By working as contractor for a company, an investment clause was accidently modified by a member of old VDL2 crew and did 2 errors inside this investment clause, by asking to myself directly what is the minimum I have invested recently... Answering to him, none if only I own all right ( this should include deleguated name like Tutor or «notariat» member ). This member also found strange to only find my name inside this investment clause and made the decision to add all member names... Explained and heard from two location for modifying this chart it make sense for him having someone investing 2800$CAN and get a return of 2 Millions CAN$... While in fact is my Tutor investing 2Millions and want the same amount in return... This person found himself tanked for committing this error, was fired from VDL2 and the error was literally shooted to any like this was accepted, while it's a pretexts covering another threat... a Collusion.
Another member who really not want to be cited like the previous one, had sold to CGI this information of a private investor... Having attracted in the same and old Videotron Executive to look for what he never had from a personal contact also isolated from society to prevent himself being caught by this collusion systems, was also revealing names, and intention...
Back to the VDL2 collusionist , he also invited member to gain VDL2 attention by inviting intentional chair to persist in naming this private investor... In Fact a Barreau du Québec member which is equal to committing a Really big error....
So thoses name is they are not listed inside this Blog will also not be named in flavor of error prone attention and error prone analytic point of view ( being an investor can be a title not a person ) . And the other name being pointed many times from many member inside VDL2, shall also had a surprise to seeing myself in Halloween serving him/her advise with a blond wig...
Story inside this blog about CGI are also to attract them a bit out of the daily real news by admitting there is nothing like Collusionist/Corrupted member from Videotron recently entertained to continue to show myself a a simple member of this society not holding, share, money of any ( and protected by a lawyer ), to let me act freely and not found myself to give something important to any...
A lesson about collusion should not be a role inside a society but an ending schema to retreive yourself out of it.