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An home-made design, not Warning, no exception enter in 500 lines and can merely compile everything in C. Designed to be more like C++, np_inline is a Boiler plate extracted from bare-bottom python doc
where my Actual development of CCodeInline is a class implementation of the same idiom... Adding possibility to upgrade the skeleton, it also come with possibility to add Include header ( what was really missing inside the Initial boiler-plate of a good C extension of Python compiled code )
Some other story from my github can also comment more on development and what was achieved... But on 3 days of works it merely show a same-to-same comparison be achieved... Parsing is 90% complete and the inherent design like writing the code inside a temporary-path, building and loading module with imp is 100% ported from my class design... A Big Plus, More than one code can be inserted in a skeleton, and Include list ( Should ) follow... Example from the file inside the __main__ demonstrate it's capacity to keep the merged/parsed information and can be switched from a current skeleton to another...
So maybe another fews days, and the code will support many Parameter in entry, C/C++ function will have a choosen C/C++ parameter before compiling, Header-file will be fully integrated and Function itself will not throw an assert on entry-function parameter being only Int or float, PyObject, String and many more parameter will be accessible...
Also planned to be released on, this one will be up and growing...
Example of Managing a Skeleton with CCodeInline:
Managing the Skeleton
### Main example to define some code , some skeleton-Index and calling the
### inline_debug .
BInlineCode=r'''printf( "Program #%i: Hello world.\n", i ) ;'''
BCode = CCodeInline( args=(1, ), py_types=(( int, 'i'),) )
### Note, the object is ready and we only need to define a Skeleton
### with property SkeletonIndex
BCode.SkeletonIndex = 1
### Also good if you do Errors by calling BCode.GenerateCode and parse tag and
### and realize there is an error inside the result, re-add the
### skeleton like this step to Initialize a Skeleton
### Just to sneak-out what inside to print a Generated/Parsed Skeleton
### you can call BCode.VarDefSkeleton property which is the active
### variable manager for current Skeleton
print BCode.VarDefSkeleton
### Don't forget to add the code:
BCode.FCCode = BInlineCode
### Did you add a malloc somewhere in your code.. Still need to add
### an Header ...
BCode.IncludeHeaderType = 'internal'
### IncludeHeaderType one of two words, 'internal', 'external'
### Based on Standard, an internal header will be handled like this : #include <...>
### and external-one will look like this : #include '...'
BCode.DictIncludeHeader = 'stdlib.h'
### Updating the Header list ready for parsing.
### If you do like to see once again, call GenerateCode and you will see appear it inside
### the Include-Header section...
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This following artifact, from Numpy module called np_inline can generate static inline code and it's well known module... Such utility can ( demonstrated thru PDF example to multiply Matrix with a couple of line of Ansi C )...
Despite finding a way to Proove we can use big number Library to insert into a development from my github, fibonacci_offset start to work in a correct way, but crafting the original class FibonacciOffset-> ComputeLevel can compute really big number and can also generated such number it easy overflow after converting a number into C-type from module ctypes...
But after reading the module-pdf from np_inline, it show the function working after compilation ( can not be seen with idle, you need to open a terminal and calling python2.7 ) version I actually work with...
So are doing in this way:
from np_inline import inline_debug as inline
code=r'printf("Program #%i: Hello world.\n",i)
inline('hello_word_example', args=(1,),py_types=((int,'i'),),code=code )
### Showing on terminal, the compilation and finally:
Program #1: Hello world.
### This is not bad... but calling it back:
>>>import hello_word_example
### As the name you mention inside inline(...)
### and this time just using Number 2
>>>hello_word_example.function( 2 )
Program #2: Hello world.
