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If some hadn't spend it's whole life for decryption of a Cast-5 Chain bloc ciphered message, it's because there is no development out of a team retrieving a mid university project being smashed to remove important part of en engine out of SQL-compliant engine able to do Select, but no « Where » clause and trying to convince «Revenu Québec» to continue to plaid for plausible subvention for hiring « Crew » in goal to alternatively craft an alternative... Out of a Rejection from «Compagnie near Ste-Julie» established in a old «H&R Block», they still doing joke to interview even «Name cited but protected here», to pass an interview. Protecting the Fab's in it's material protection to afford the term :
- I do defend the material barely legally installed for the event, they have 30 days to register or this set-up is not operable to do business.
- I do like the keyboard, it convenient and usable and comfortable. But it's messy to ask to an employees to craft a JS function just to screen data to be published on html and dhtml...
So instead of waiting for 11 years of contiguous deciphering, removing the project is a bit clever, rather to ask for Captain Star for order rather than receiving order like «You have prove that black-engine work ».
or still wait for the message in any form it can be delivered.
Il ne reste qu'à vous souhaiter bonne chance à tous. La commission Vézina qui aura lieu entre 2016-2017 connait déjà des entrevus de certains membres important dont M.Wheman «Désolé
le nom resta incompréhensible au téléphone et soit disant l'avais
entendu de ce rôle tel un chapeau porté par un notaire et membres du
Barreau», celui-ci s'annonce ne pas être membres du Barreau du Québec et
d'être un avocat vous invitant a effacer vôtre travail en ligne comportant des mentions à censurer ou illicites tels des accès dans le bon exercices de vôtre chez vous.
Mon admirable «Viewscope » de l'espace et du temps ; ma bel et bien montré l'inutilité d'appliqué un Acte DMCA à la propriété intellectuelle d'effort promulgué lors de travail exercé à même les du-dites compagnies qui sont les premières mandatrices de ces actes. Ayant déjà eu mon nom paru dans cette commission avec résultat d'inutiles d'exercer des vérifications sur de tels travaux, ils sont étonnant d'exercer autant de connaissances lors de de travaux. Le Github
et Lotus Notes devront se retirer puisque les éléments ne font pas
offices de ratures fonctionnelles, mais de preuves arbitraires sur le
travail possible sur les alternatives tels migrations de documents et
alternatives fonctionnels tels réductions de personnelles pour accomplir
autant de remise à zéro de compte pusiqu'être déjà mentionné par les mandataires qui ont eu le «OK» de la «Financière» et les efforts de "portabilité"
de Lotus notes avec des outils individuelles sont des preuves qu'il ne
peut y avoir des contrats « Exclusif », puisque la multiplicité des
possibilités demandent que la présence de professionnelles et non
d'éléments d'investissement.
-Mon nom est cité à titre d'exemple.
Bien sur, cette vision est bel et bien gérer par la dudite Couronne, me montra la commission Vézina en tout premier dès mon enfance. Je vîmes par la suite les commissions Charbonneau et Montgomery dès les années 1986 à 1988 pour être vague sur ce moment, déjà loin et passé.
Le respect du Moteur Capitaliste appelé la Financière, est bien sur la dernière nouvelles laissé dans ce Blog après avoir eu entendu de virer plusieurs personnes et directement des personnes qui parlait me côtoyais, Soyez protégé, ici au Canada après 2 licenciements de la même entités vous êtes placés sous assurances emplois sous instance illimités.
- Pour ma part accumules mes «instance illimités».
Celle-ci et soit vis-à-vis un ancien propriétaire de "bâtisse à témoins de Jéhovah ", qui a laissé libre arbitre à un groupe de généticien et embryonneur d'humain de noyé les candidats choisit et de pratiquer des saisies de greffons à des endroits causant la paralysie "quadri-motrice".
