TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: ( phenomenon ) « Tungsten lamp » as resistance in LM317BT in first resistance does something bad ?


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samedi 7 novembre 2015

( phenomenon ) « Tungsten lamp » as resistance in LM317BT in first resistance does something bad ?

According to reads, it's 2 resistance needed, but after some investigation toward uses of this configuration inside a

- Installing properly a Positive regulator with variable voltage does include the ampere division algorithm. Using week second resistor ans intensity-bridge will burn if you do require a lot of ampere. According to a Trim-pot installed for large tuning, it burn if there is not adequate resistance... While we understand many schema over this type of LM317BT voltage regulator does include a second computation of intensity, not so easy to include by calculating the direct ohms of 2 resistances.

- In fluctuation of intensity over resistance is also the main « application » embedded inside this 3-pin chip. And many reads also include we can not uses in in parallel ( while offering no intensity and may only power leds.  ) . Calculating twice for a common factor we can found on market 150 Ohms/Joule block but next wire from this block burn the variable-resistance .... Analysing things around me and constantly remove the high-energy from 300/400 volts without sparking, I use a 25 watts Tungsten lamp... putting it under ohmmeter, it give 18.5 Ohms.

In addition to the 150 ohms block it start making sense in range found from an old d-link adapter powering 7.5 Vdc @ 1000mA, on meter it show 12 to 14 volts... I do unerstand why people on market may suffer from performance problems over not constant power and excessive power delivered with such equipement.

- While adding it to other chip to power the HVPE project to 5 volts it does terrible stable current.

- While I do worry on the heat I should read a bit more on how soldering this  Tungsten lamp to the board without having to throw everything to garbage because it not only burn to die over 25 watts of light...

So actual «montage» show in next picture is set to an affordable 9.8 volts . Having a Zener Diode is the main key why we can put 1 or 2 more fixed voltage regulator altogether; the « Application » cited previously stop calculating after an appropriate voltage forwarding . Which is also include in many read in how connecting many source in parallel or serially .


Also some preview on the Double Darlington pair made from 4 NPN 2n4401 transistor. Some clue to fix like finding if it a temperature difference from first and last transistor; because last transistor on the right is the only one generating more heat not monitored from Falstad schema. But also added inductor, around 360uH of inductance to prevent signal to bounce back... Does it mean emitter branch from internal pair-1 to Main Darlington and pair-2 to Main Darlington also need theirs set of inductance to not bounce back . A short term a bouncing inside an electric field do generate heat... But don't ask about «Tungsten lamp» what it can bounce.., they are made to heat ...

But some other test done in later day with Gold-Cadmium light detector will possibly tell me presence of infrared... It does turn into pale orange, red but probably with a latching schema made from NE555 can help-me finding clue...

For those remember having ported to an old schema draw by hand may remember discussion about low-battery detection and why not high-energy detection is all in trigger and threshold .