### -- Still Correct...
### And saving them... after all it's an object and can possibly stored... Why-not !!!
>>>import cPickle
>>>from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler
>>>import tempfile
### I am using tempfile because it will always have space for temporary file
### being a standard in Computer-administration, almost all application
### requires free-space
>>>aPickler=cPickle.Pickler( atemp, -1 )
>>>aPickler.dump( hello_word_example.function )
>>>AFH=open( '/home/maxiste/obj_mem.pkl', 'w+')
>>>AFH.write( )
>>>del hello_word_example
### The delete operation is really important to remove the module to
### reload it from Unpickler...
>>> hello_word_example.function( 2 )
Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'hello_word_example' is not defined
### Recovering Object with Unpickler
>>>BFH=open( '/home/maxiste/obj_mem.pkl', 'r' )
>>> Dpickler=cPickle.Unpickler( BFH )
### Now Module is in memory and we can load back
>>>from hello_word_example import *
### Now using Number 3
>>>function( 3 )
Program #3: Hello world.
Telling it's important to keep in mind creating a new package and using setuptools directive data([...]) to store any data can store indefinitely your object compiled for your station... Might be problematic if we move toward another kernel version or simply different architecture... But the remaining story is my original New on Zero-install project with autoinstall module can freely transform and Egg out of the Web and installing it like np_inline function inline can compile it and create a module inside Tempfile and be directly Ansi-C code and directly create Assembly code ready to be executed... I do not have direct example like sending a shutdown-signal in Windows as example, but unfortunately the ctype tutorial explain how to load the windll.kernel32 and msvcrt dll too, leaving you unbreath when it's time to load Development back-end to do Administration task while Operator or Administrator had blocked such Entry over Windows Policy Group...
But unfortunately, developping a cluster, and using autoinstall and call a module being available in your personal File-Server can be spreaded fast and allow sometimes application to operate like lightning ...
And I'm working at home under Linux Environment wich is a personal pain creating virus under a ELF structure... Windows I do not own any personal knowledge of how hijacking a program running and today Virus are mostly look like to TSR and are not efficient like virus from 90' to mid-90 which was probably the end of a wage carrying their knowledge out of today technology...
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Both Internal VP Direction ( probably founder of Jonas/Joncas Cable and Wiring Services ) and Chief Supervisor was present to give me a certain date of beginning... This is also strange as it was merely similar to 1999, where a group started with a week of delay and did own potential candidate owning prejudice like Prank-caller and Dis-concordance of faith in Administration decision ...
While I was ready to personally send a letter to the Human-ressources supervisor to present personal excuses of committing a wrong faith from my own act, I do never had such name from this guys, that personally never intended to give me a future date of beginning and also having news from this date...
This is why my grand-mother from Psychiatric-paper-story read it from Videotron does not suffer from collusion, but Discordance... Agreeing them money will not really save them doing prompt-us act and self decision...
*Jonas/Joncas Also reffer to videotron ltee buying services and integrating Joncas... Some may continue to call it Jonas, like Pioneer Jonas was...
... And hopefully I did not give them any money or services to them to be miss-leaded in a HR-Management like this... And At least I wish use law and or enforcement to contribute to a fair integration, which not suppose to be possible in a faschiste-like world in North-America....
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Well, we also have Fardoche actor inside Passe-Partout telling to «Midget» around him (sighting Passe-Montagne being an exception), you put me at the test, and start singing Atman lumberman...
... Also have Atman Psychometric test from Nortel, having a lumberman in first draft presentation ( in late '80 ) of Psychometric test and methodology to know more about your employee... But Atman is :
- Atman Test is formerly an psychological introduction to an employee inside a big entity known as Corporation and society, Atman is a flavoured psychological-bias in Six-sigma human-ressources management strategy and Six-belt methodology in ressource management...
Known to be eradicated with FBN-NBC third-party human resources promotion around what I live in past 3 years, more than 20 year ago, National Bank and Finnancial decide to use a third party to manage employee integration and left it's original draft of Six-sigma employe chart integration... Considered too expensive at this moment, actually third party are about to «suck» more than original plan... And We still consider National Bank being first in anykind... Migration of standard over free-spirit of operation lead to fall back on mid-plan which may be holded by mandate of 2 years at the time... Like we can support short initiative as long it's a management of two years at the time...