-Personnellement ayant reçu un coup de «Batte» de baseball dès l'âge de 4 ans derrière la tête par un ti-gars 45 cm de plus grand que moi, agé de 7 a 8 an, ne le chercher plus, la responsable de la couronnes lui a bel et bien arraché la tête. Et c'est au sens stricte comme tout autre personne qui aura soit tenté de m'étrangler ( au afters hours appelé Circus à Montréal )et/ou tiré dessus ( ancien MP3/Millenium ) qui fut demolis et une jolie batisse construit par dessus, montre qu'une carabine à plomb ne laisse pas de trace dans mon dos après avoir été tiré dessus... Et ce jours avant d'être «fessé» à coup de «batte» de baseball, me disait :
- Habille toi, propre mon petit, on ne veut pas de ramasser tout sale avec ta salopette avec celle que tu prend pour jouer dans le sable. Purement Tacite et de Connivence ;
Ayant fait l'objet de parjure via un médecin qui connaissait mon environnement, de «membres de Jéhovah hybrider », il perdit, perdit son mandat à l'ordre des médecin.
- Bien que la pratique n'est pas interdite, un médecin qui est certains de ne pas servir la bonne personne peut faire appel à une de mande de parjure de la personne et sera livré les pièces nécessaire à expliquer et/ou demander à des policier d'arrêter la personne sur présentation dans centre privé ou publique. Avec ou sans le Ticket modérateur, un veille invention qu'on retrouve chez le boucher pour faire la file. La version payante vous appelle et peut ralentir les demandes en cours si celle si à payé via visa pour se faire appeler et se faire donner une heure de rendez-vous.... C'est cette petite invention qui fait l'objet d'être là ou pas la selon la vision de la politique en place...
Je surveilles toujours ses actions en me présentant de temps en temps comme patient à ses côtes. Bien sur je ne suis pas un témoins de Jéhovah et qui aurait voulu l'être après avoir été noyé ?
Ayant une capacités pulmonaires je peux respiré sous l'eau avec un pourcentage de 5% par volumes d'acide borique, c'est un traitement appliqué dès mon enfance pour laisser une peau lisse et sans barber... Que je renonce tout de même à reproduire étant trop effrayant comme moyen de traitement.
Et je vous le rapelle ce n'est pas une famille Adams, je ne suis ni vengeur, ni morbide. Alors Krampus n'a qu'a attaqué les autres .
While I was young, around 8 years old ,
I told an idea to mold an alginate tube to hold Americanium pellets rather to glue it directly on skin to remove heat and persistent heat effect I do feel after immediate contact with such radioactive compound.
After found a read on «The Society of Polymer Science» of Japan , they confirm crafting proton polymer conductive material.
- Those fearing adding too much friction-alcohol or call iso-polar alcohol in their alginate mixture if they are « pretending » extending some body part for a Night and fearing making alginate unable to fix... Polar substance are effectively bad for some Nuclear-compound and hard-magnetic...
As normal observation or cutting Neodyme magnet magnetic field imply immersing magnet inside polar alcohol and will cut the magnetic field, this 2008 edition of this journal confirm uzing 1,2,4-Triazole which is COOH related compound.
Preparation and Proton Conductivity of Polymer Electrolytes
While I was looking if I'm doing my HVPE project to charge an old sulphur water based capacitor .... or empacitor I should say, Some work toward Neodyme in transformer to revert magnetic field with presence of nuclear falling material as «dopant» like Americanium, Thorium in High-Voltage driven by Darlington in late 2012, gave me a production or portable photo-flash taking half of an hour charging the 350 volts capacitor and may lost instantly it's charge in really high magnetic field which lead to burn .... Occured on right side of my hip... It's doing fine finally recover and did not left exceptional trace on the skin...
Some may also aggregate Cockcroft and Rutherford work and effort in ionization and proton understanding, and deriving experiment with high voltage on recent radioactive material had conclude and ionization of 46 kV for thorium and broking field of Neodymium magnet stand around 150 kV... Which is cheaper to use polar-alcohol but unpracticable to scheme-out and motor driven with Darlington to immerse the Neodymium after detecting a remanance of the magnetic field with an hall-effect sensor like SS495 from Honey-Well . So before being burned out twice I do port out the experiment out of an belt and work with parallel transformer and making some schema on my Github .
- Today It also answer my question of having a per-proton ratio called Alginic acids lead to form more heat than magnetic field, a diode like forward engine and be good in Sulphur in near-cathode and uses of peroxyde to drive a more energic empacitor will lead to create hydrogen and know embodiment of this technology and may reduce over-production of hydrogen or paired proton . The question was also Do I have to prepare multiple concentration of sulphur and alginate ....
