About that guy "Ron DeSantis", before becoming Gouvernor of Florida had order to arrest Larry Wall inventor of Perl, In a famous madness to not recognize either A.I from piloted box as a part of the composition of Perl. Ron DeSantis seeing in Perl a doubtful hacking product that to deserve Jail for the developer .Before doing this to Larry Wall worked on Usenet on behalf of Intel. He was released about weeks after on belong of the law was rejecting the cause and ask to DeSantis a poetry or verb prose to acknowledge in hacking in semantic of the language itself.
He is simply back in a afford mentioned other dumbness despite to help finding other leak in the system, he really alike a Friend for Trump, where He promise to forgive. If it was that forgive for an arrest of a teacher belong to Orders, Teaching artifact had render Ron DeSantis invalid in some ways. Apparently to get forgive instead of Hustler. In this case it's clear Ron DeSantis hate about A.I. and workwith someone that do pretend that after the 20 of January He would'nt get more right and not be the republican head. It's still Biden and it's clear-wise than Hustler will replace in front of the law the Head of the Republican Party, not Trump.