Belong to Ian Johnson in these autumn season September/October 2023.
We do have an realistic article of the "Great Walling-Off" of China ,
in a reflect of a loosen focus discovered by Michael Guelph from a New
authoring of Readers Digest of de Winning price of "Shanghai Human
river". Price of 1990 or around, the apparently interview within the
news of an old collection elements but not forgetted, seems to explain a
weird situation where it drive an uncommon racist action from Chinese
police to seek about anomalies in human appearing in falling river or
waterfall of human and some disappear. Spotting at Micheal Guelph
instead of all other young children got appearing and disappearing and
arresting the tourist for having being copied in this story and
annealing some of it's copy.
Of course the so called tourist
arrived all alone, but accused to kill someone else. It's quite
impressive as new that suggest it's like imaginary state of presence of
human and got thrill, but in fact the teller said, I am stuck here and
they can only claim it's a life drastic change for Us, we are guilty,
got in jail and will some day go through an equivalent Aquitaine . By
theses days we do see it on TV sometimes, and the so called reality
continue to be ?
extract from Ian Johnson:
- Chinese
people call "内卷化" /Nèi juǎn huà/. Often translated as "involution" it
refers to life twisting inward without real progress.
If this is a situation that is existing it do relieve from and impressive slow down happening and impact a lot for Chinese.
As said before at the beginning of the 21st century, they where big, they where aware and ready to go in war of everything....
extract from Ian Johnson:
Their experiences, along with broader trends in civil society and
government, suggest that China’s leaders have begun to sacrifice
technocratic progress and even popular support in their pursuit of stability.
Guelph was also the first and only one since there is a severe
consensus in term definition with Chinese and accept only to talk about
the "massive increase in population" as Chinese term "人口大量增加" /Rénkǒu
dàliàng zēngjiā/ and nothing else by referencing many collusion and
corruption act within identity thief for many copy of the same identity
card among self identity claiming being stole from theirs own house.
Some are arrested for having annealing theirs conflicts once they had
call the police and the original one go in jail too. It's de-calibrating
so heavily to know human are poor and may attempt to not share their
In clear, M. Johnson, does also know a bit of
Guelph life problems ; itself if it's not the initial effort to communicate the so
called having a better conversion term in Chinese : "人口大量增加" /Rénkǒu
dàliàng zēngjiā/
This online publishing is recent and long time
observation from past China is expelling out Tiananmen Square massacre
of 1989, in which the government unleashed the military on peaceful
student demonstrators with the world watching. but belong to interview
from Michael Guelph, it also relating down some major factor like is
there a big construction fault and government want to stare. Belong to
himself, they can expel out of Chinese worker itself if there is
betraying architecture like a sport center, but my explanation of this
"massive increase in population" as an occurring and tell an act beyond
only got Taiwanese worker wanting to integrate the China, it's out of
that, we are doubting and now in jail.
But plenty of them among's the Readers Digest owned collection tell and foretell some
similar story. Le "Coeur de Notre-Dame" and raining women awaiting to
save them.
Today, or since few years, I think 'Hubert Reeves,
book's , Patiente dans l'Azur', finally out owning since my visit from
this place (see Hubert children/cousin picture) where Hubert Reeves as
from eye-sight of the annihilation procedure performed by my aunt asking
Julia to take the baby a while. Back in time with this copy, I owned
since 1989 and it miss about 20 pages and even more because, my dad does
not believe in my things and ripped off page out of the book where my
name is tell and so called draw explain about my think. It also contain
the Draft of Pentagon "Electric" chair alternative paper, offering for
julia a permanent and continual annihilation plan for here and all other
her since Judge have proof she can be spread into many ones. So you can
also ask yourself a view too look too, original activity like creating a
scout in United State depend of the Pentagon itself as approbation
your team is up to do this activity out of our sight... While apparently
Draft of Pentagon "Electric" chair alternative paper is an Order and
& Association of expert having a inquiry to produce and apparently
they are only few user that can call, ask this copy and full fill the
action. It's not mention if it's notary safe to use it freely at Synergy
Contact inc. by a Supervisor, having an International Notary, should
know own to safe it's feet out of it.
Because, belong to the so
called requirement, where I should be present for, does not include I
should be over an over-dose of A.D (anti-depressive), as remember some
took, my coffee, offer me another one filled with soluble solution and
give back my coffee with twice A.D in. I had so many high to critical
dose of A.D, one week after I was crafting a story of get a sofa from a
place and reappear to get a new one. You don't have idea how many sofa
the locator owner does had sell, and seems to provide a cheap but safe
tarn-orange sofa with African like pattern.
And someone
apparently tall had also saw the annihilation, and the yelling to me. It
happen, static electricity and heterodynation to provide annihilation
had evolve since into a direct shoot in case she ran away. But
rewinding, I hear back my name in reverse and Julia re-appear.
Apparently, Pentagon procedure aren't something you keep in hand long
or you do have to call back and get a copy back. So pretending having
something to do with Julia is like betraying the Pentagon cause. I say I
do believe you, put back her in place and afternoon it happens fast enough she was probably one meter and lesser and did not leave enough
to know more.
Since the beginning, she is believing she can escape with me ?
Reeves, book's , Patiente dans l'Azur is a good book too that refer to huge impact an reality toward force like gravity, strong, magnetism,
weak forces... It teach me out of the reality to draw out, he is an
excellent writer, composer , "Patiente dans l'Azur " is a deep thinking and
may involve A.I as well . Apparently found Brian Green also working on
it's own deep think that are also bought idea from highly active view of
string theory into deep vulgarization.
I do have to think both
Jeanine and Joanne for the adhesion of Readers Digest where firsts book
was provided by Irene-Jeannette Deschamps, some in english and in
french after. So I even have story in english and french.
I should explain why it won't exist myself in visit of Paris 2024 for
olypic games. It relate something not yet cleared since some where
apparently and exclusively wanting to talk about a Royal title "hateful
& pride" received in 1991 ( at the age of 12 year old ), apparently
forgive by the Queen and may launch Charles III into impossibility to
get approbation from here or you father ... The paper really come from
Charles III and not Princes Charles III ; where our infrastructure was
probably connected to the past so Charles III have effectively send it
from it's "Self-Nomination" in past of Canada, so your Mother had
something to tell you about . So it consist in a payed bunch of police
officer paid by king they send me in London for accusation and discuss
about you might be Ulricht and you do have to continue the bombardment
be we putting the past money into it... The Already not loving the
winter, stashed down in Zermatt for harboring German-Swiss old bombing act
to enforce gluing me to Donald Trump, Putin and 3 others rich that
betrayed earth stasis with their moneys.