- While they other side about preventing a magnetic field to de-link and falling into nuclear reation ( know source of proton is Sun and it's solar flare observed by nasa to be many de-linking of magnetic field ) , may confirming putting a transformer or source of electric heating field into harder possibility to produce proton , by shielding the transformer inside a casing of alginate .... And Neodymium magnet too... imaginating this one can revert it's magnetic shield and loose it's force, a nuclear moment it existing and this one is more than ideal to prepend a forward force, in all case it's emision of positron the pre-dominant radiation and still good to have prof of forward-ability
-- If it's not how coupling high energy out of em-Darlington, it's a possibility to have common paste in future plating , radiation decoupling and momentum focusing ... Almost like silicon-dopant to reveal weakness in electric field to get common fall-out energy ratio .
Sometimes I regret being part or Crown, It's also useless to emit patent with my name , they all working on my side either...
According to reads, it's 2 resistance needed, but after some investigation toward uses of this configuration inside a
- Installing properly a Positive regulator with variable voltage does include the ampere division algorithm. Using week second resistor ans intensity-bridge will burn if you do require a lot of ampere. According to a Trim-pot installed for large tuning, it burn if there is not adequate resistance... While we understand many schema over this type of LM317BT voltage regulator does include a second computation of intensity, not so easy to include by calculating the direct ohms of 2 resistances.
- In fluctuation of intensity over resistance is also the main « application » embedded inside this 3-pin chip. And many reads also include we can not uses in in parallel ( while offering no intensity and may only power leds. ) . Calculating twice for a common factor we can found on market 150 Ohms/Joule block but next wire from this block burn the variable-resistance .... Analysing things around me and constantly remove the high-energy from 300/400 volts without sparking, I use a 25 watts Tungsten lamp... putting it under ohmmeter, it give 18.5 Ohms.
In addition to the 150 ohms block it start making sense in range found from an old d-link adapter powering 7.5 Vdc @ 1000mA, on meter it show 12 to 14 volts... I do unerstand why people on market may suffer from performance problems over not constant power and excessive power delivered with such equipement.
- While adding it to other chip to power the HVPE project to 5 volts it does terrible stable current.
- While I do worry on the heat I should read a bit more on how soldering this Tungsten lamp to the board without having to throw everything to garbage because it not only burn to die over 25 watts of light...
So actual «montage» show in next picture is set to an affordable 9.8 volts . Having a Zener Diode is the main key why we can put 1 or 2 more fixed voltage regulator altogether; the « Application » cited previously stop calculating after an appropriate voltage forwarding . Which is also include in many read in how connecting many source in parallel or serially .

Also some preview on the Double Darlington pair made from 4 NPN 2n4401 transistor. Some clue to fix like finding if it a temperature difference from first and last transistor; because last transistor on the right is the only one generating more heat not monitored from Falstad schema. But also added inductor, around 360uH of inductance to prevent signal to bounce back... Does it mean emitter branch from internal pair-1 to Main Darlington and pair-2 to Main Darlington also need theirs set of inductance to not bounce back . A short term a bouncing inside an electric field do generate heat... But don't ask about «Tungsten lamp» what it can bounce.., they are made to heat ...
But some other test done in later day with Gold-Cadmium light detector will possibly tell me presence of infrared... It does turn into pale orange, red but probably with a latching schema made from NE555 can help-me finding clue...
For those remember having ported to an old schema draw by hand may remember discussion about low-battery detection and why not high-energy detection is all in trigger and threshold .
While it is a messy program coded in Java, having uses of Linux is «Breathing » a bit more due to integrity of compiler and interpreter are a bit stronger . Since my 486 SX-25Mhz or overdrived with a coprocessor at 486 DX, 100Mhz where Falstad beta engine where available only by browsing into some university. Personnaly I did not remember where exactly but it did having problem to draw the same picture... Having in mind only the first opened photo-flash in hand. I did not take the time to take a photo of the plate and inspecting deeply the plate to find correct schema and at the age of 12 years old I didn't make myself at work like I did working like coder and system/network administrator... Personally I did not see any body taking the time to make a personal plan to achieve theirs goal by working... While some say
-- Could you just stop checking comment with your modification.
