- Like how Trump use United Estate of America like a car.
- How this shit shift ?
Trump was having driver for his limousine, driving still a question ?
But by today, our local President and local committee de-registered during
the election can claim "Being president like Trump; and new insult for your adversaries".
Lead to a concession, defining someone career like Clinton stories is appear to be finite for Trump.
- Do we have to tell like Trump :
- Va donc caché tes armes avant de te faire prendre.
- Tu pilotes ton pays comme un char .
- Ta femme te dis que tu es deux fois plus mort que n'importe qui aux prochaines élection contre ton candidats local.
- Le scandale des commandites a été rapides a saisir, ont analyses encore les preuves avec un salaud comme Trump.
And many more things to add to someone outside of USA ; it's dead like reputation of a bad politician you own apparently.