For all theses person having a chance to get something that work without spending night to compile. Arduino becoming huge , it's also puffed from creamy things that simply make it slow.
The Arduino 2.2.3, having exactly only the arduino-cli in backend and lot's of puffing. But running arduino-cli with puffed interface consume memory, and turning off the IDE by saving your things and calling remotely with hand writing of arduino-cli command if fastidious and knowing compilation recipe is twice harder. This is why with the version 2.2.3 of Arduino IDE, it held same version of arduino-cli such Version: 1.0.4 apparently. So compiling it locally it give you a surround and held the potent-full power of driving micro-controller up do your design. Mind not included to know how to develop in C++, which is not an average Mme McBride will likely to share ;)
So my script shell of Fnct.D will some day hold about this finite form and will be more explain-full and give trial. But you do have to try to compile yourself following arduino-cli to make it work.
Using Zenity shell command it's simpler, but have to adapt to what it offer. It offer to read and support pango markup and reading HTML file and displaying it to a finite window . So final version of the help will be big with image and arrow or how-to with big number to show you the Step-by-Step.
Some script installer already exist inside Fnct.D, so similar concept may provide an easy installation on Linux Machine. Including Windows machine connecting in SSH to a Linux Terminal you can load visually like windows that raise my ArduinoPlan when your SSH session is configured to accept X Windows Protocol, some boss does already try this and are apparently charmed of it's clicking easy access.
Extracted in 2002, I profile a version working on this release that work fine for many worker at VDL2 and already propagated an apparent version to help people.
And by the way, it's the protocol icons, Elon Musk had stolen from Picture which is protected by the MIT and Unix Software ( who Sco loose from it ) , do make a reason why Elon Musk will have to win a lot this year. He might be informed to change back it's Twitter icon to be a respectable protocol to share power of between platform advantage, which some aren't understand he was attracted by this symbols... Did you ?
And don't call me to say you were having problem to code with ArduinoPlan TG-things with it I told you :
The TG-Things is the Tarn-Grey things, you unwrap, un bundle, put wire, put electricity and than you got a phone line !