-- It's for knowledge !
At the age of 36, tools start to be wild and stable... Why taking so much time ... I did the effort over AMD-K6/2 300Mhz and failed , did it too over pentium 3 666Mhz, having bogus; The biggest one used in my history a dual pentium 3 700Mhz, had start working, but used to work I just push away personnal plan . While latest Amd Athlon dual-core TK-57 seems to had possibility to plan that schema, the engine still repond exactly like odd one on my 486 and maybe it's really the process being Falstad still having to be thinked twice...
By the way the cassette will now having 4 transistor Epitaxial transistor and did not heat like previously think... There is also a work-around, the virtual darlington transistor is not metered in real and there is missing calcullation to obtain the ideal Beta-hFE usefull to see the real gain .
While having rated between 228 and 240 hFE for same 2n4401 with same sub model we dare having understand why human haven't really found themself to make thing stable and will probably require to order by size all transistor found if I do have to talk about de Revert-Zener Field effect commonly know to be the strongest electric absorbent, ideal for nuclear radiation pumping.
But let see this image and those willing to run by night the falstad engine the export is also in my Git repository under name «hvpe_design_2_Darlington.txt »
Second Note :
For some professional, Version 1.6a from Falstad Free Electronic is « compilable » from java gcc compiler, akin to install gcj-4.6, gcj-4.7, it does work if you do unpacking the .zip file in a path, it will create you the «circuits» path where all circuits are. By default it load the LRC.txt file, but trying to import from compiled version seem to rebute and failed. Unless you do the extra to commonly Open file acces correctly because internal code had a lot of deprecated stuff. An old discussion around 2003 with M.Callier about LayoutManager being easy to resize because they deprecate the whole CardLayout / BorderLayout Manager to have automagically method to resize the windows on demand ; still present . And many more error and warning if you do try to compile with gcj-4.[67] .
-- Patching to copy my project file «hvpe_design_2_Darlington.txt» from github File hvpe_design_2_Darlington.txt and overwrite the lrc.txt is the Scaled rapid-level to see the result after lunching the following command :
From a command line:
gcj-4.6 -g --main=Circuit -o circuit circuit.jar
and calling it from shell :
doing a LDD over it: => (0x00007fff535fe000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e35698000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e32506000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e32200000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e31e37000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e31c1a000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e31a11000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e3180d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f6e315f6000) /lib64/ (0x00007f6e358e0000)
... And it's better than bringing your Lego-plan everywhere .
But I wish Everyone can « Help » the author by giving him/her/us a bit of hand by offering them the correction to deprecated class, it's still lying around since 2003.
I do had already fix the path access, but I do have other plan first, like trying to extracr Beta-hFE from my cassette, finding algorithm around this switching and adding on left-side or right-side some calculation mini-widget to calculate, gain from set of epitaxial npn into raised Darlington schema and also adding the calculation resistor for lm317BT positive regulator at 12v. Has you see the images from the holdrum hook to that High-Voltage schema just on left of the holdrum, you see it's D1960 or HSD965 on left and the leds on the holdrum are plugged to an output that sustain a 47v but no light to low amper retention inside a specific section, the tiny capacitor .
The Holdrum and the HVPE
So I need to put the LM317BT here and pump voltage to power about 10 leds emitting Ultra-violet which increase the decaying and producing Alpha-ray in presence of Thorium-Hexafluorure. And Glowing green which had costed in health problem for many person owing necklace, or ring made from this type of Jewel...
While myself belly-button is just the right place to place that type of Jewel, reacting with my muscle it muscle me up the belly .... Strange life sometime.... Strange life...
I believe people did not understand manual or getting dumber for inappropriate picture showed. I have personally talk to people during a 2 years of technical support confronting people haven't seek to their back of their TV to see cable. Twice getting newcomer at home beleiving having invented wheel is not our matter in this topic, but I do see people having problems to represent their tv out the way they are made ; The patch panel for wire is hidden in the back. The modem show you light from the front ; it's the power cord you remove not the usb cable or ethernet cable you have unplug....
