Today my Teensy 4.1 delivery milestone have reach and settle to be in Sainte-Julie. Apparently delivered out of Fort Collins, this 'Coloradian' artifact is a mean in TensorFlow and the missing activity of using Netracker Webreport where a project by myself in 2002/2003 with VDL2. We were offering from Netracker from Insane company an analysis of the RDS web flow with this applications. And for extensive observation it do require a Tensey. The Linux application in 2002 were already owning connector for such !!! I am not asking for any details toward the price of this expensivity but apparently they do have to confirm the whole product Netacker was probably developed on similar infrastructure and should look like to a Tablet like monitor and crunching and showing information nearly live... Because on Pentium III and IV it do not own enough based momery and create glibc error !!! I think some day I will see the end of that reality...
Alike this reality where Highly and costly things are at services of statistic as well is a paper in my Protector( public curator ) in-firming at 325000$ protection from my Professional Services it give right to own technology and Paper that might be beyond to normal day/technology ... Which is suprised because and apparent 2560 Atmel cpu in 2002 cost 2500$, which some diagram based on Teensy performance show to be 63 times faster in performance. Which mean it globally an equivalent of around 155000$ for equivalent processor at this moment in 2002. Owning about the Teensy 3.2 with Insane company was suggested to be 50k$ only the stick and the guide ... All explosive in story Fort Collins deliver from internet on ebay this Artifact for around 60$ in 2022....
The history of Fort Collins is rich with western lore, generations-old stories, and eccentric historical characters. Legend has it that in the early 1800's, French-Canadian fur traders were caught in a tremendous snowstorm. To lighten their load, they buried large amounts of gunpowder (“Poudre” in French) in a hiding place (“Cache”) along the banks of a river – the Cache la Poudre River, which runs through modern-day Fort Collins.
Did I trowed on internet something explosive yet ?
Beautiful image from Fort Collins.