As something strange like in the sky it's twice easy to learn from star and space because we see at it and ultimately share all the same images that reveal the truth, about space, about sky , about star.
Involving something harder and invisible, un-affordable to seen ; it's possible bringing knowledge of faith, known of religion, is not only strange but sometimes bring worse example by the book where story of some end into actions of others, bring more than only learning, but systematically participating with side effect of not really understanding what you have learn, bring an acute level of Frustration.
As it's easy to remember from music and video and movies, learning from which reality. As it's twice easy to replay and afford to remember what you want to play, or what you have to play something to make it liked by other is twice taking you first to overall impacting, including seeing other liking what you are playing or doing in an animation to explain in something it's easy that kids to learn from gravity onward to stay on it's wheel starting to do bicycle.
Left by Einsteins on my reads, first part is well know, about kid about 5 year old, about doing or catching in something, but the other part right after, does it stand in ?
- And never be old enough to understand treat, like war we all believing, but some says it's like tree, it's resist to most important forces and do give us vegetation every years !
And it's true, some fare and story or not only to learn , but to be added has avoid-list to remember rather than participating to it, like war, like treat.
The oldest mechanism of society come from Grec where becoming able to dismiss between sophist and logical, it'
s since there we do avoid heretic action from strangely that believe itself grown in the fame of it's power which usually a sophist itself.
And we can barely claim, Regan itself as the whole American nation inside Sophist will it should be learn at this. That's the the so called last frontier of fachist and fascism, to wake from a sophist ?