In this case we can tell either how this sheet can help replace a burned transistor from a Audio amplifier box ; Whenever it's for guitar, Hi-def car sound or event sub-woofer they all uses 2n3055 a big one, some believing downing the heat out of coupling 2 TIP-122 to it ... True... Getting miniaturized by doing a trustworthy effort of coupling 4 or even 6 general appliance transistor, totally true too . If some had feared heat coming out of this the datasheet talk about thermal junction to case for all npn epitaxial and not the 2n3055, datasheet talk about max operating junction at 150 degree ; while epitaxial talk also about degree by watt for junction to case... Of cource all alone it does not burn it melt the epoxy case, semi-conductor get contact with air and change it ratio and die.
While coupling with 4 or 6 transistor home general appliance for general amplification the ratio is high in amplification and casing 3 set of 2 transistor 2n4401 , the first rank on side will not heat as center one where the contact are and you can be surprise it really decreasing heat... We only have these set of electronic since end of tube and starting from 1968 to 2015 we have only merged for bigger transistor and did not make a range toward expansion and serialization of the electronic we « Supposed have evolved at the speed of light », but it's brother of 2n4401, the on-surface MMBT4401 a SOT-23 can virtually flow at the surface of melted lead, and combination of lead-tin is a bit higher ; And working after you just take the spoon to take it and put it on your surface mount .
The answer toward not smelling the epoxy is around methyl-formaldehyde, a product used to make silicon resistant to heat glove or pan or even muffin-pan, so applying another process to turn a npn epitaxial into air resistant is our technology view-sight we suppose to had see at the speed of light...
Here the analysis.
Like github is a project builder, using several free tool like Falstad Free electronic engine, Gimp too, these object are important to extract images, to extract copper line from doubtful plate and mounted in many layer to draw path around connector and also inverting the image to allow a direct view of the top and the connection layer under the pcb .
I do have the Falstad Free electronic engine exported the merely interpreted data collected by the image and also look what is an implementation of 2 times 2n4401 mounted into Darlington pair...
And after replacing the Transistor having no
big definition on it and having collected a really poor data-sheet on it specification of HSD965 .
-- Of course I do have to use other tool to transform this cassette into full-platen and they all exist in Linux/Debian/Ubuntu world ... Including application like gEDA, GSpiceUI, Gwave, PCB design...
And a tiny notice, the tesla coil not available from actual version of Falstad Free electronic engine I use a simple inductor which is half of the truth because anothe pin need to start from center of the inductor coil and exit and touch the Xenon lamp... Or Touching Thorium-hexafluoride if you do want to make electro migration of the fluorine paired and leave thorium available for washing.... Don't know why I talking about that.... Maybe some one burn me out with lighter in the last place I worked, or stole the lighter imagining burning me with... It may include several regret for those catching pancreatic-problems after drinking my stuff without asking if they can drink.... Nope it didn't include any actinide inside but I do believe absorbing some lanthanide during this contract and do have to worry about causing electric disturbance ahead. A child-psychiatry may remember from ....
A cassette is an old term in electronic for mounting scheme or plate over another one. Commonly found in adaptation and replacement, the actual HVPE project now found inside another Branch of my repository also include Falstad Free Electronic engine Export-text file of following example. Basically called on-test ; how testing in real term my applicative transistor with common schema . Designed with this tool it report where excess of energy can be found .
I Found incredible to produce only 18 volts out of 330v, 120 µF after 5 second and heat was excessively high to only put transistor here... While asking myself, heating on the Thorium-Fluoride ball to commonly increase emission of Alpha ray, positron and gamma ray was not the point inside the schema, but confirm these elements to gain precedence in remaining electromagnetism and do have a role in fallback observation made from common TIP132, TIP142 big Darlington pair not heating during test but are far more expensive and big to install. After cassette conversion I should own 2, 3 or even 4 transistor 2n4401 mounted in spiral on the final plate.
