all country did it this year, but here it require the Army.
Apparently, Canada was involved in Tchernobyl de-contamination to a certain level. After this it's revealed from Army because if stories of Tchernobyl show Ukrainian leaving in Poland to work in an international effort to concern Russian to clean the error. It's stand in a civil hand-voice, and using the army. So we were already informed some days the army will do the rest...
This is a documentary / series available on Videotron , Bell and some days on Netflix... But the main point of that sci-fi story tell the story of an Alien invasion in near future ( 2015 is dated to be theirs futures ). Overcoming of The Pandemic like result of Black-splicing ball that turn into tiny dust and creating mutation among those are contaminated with.
Overcoming to this appear mutant to be called Hybride of simply Bride because of their ability to communicate in pair in water and eventually in so called resonnant communication between them. This story built around social and near real event it also the falling of 'Crimmé' in war starting at end of February 2022. But the inherent design of this duality show Bride being refused inside the Big Reality toward Russian and Ukrainian are they tethered an war academy that they are both proud. Refusing admission to Bride mutant child inside academy raise somes controversies that reflect with a war startup. Upon other reality like The Quantum computer reveled during war is concern to be doom and it's own ability to escape and live out to another safe exportation of Ukrainian Quantum computer and eventually giving this technology to Russian and American which are seeing like evils in this war.
Following This There is Real consultant toward HBO / National Geographic, and fidelity. Both are producing views and I am sure 'National Geographic' can stand in Faking about news. It should reveal th reason in this story to make war for real stand in technology troll. They are student in war for praised graduation. I am sure Poutine had probably announced to Bush times like Biden by now the possible upcoming of Russian through the Crimmé Canadian escalate and may fluctuate some day after graduation it's part of the prize, or the war institute, and land into Canadian War museum... It's social artifact .
Does Wav-computerized magnetic deflection signal can exist and does is side effect, standing in this reality to force blanking HD of ATR trace to prevent nuclear melt-down if my technologies was used too close of a reactor went out of myself. Our reactor are in pause or in study I never test a crunch in turbo mode around a Ukrainian reactor, and Russian can think it's good to take the control until any news trolled technology. Looking at the documentaries you do get the point, they are in a Civil-city under war like a big Museum...
Turn into Preciosity, that core turn into lust, were grabbed and caught like police caught gangster.
Tonight is not an exception too, police is pretty busy with many signal from call. Is There any problem in the street by this times ?
Alike Marvel, DC Comic characters does lying around the century lacking of opacity in human tranquility among them. Any villains are noisy ans rude. The choice to make more story sellers invoke create alter-ego Women at the image of their identity.
The common pitfall observed with super-human and nature-like human that challenge authorities does not come alone. Batman story had introduce it's power car, has well advanced and hudge Computator out or serialized mcu's. Despite having technology frightening, us Doctor Freeze does fall in it's technology, Poison Ivy's fall for it's invention as well Hulk is make with prototyped advanced technology controlled by modern computer, as well Green Goblin does over use it's Oscorp technologies which are apparently all good to be suited...
Does anybody are recognized the lawyer around Spider-man, an mutated sequels out of Oscorp too !
So here the Teensy 4.1 assembled in U.S.A, ready to kick-ass !

There many things that can help or cause it to crash. Unfortunately I don't get by now if Experience of ATR crunch that generate an electric failure on earth can be sensitive to a Space Station ? Did they had a recovery plan, because after trying the crunch on behalf of a second Administrator @ VDL2, the location near Wellington in Montreral, we were docked to Trans-Energie on the other side of the street and does not stop my theory of my ATR as virtual reactor/accelerator and padded of human pleasant octave and rhythm to disrupt the power on place and generator were not ready... Such a unpleasant situation caused by a ENTER button to conventional process left in a BBS accessible by anyone... To stop war with electromagnetic disruption made with a drone like D.I.Y. and stop everything including what using ignition. We do have car that stopped too ???
So many causes can interrupt something not locate in the L1 Lagrange point. Apparently the James Space Webb 'benefit' from that gravity falling edge to recover first from anything...
But another thing intrigue me which is possible come back of an Equation in late 2012-2013, 17 years later, can it be a nominal run across our galaxy and can possibly fold the space and time draw an excess from that soup and point the Fermi-Lab's in Geneva. I Mean at this level throwing a rock as equal the amount energy we push a particle in a system to change to let us see the big-bang. Does it make like a Extra-solar draft were gravitational body may infringe they curses and fail ? The VDL2 document report no noticeable web activity beyond 2030... except my blog and my github...
The gentle way to tell you it was a not so wonderful 7 years before the end passes, we entering in the 6 years and proudly know why it was announced... At least I read it on slashdot. But did someone know if my time-machine was used with this Large Halidron-colider, it can explain why also we have the information right after, it's synchronizing hardware in a PPP extensions in pending as document for ARIN and ...
And you will continue to be all alone with your liberal cause, for your birthday and your wrong way . Both Baby Symposium and resulting from a folded table after a visit of an apparent 'General' in Taschereau, some have see more than a hole across the wall and you stipulate :
That is not magic what you see. You do prefer the magic of opening eyes and see yourself , that effect ...
So it's totally normal nobody own news of my Modafinil renew because I'm still asking explanation over the previous action before I was able to fold a metal-table by sitting normally. I was here in that place in CLSC around 1990 in Taschereau Brossard, in an activity where I should be bring asleep.
Today my Teensy 4.1 delivery milestone have reach and settle to be in Sainte-Julie. Apparently delivered out of Fort Collins, this 'Coloradian' artifact is a mean in TensorFlow and the missing activity of using Netracker Webreport where a project by myself in 2002/2003 with VDL2. We were offering from Netracker from Insane company an analysis of the RDS web flow with this applications. And for extensive observation it do require a Tensey. The Linux application in 2002 were already owning connector for such !!! I am not asking for any details toward the price of this expensivity but apparently they do have to confirm the whole product Netacker was probably developed on similar infrastructure and should look like to a Tablet like monitor and crunching and showing information nearly live... Because on Pentium III and IV it do not own enough based momery and create glibc error !!! I think some day I will see the end of that reality...
Alike this reality where Highly and costly things are at services of statistic as well is a paper in my Protector( public curator ) in-firming at 325000$ protection from my Professional Services it give right to own technology and Paper that might be beyond to normal day/technology ... Which is suprised because and apparent 2560 Atmel cpu in 2002 cost 2500$, which some diagram based on Teensy performance show to be 63 times faster in performance. Which mean it globally an equivalent of around 155000$ for equivalent processor at this moment in 2002. Owning about the Teensy 3.2 with Insane company was suggested to be 50k$ only the stick and the guide ... All explosive in story Fort Collins deliver from internet on ebay this Artifact for around 60$ in 2022....
The history of Fort Collins is rich with western lore, generations-old stories, and eccentric historical characters. Legend has it that in the early 1800's, French-Canadian fur traders were caught in a tremendous snowstorm. To lighten their load, they buried large amounts of gunpowder (“Poudre” in French) in a hiding place (“Cache”) along the banks of a river – the Cache la Poudre River, which runs through modern-day Fort Collins.
Did I trowed on internet something explosive yet ?
Beautiful image from Fort Collins.