It's Working
This little 7$ CAN and a bit lower if you found it with free shipping. Just Get it for all linux user and Mac as well. It may encounter few problems on Windows. It's cdc-acm emulation of USB connection make it invisible to big block reserved on Windows for apparent devices working on same design , in the same fashion ; either can be your personal printer or simply your too big camera which tend to be affordable to build your own webcam using esp32 as this gizmos is another successor core out of four of them, esp32s2 is a 4 Megabyte core.
Like few minor point with less memory than its esp32 previous members in 1 and 2 Megabyte, 320 KB against 520 KB for esp32 original family. Does it include the same specs for the A9G offer in esp32 autonomous MCU for driving a quad band, GPS and GPRS working on cellular network, it should come with bluetooth were esp32s2 had fall to remove them options like theses. It have T.O.F Time of Flight which is equivalent to your Helix tele-command that shine during it's transportation, apparently owning RMT (remote control),and more touch sensor it probably answering to specific market like advanced remote control rather than floor duster.
As companion ?
Assuming seeing around 7$ and look for the price for some other widget like Raspberry family. They are another wisdom that offer low price and efficiency. Raspberry pi pico to be buffed with Bluetooth function that are extending in functionality , adding as companion Raspberry pi Pico, Raspberry Pi Zero V1.3 bought for 25$ and less 2 year ago, it's version 2.0 with the same processor around 1Ghz, still around 80$ and a bit more. Adding a 7$ widget like this give other possibility, but more adding a plain LOLIN esp32 at 11$ and 6$ in a range of 12 months in distance. Had you think it's not only a companion as the other one you will build to save about money during this recession will let you save... Having things like GPS, 9 Direction of Freedom tools to offer compass, barometric pressure, temperature, and other things Fuzzy logic brings by the collection of information around yourself, it's plenty essential to try it out ; It can be only the 9DOF tagging your car before you leave the mall and go shopping, there is enough place in your pocket to bring it and seeing were your car is accross the shopping mall, you can tag another place like "rendez-vous", appointment, for a group, plenty of practical things that do require few line stroke of logic and point-to-point exchanging elements across C++ or in python to make something working....
Showed here, also the LogicGreen core called LG8TF328 it support 32 Mhz if you are not putting it one, the MCU having a reliable timer, it uses an HOLTEK USB-Bridge familiar to FTDI, CH340, CP1202 . This is not really clear, but the barometric acquire in a combos 10DOF allowing magnetic gyroscopic detection of your direction and angulation thru north pole. The tiny 128X32 can hold much more as added DHT11 which this one is a FIR respond algorithm and do start at 50% and do analyses inbound humidity. But the caddied BMP180 inside GY-91 ECU bought on Ebay is also available on Aliexpress for lesser than 10$ the original prices acquire 2 years ago, is simply lower by now and should be see as retail elements, and couldn't increase by 1% if you sell it as is . Yes sometimes number on your package can be a part of a retail number allowing to be ordered from your retail seller, some Home Hardware do support it, I do use The Audiovox on Taschereault if you did not find it on internet. It fact they are present in-there through portal and old "Search Catalog" did not disappear it's embedded inside Ontario market... Apparently you can from your Canadian Tire pieces&part counter, it's way old fashion to pull people out of recession to do yourself your armory like IKEA, but in part for your next exploration...
The image show barometric pressure at 100.00 Kpa the OLED are very bright and I did not put any filter on the surface of the OLED so it giving off light over the picture
It's relatively tiny but the AstroLab code take 90% of the 29696 bytes
available on it. The Arduino 32U4 did not pass the compilation and do
make impossible without reducing the graphical core and suppressing 4K
of characters map, or drawing then in US-ASCII to reduce the place,
there is effort I should try because I do the same effort for MH-Tiny 88
which is a 8K MCU. Especially Adafruit_SSD1306.h and Adafruit_GFX.h are
taking 60% of the overall leaving the space to load the 9DOF, the
BMP180 and DHT11 to own a good Barometric pressure and this AstroLab
does own where is the north....