And will also demonstrate if it continue charge by itself. A capacitor mix invented in wild '90 stolen or merely adopted by girlfriend, some other had probably bringing to next movie « The Martian », because the schema directly absorb electricity and all decaying radioactive source do had to leak in positron , I mean electron . In air also... But this element give around 7 volts, more than whished inside HVPE existing schema. I do cheat and only put 3v5 Zener diode and only two-stage walton-cockcroft capacitor/diode schema .
- But located on the 120 µF branch it own it's point to show you a turn-off switch time schema to let you see it can stop taking energy, flowing the capacitor into a walton-cockcroft multiplier . While the other technology was to adopt a pic controller to delay the time having an automatic timer to let a FET switching between dual schema.... Where Darlington pair is also involved. See bottom of this news to read around alternative.
However it move up to another Branch inside my repository. Just in case it's easier to access and cleaned from doubtful message .
-- In odd, we have also the Beremia found in movie «Back to the future », a word play around cassette on fifth flight to prevent Bill to stole the century sport almanac . Considering Destroying the look of the car itself, it also not only a cassette but the whole radio deck... Don't forget, cassette in 1955 radio does not hold ferric-manganesis deposition on plastic or acetate film, limited for private use and at this moment radio-interference may be ugly and destroying tape...
Here example of data extracted from my multimeter reporting following applicative transistor under name HSD965, D1960 or 2SC5765 having infinite or really high hFE ( higher than 900 @ 12 volts ), may include internal stuff bound inside the TO-92 casing and altering the data. Not showed inside the datasheet, it report the main function the transistor value found inside the applicative transistor.
General NPN epitaxial transistor know for 2n4401.
HSD965 NPN epitaxial planar transistor, which are suitable for use as AF output amplifier and flash unit.
And this cassette under test will probably hold equivalent of my blog background, but in tinier scale... Don't forget we all can do a Darlington pair over any type of pic of any 8bit controller microchip. They all showing based TIP-120 double pair, but normal NPN epitaxial can be superposed or other it only creating delay if you do added incorrect diode or higher resistor value.
This cassette for moment planed to hold 2 or 3 NPN 2N4401 where you can imagine having the center of this Darlington having to manage the crude lowest reversion after having increased the voltage, dropping the Ampere .
Next schema will probably include the detail and you can probably imagine to awe on what happening on magnetic breakage .
Dear M. Henry We do miss each other in the grocery ; Happen at many time at many occasion... Personally didn't feel the time passing and hope contact from last event didn't expose you much more to severe contamination . Personally it didn't miss while some hand can be more struggling than other ; It's not because it exist in a circus, tamer and famous tamer to arbitrary offer a show out of fighting and struggling . - Do they all had the time to listen to all of my record from tech support . Assuming being a good example in eucharism and call managing, I should be inside the section of overemphasizing about on what they all call for. time is exhausting for some and I do not «Regret » that last contract had end and should be renewed . But mainly it rely on people didn't see, didn't focus on and event didn't understand, they probably having all to read their manual if something getting them out of this ... Lying around and wasting bandwidth in the whole... If they can't waste about all on the daily consumption they should add another extra on what that can be estimated or counted , finding something to drain out . But over time I do realize people having more to resist. Gravity seem to be increasing and start to be much more present than last decade... Lucky for those living the Center Region of unified gravity , around your institute, but also closer to old Mabe-General electric, and some other old place in montreal as well. Irradiation had start to manifest way before Becancourt and I do apologize and may not come directly from Gentilly-2, but from sea.Do we had heard from Sept-iles in the last decade ... So there is missing analysis to remain a doubt on why it was stop from late '90, to not invest more in physiologic. We do apologize we do fall on something and that something is bigger than our tiny disc-world and remaining radiation are a bit higher ... So we anticipated problems related to nervous system , from excessive energy charged-decharged from local radiation and having physical more to hold on their feets it's not a ill but physiologically tangible.
For some it start to give us more...
« Shall » have the motus prior to have a reason to protect ,
« Will » have the definition of the pendum to transmit the information properly.
And will inform you about the "way" we should consider them if you are prone to be concerned .
In some way people adopted by « Supreme Court » are unique case and this in favor of a self root-stem giving them time to form many root, many descendant rather than a future « stem », ready to "hybrid" and duplicate, a process that failed and continue to fail ....
