TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: Promoting a 6 years to 4 years End-of-The-World action because it's profitfull ?


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dimanche 8 mai 2022

Promoting a 6 years to 4 years End-of-The-World action because it's profitfull ?

 The world had apparently already end in 2002 after my visit at The Hotel Dieu of Montreal.

Because of the so called 'Important Operation' to be overdue you were already choose to accomplished a self doomsday devices across the content of the second operation. The power promoted across the few's steps to respect across first operation. Binding them together give and important acceleration in time that cause all surround to age, and things to accelerate. It should be funny to see the sun rising and sun settings for almost 1460 times to complete 4 years of acceleration in 72 hours or lesser after finishing the touch of second operation to sleep for that amount of times.

- By raising myself after theses 48 / 72 hours or rest, I should remain all alone on earth ?

According to the recent observation of the 'Train light asteroids', this one is know from NASA as well to be really far around 35 years ago when they studying it's coming and recently this comet is 6 years to us and should irradiate surround including earth ?

- By raising myself after theses 48 / 72 hours or rest, I should already notice a light hitting several's times and calm become permanent and sun rising / setting should become like circle.

And you all already turn into dust !

For theses reading this, I do have a Wedding this summer, and I think it should be wrong to make a liberal offer process to theses operation before the wedding or mate and wedding invitee will never celebrate.

    For those having the power to push me in the Quebec hospital region and try another times to avoid the cutting hand effect and believe I should get back to my 7 years in face look-like to you rather than having cumulating times like 21 years younger than you and maybe sooner by 7 years out of for your kids ?

- Horrible how you can't understand It's really effective that I am eternal !

But I can promise after to offer an end for this :

  • Don't want to pay about old U.S. sanctions
  • To pay about Russian new sanctions.
  • Those don't want to pay about the debt.
  • Don't want to de-contaminate.  

It's pure liberal offer because it's already scheduling to be and some already push the button to try to make it happen sooner .

In this case I can see to be saving for 20 years of humans and theirs effort because I cut hands, because I refuse to participate to it closely ; they already tell me, so why not telling you us all .

I can tell you it can be 26 years not 24 if you are insisting...