So considering already filling an Atman Psychometric test (like subscribing to videotron technical support level-1), mean you are already in... What ever it will happen during the first date of work, you can even receive a Prank-call from «Kevin from Videotron» ( like Lucie Fortin asking to pay back unexisting debt) , telling you :
- You have potential, but we are out out of candidate and we close everything even your candidature...
- Being promt with it also add is the Dotation and human ressources that decide it...
Unfortunately it's two mistake the « Pranker » did , There is no Dotation inside Videotron, it Pay-Services... I think its M.Caldiro but they will give me back the old-welcome letter from syndicated report and also the first 'Relevé d'emplois' left inside the big brown covering-letter, just to be sure they can give me back thing at least...
So even crude on refusal from my own in 2006-2007, I was working with Synergie-contact, a third-party from videotron and I saw the prank live, create by bunch of person on the floor, thay are using the Lotus-Notes from videotron reserved to employee to receive messages, and there is some database where people are subscribed to their first day... Called Cadillac room, it's where is star and «Gontran» one of them are trying to filter the person list and call freely on their free time on the floor trying to convince person they are not selected... Even Youssef another Prank, but this one called «Father of Stephane Beaulac» working on Client Servrice of videotron, and try to call un-reclaimed debt forgetted from many bank... Calling under compagny called NCO or CCA, they are always scaming you on hardest moment of your life...
So, I will also give them more information tomorrow ( even they already know because they were all on electronic-survey since 2005 after they change the Internet provider to Telus, a mandated change from Supreme Court ), they are all under electroni-audit, even their cell...
So they should stay calm, because in fact they will not asking me information, it's all in theirs hand... But Belong to a Six-Sigma human ressources management... asking me if I'm going well after living this situation, If I need support for, do we need to turn-on Social-help in flavour of helping you is all about to be...
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Ok, its in late 2000, a pseudo-friend get the key from old coloc just to enter inside my appart, get the unfinished copy of Rezound from my RedHat 6 version and put it live on launchpad and did not make any update... Some contributor ( like me... ) did work and sometimes wake-up to see the Source file being spoiled in many way, putting back old-code, replace old code from original stolen copy of 2000 and so on...
So the version rezound-0.12.3beta found on launchpad in source-code did not compile... The one here finaly did and a switch in linking is missing ( I think it was my original copy with no -lX11 inside an , but I was trying to put it elsewhere ) Now the Official github for my own version is here and should pass the future version of Mint, Debian, Ubuntu... I think they manage their own version on Ubuntu... they realize the potential of template and C++....
So the guy stoling it was also catched and also had some major interdiction like not seeing me anymore, I don't know if he had the obligation to behave like broken code if I meet him in a restaurant or a shop... But last time in a Harvey's in Brossard I think it was briefly problematic understanding his speech...
By the way, the future of this version should be creating an extensive linking with python to open a RPC-like communication services... Like LDTP have a bridge to communicate information between client server, having same ressource around rezound can be a good UX experience due to its strong macro in sound conception and extensive toold for LADSPA toolset saving sound-gate between track should be kept in reminder like... This was great after-all, why not having a backplane to this...
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 My github , To ImagePathDesign a sub-group Technical-PorteFolio of can be found here is a simple Vector-pair Selected by mouse where you load an image to point rectangle region and Select the proper Field Type and save it after in SVG format... There is several mile-stone before I can reach a functional state for this application, but today it remind me old ancestor developed during free time I had (Diner, between call ) during my session at Synergie-Contact around 2006-2007.
I may admit, RH where moving just to talk to environment about some guy around and A Chief-Supervisor to Videotron Ltd. in Montreal section just move toward my direct Supervisor just to see about something that make nonsense...
-Helping client correctly, having perfect speech in french and english, pretending be bored by situation, some will waste something, client behavioring, surfing on the internet, but not crafting an UI with Glade for windows and working with python during call and during lunch time...
So, this year like advertised many year in advance this project can setup peacefully, already had ton's of trial everywhere between videotron, Lachenaie and Synergie-contact ; This application have settled long enough in this repository to by in advance in its design and can probably be operational before Christmas time...