Like this adopted case had to grow, this adopted was also informed about future event occurring will have issues. Like bank to block your account or compagny with 3 letters Sign, had wiped acces and refuse electronic transfert following a DMCA act. While a advocate not from « Barreau du Québec », calling in Québec to ask to a citizen to remove code, and access, even if password was a var in memory and basic command showing example of correction to implement over a LDAP tree, to remove you sign and probably dreaming letting me moving to Troy just to see this infrastructure falling....
My demand of password was received by a Canadian agent member from that « Barreau du Québec » ; If I put the plug out I will receive answer like .
- It's like RRQ sheet, it inform you about the amount, but contributing to it can be done only by working... Nothing else.
- If you do receive, Revenu du Québec sheet by mail, and you had sign for «Partenariat entrepreneur , employé», they had safely report you into impossibility to had linked you Revenu to it, you do stuff on your way for you own purpose, but most Canadian does not touch to that case... A case something that give around half of million and 2 million the rest of your life, it's denatured person will try to work and having theirs own recipe in life.... Demotivating if you do touching money from Partenariat ...
So Supreme Court does also inform, California, New york will lose an important power by unilaterally touch account ; Even if there is a strong relation between personal account used to receive my income from 2012 jobs and relation to my internal credential . So Orange County will take place soon, and that 3 letters corporation old from century died in the hand of « Supreme Court ». Why not, United State had lost in case of adopting that stem . The « Supreme Court » continue to investigate in any departed work...
- So we are before September 7, no sign of followed act from Another type of Agent working close to that «Partenariat entrepreneur , employé» had already concluded a fallback date which is critics ; If the tool depending from that «3 letters corporation old from century » action to allow electronic transfers , or uses of Terminal-Sendmoney , to assign Gazillion, like student from 2nd grade from IT at cegep Rosemont learn . Even United State had right to use that Terminal-Sendmoney to correct their inflation and increasing their value... It's old joke from the « The Godfather » , to contact a Diplomat to increase the inflation by signing a diplomatic act . You do have to mess less with gun for moving money ...
By the way what they learn a cegep Rosemont , Couple of thing, but some have seriously pushed the teacher out for conflict with me or Cobol is just out after 2001
They learn :
- Cobol
- Summing a code from NAS.
- Having debate for my NAS was elligible
- To change the title
- To earn a Gazillion for all the know problem meet on earth since that decision of replacing homo-sapiens from 24,23,21 pairs/gene by a 32 pairs/gene.
- While the code have been examined , The teacher have really insist to tell me where I have found my NAS because it fit in every situation. He still believing I have stole it....
- For all other guy believing we working for honest cause ,
- We do presenting reality like this ...
- We celebrating like we were never meet, we are all new after last conclusion to revoke or erasing members, dying with theirs passion or leaving with their goal, remaining candidate have to receive the new role and so on... So we showing to you 14 days after you have really take contact with us, we do celebrating our new turn during that moment...
I will avoid sending another contact soon unlike December 2009-2010, the ACN chapter...
Also I will refuse to remove any other information from any place ; In Québec we are invited to enter into « Barreau du Québec », to complete any of « Barreau » If you do trust your "intention in action" as virtue , and leaving if you to fail your « Barreau » and continue to believe it does not impact on reality . In some case like if "The guys pretending rulling the century old compagny", might have idea to live in Québec they will :
- Invite you to be a member, and all other close to your wellfare-infractructure in short your management team , you may fail your « Barreau », it's about same called dismantlement because you do not respect the « Supreme Court » , you may live your live after like any citizen except a clause that should be respected having to end .
Many does not really understand being pointed by the inflated balloon created out of the « Supreme Court » environment it's like being out of civility, it's really far west in your context .
« Supreme Court », have seriously laugh over adopted case.... Untouchable he can be, It can't collect infraction for eternity, and it driving the actual structure which is already a falling inferno ; we can't juge it for the big inferno we are giving, so collection case, de-imparting or simply gluing back imparted position because it's useless, cooption of process give us mirror of what is critical. But messing with immaterial of human or group of one-element from that other group is also « La Haye » in International Justice ; Like Swizterland notariat does not sound « Big » Succession to process or interim .