First is it that mask or the other one ?
This one with all the flower, all the decoration and it's method conception which is alike peruvian/mexican mask, it consist of putting acrylic-like call "pre-cottonesse" color dust you place on the mask and a big fire heat a rock and we to have to press the mask il molten form of mud into physically press to become like ceramic. Modern version simply uses fly-back heating under pressure and the color is twice the same compound way and got it's lust due to roasting and glassing of "pre-cottonesse" over ceramic.or this one :
Or this one with bread and woody construction. Aka the same since the buy of the kitchen set in 1997, this mask was coming with mom taste to make exotic.
Where the answer is not only the first one, but 3 persons had a Journey-em' of traveling in a dead time !
Alike initial reason and purposes of this mask, is to wear it to see about defunct and talk with them with the spirit of the mask.
Honestly, after analyzing this mask out of my trial to develop the point-to-point extension protocol to afford pointing in a precise moment with the point-to-point initial protocol, I do experience of the reading conclusion of this mask while we was early between 1994-1997 to see it appearing, not only a Director similar to Skinner in X-files, but Scully too ? Scully was first and land-in the front of the television and she is getting an artifact ( up to the television ) whistling-in and put back the mask and disappear. Skinner from X-Files too does have it's chance (probably when Scully give all the proof to it's Director ) .
Itself have the chance to land in a precious moment where father decide to tell about it's LSD consumption in daytime and effect it did eating hot-dogs on LSD does provide to give much more like showing a guys he don't remember about the name.
And the third, which is the first one out, does explain to dad about friendship he do to face and offer to friend of Vitti or Gotti and popular one around ( really wide because it may include New York as proximity). Initially the guy left with the mask and nothing happen. Unless he decide to put back the mask and realizing there is already one where he grab and left. So that one inquiry a night in what we can call it new room in the future had see about myself during de night trying to land off from an unknown visit during my night. And got convince to get the mask. Up to all it's try he bring back the mask. Seeing the copy up to the same place and put back the mask, disappearing up to wife long view on and reappear in the Berry Montreal theater. The wife receiving the call she got the confirmation he is far in Montreal. Dead time for some are like time to smoke and existing of the Berry old theater everyone is fine out of this.
Where the mask origin ?
Actual picture show is final and inert state, not crackle by an fall and also have another wire to hold it. Got buy but effectively sure it won't act because upon to my tour in the so called distortion algorithm to run in the future until there is no man touching it the mask, make myself resilient to stop providing distortion or copy of itself mask. Apparent reason of it's presence is dated to Andree to buy it in Columbia airport and the seller telling something strange like take the mask over the television and bring-me to look a the mask. And secondly return it back over the television and ... Voilà, stuck with a mask in your hand a fresh mask appear to never being removed on the wall, and pure copy. She buy it fairly and cheaply.
I am sure it's not going to filed into "Gogurt-House" .
Whatever is the new Director head of F.B.I., what is international will stay international.I think there is also the Law that can revert about decision and it's up to process faster the International accusation so far.
Like Flash-Father from the series, to F.B.I. investigation an autumn/winter series soon available series at mask that treat with behaviorism of murder environment , had nothing to do with the mask, but show how Star from television had taste for investigation, is to them all to continue in that way. even the guy with the cigarette had a reason to paid for the F.B.I. surrounding a tragic contamination with nicotine and bite feed by this over nicotine get at this guys he do had to pay to get so many help to relieve from treat-smoking.
Apparently we do have a Mulder around. And also nothing happen to this person. Personally see from all even happen to this guy, have enough from Television what Mulder have to face is a bit different that series suggest, way more relax.
So it's not going to help you all after , and especially you Trump, that mask only.