TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: novembre 2024


Iterpipes, Between Bash and Hash-bash

A library for running shell pipelines using shell-like syntax

Enables piping infinite streams through shell pipelines in Python

xhtml-css Bivalidator

Check your markup and style validity


Just type or paste an URL in the form above, and click on "check it" to see the magic. If you want to fine tune your validation, click on the "advanced" link. That's it!

Yet Another Comprehensive Content

Like, Young's modulus is a vibrating variation inside a solid... The times it take to respanw to an excess of energy is what molding apparence may look to not-so solid thing's... Like this Blog when adding content, the effor is like slapping it and the time it goes back, centered... we consider being more stable than usual...

mercredi 6 novembre 2024

Directrice TS like no way you do made mistake again.


Apparently a new nominee from republican and being alike T.S. too. Tell me, come and knock at my door and tell you have a beautiful life and love it like in your short and had nothing to do with all these... I am not this is I will answer , I had a protection into "Directrice" and I was promptly to insist there is no accommodation for, but laughing of you all as price of fully victims of sex-torsion while some continue to deal as accommodation against no solution for me but only accepting this ambiguity . In Canada we call it staying in Medical not becoming Sissy or Full TV, TS, TX, and all Queen, Queerf and Quering you all made. 

Some says it's the offer. 

-    What are you offered,  hang-up it's bad as we can even accept. 


And don't tell me Kamala Harris can do it instead of Trump. He he very good providing dick to everything... 

I will insist strongly to give back everything, to continue to live with that stealth of the investment might re-appear in politics, but using me in the Querring-TG environment. 

Don't tell everyone the republican TS-eens newly admitted she has paid to get my picture done by Marie-Ellies as professional Photoshop to give to one of my picture, lens, hair, look and CHARACTER IN BIG TELL TS... 

I think the price belong you all, laughing of you will consist in my only one price...


There is in informatics inside the ARIN Equivalent Sissy story, picture in journal and being confessed as TS, tell us the name if you don't know, just open the internet story ... This is why I dump you all in that case. In 1983 ARIN was moved out of central of America to avoid you being fully the internet central. So my patents will never being issued in America and will kept here in Canada. 

So no offer in the TS world, I was telling I was ready to answer.

mardi 5 novembre 2024

Encore un dernier effot Trump, et n'oublie pas de voter ?

 Apparemment il est 5 heure du matin à ta maison, il y a des lumières de l’activités et tu ne fermes pas les yeux de la nuit. Heureusement tu n'est pas à ta maison à New York, dans la région de Franklin avec des forts vents, ça serait long de descendre à La Mara !!! Mais avoir 2 maisons et tu n'as eu que le droit de voter en Floride... Tu veux dire à partir de la FAC d'étude de Floride et non comme étudiant ? 

Ha, les grosses nuits à dire du mal des autres. Oublie pas de voter. Les poings fermés avec peut être assez de fumé de cigarette pour remplir une tonne d'air comprimé, ça doit être inconfortable de dormir sur le plancher. Il t'a sûrement fallu un chérubin pour te convaincre de partir... Arrivé sur le dos j'ai tellement rit et a 4 et même 5 occasions de revenir sur place pour rire de ce que Futurama qualifie de "Spoiling at Square Madison place", faisant partie des discours des plus négligés d'être responsable offrir un acte libéral de dire des conneries à la place Madison Square Garden...

Ta campagne était dans une telle décrépitude, on dirait que c'est l'A.I Génerative de "Get Ready with Me" qui essaie de nous communiqué extérieurement que Donald Trump doit et ne peut que participer en politique comme AI qui a capturé ses shows et émission et qui a bel et bien vomis une campagne ... Assez singulier pour aussi demander à Kamala Harris si elle était obligé d'allumé l'ordinateur serveur avec Grand Écran pour laisser exprimer ce défunt politicien dans l'air de pervertir sa propre élection avec sa propre assurance.