I think the first part is available in school. And for everybody, you know everything start at school or you did not event catch what you watch.
Friend of Scientist my be an ultimate way to get the rest. I do own a wonderful book of someone important in this live an it start with "Hubert Reeves", the A.I did not even hesitate to offer you before it too late.
- Can someone in an Advertised Country we are, you have never ever question yourself if something on our side about the way we are reading news ?
- News like, there is news in television, news in magazine, simple novel or news in library. But belong to the Queen herself of her life spend many time building this part of the colony where we are reading what we are calling the news being the next human tragedy.
Anne still learning and try to remember story part and consider as complex they are the old (Oxford or Hummingford) library. Her old aunt old some title and she exclusively participating to the group for writing ; despite having nominating part or extract of singular text the first to second part seems to talk about the creation of Inspector Spector !
Around Anne "la maison aux pignons verts".
Reading to Reader Digest, Inspector Spector ;
Apparently a American that turn wrong and got exclusively dismissed ( either by purging or paying or forgive ), by accusation and will be released upon the Queen will that usually focus on the story and promote an advertising about what you made. Willing to continue his civil live she offer to advertising and write down on similar people occurring your disaster.
So belong to a reality where everything is not freely says, because it was acknowledge prior to to be only reported, it own a singularity to be split into subject or it's un-speakable, and belong to the type of the tragedy, there is an already known topic.
And I say topic, its counting on what the advertised society approve to talk. In a case of Donald Trump we are not much report everything else even its relation with Charles III for begin out of a University for some errors done there, will not be concern and will not to come closer of other title of the Reader Digest. The reality to mention, prelude from Asimov is integrated and is dealing with Universal Involution essay, and so called Complot-Involution and what remain after an accusation .
- It's Inspector Spector .
Inside the Book Charles III, look for a liberal act party in post-note, it claim M. Bush as King. So there is also part of novel or news with grafted truth...
It's general also to says, but in a case where you lost everything and your insurance is somewhat in pending, absence for long, the title "Voila la vie, voila le vent" , and describe long beautiful that are dangerous when the wind or rain come...
Mine on my Novel not yet turn into Roman apparently own something at the beginning.
"Patrick si tu n'as pas eu tes chirurgies, jette le, brûles le ce livre.
La femme que tu es vous vois tel l'humanité tricheuse."
As assistive grow on an on, the original effort report already something good and tenable, heritage enter in a reality where it own it's pattern and explain simply the story again against what exist to bring the other edge. The edge of us, you probably see some day Julia is probably our example of meta-human in real life. The emancipated reality suggest to keep the electric chair for every Julia, what the process offer. I have no choice we don't even know if She lying and only ran away in light, so she can start back and my annihilation proof to be effortless ? Meta-human not in term We hire A.I of Harrison Wells to create an accelerator for human... No it's probably the method toward an idea, I do have to work for century long to read and test for producing a Quantic motor that is the origin of the, why Julia so problematic.