- Today I just finished the Instrumentation windows to manage rectangle called pair of vector, it use a property call VectorPoint cumuling the information into a list and some other strange Property made around 1996 with python 2.3/2.4 (beta test) was exposed in a BBS and FrancoMedia where something might result from this point of view... Called the Legislative Story of an Actor and an Handy Hand using a GunLoader to acheive a Shot to store the information from a loaded function called Tester ; the story or explaination should start like legislative semantic and the whole Class must be explain like a Jury to explain the action and procedure like old Saxon-Tragedy into CourtHouse... All the debreifing inside the class WxPropertyMouseMgmt, from file ...
Notice: The previous Image might update without notice to next screen-shoot , being repositored, an album of evolution of the design will take place inside the Readme.rst from this repository at the end...
I know, source should contain only Code and Comment, not Story Mister The Teacher... But this one around 1996, there is no evidence of proof, human was understanding the uses of property corretly and even, a free execution from a caddy loader...
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No Interest
Somewhat good
Version 3.5.0 of LDTP for Python.
- Windows version will be support over C#, C-Sharp and Mono seems to compile it correctly, while under windows Visual Studio support-it gracefully.
- The Python version seems to lacking support in <Windows-Name> management... Sure some function like selectmenuitem, menucheck Work perfectly... A bit too more. The uncheck seems had problem to de-select a windows... Some function like grabfocus( windows_name, object_name='' ) are simply not working and continue to throw LdtpExecutionError.
I have to admit, Debian package Accerciser is not installed and like Fedora Core/Cent OS and Red Hat version of LDTP was using dogtail, and both Accerciser to work... By the way Nothing will work if you do not have a Window Inspecter , in many case, a windows name supplied will not be enought and component name should help the application... Or Instruction send to server...
And important thing for Ubuntu, Mint or Debian Desk, Assistive shall be enabled:
They asking after to logout, reboot can be good too.
So, my github will start a project the ACM_LDTP to allow replacement of Flash-plugin and allowing a real-simulation doing what Operator was filming with COMSOL to allow same iteration of Thorium-Flywheel profiling with this assistive technology...
To show also there is a problems as well, doing from scrap a profiling from COMSOL not working and we need to open The example and modify the value, which can be messy while showing it in front of a group...
Note on Accerciser:
Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks. Accerciser has a simple plugin framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.
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A psychologist, or worker in Sociology and Work branch of psychology had to receive a sheet of someone... It's only result...
- Strange, at this moment near 1990, he receive the same sheet. At this moment he saw the header and telling if 1999 and another sheet , 2013... Today he may receive the second sheet, and will probably receive another same sheet and being a bit tired of seeking accross 98 questions and verify which question are not corresponding with initial sheet of 1990 answering question 23 years earlier, will claim to next person officially bringging him live answer...
- I know I have it now...
Sorry, there is not efficiency management of document or probably telling first one of 1990 or something was the official one bring by a visitor telling a gravity-lense can achieve creation of good quality report of something not happen yet, we only need to be far in space to see something late in time...
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Mel being part of them, I was beginning my college class while Melanie turn her seat ( If I should say (her) )... Talk to me about an email I should send to Kelly or, under Kelly's name...
- She Speak briefly to teacher about waiting she is finishing the talk with me and come back and say:
- You can talk freely to my but I don't know who is willing to fill the candidature for this title...
- Answering, will always be Brosseau because it's not happen... I don't know if it's the case but Unfortunately I closed preemtive-work and predicative knowledge, being so poorly protected I should tell them... Wait until it happen, is your death was near from !!!
However this day was sunny and the teacher, a bit upset, she should continue to answer to Kelly from, and Brosseau promptly encouraged to open eclipse IDe during it's late 2010-2011 at Kelly Services to start learning a bit Java and all services management for Java-API backend...
I think I just play the bird twitting when I say to him youre about to be hired by them...
He was also doing part-time work with Kelly Services... Telling it's really free of liberty outhere...
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This is a Falstad Electronic simulation. Having no clue on design, resistor, and diode forward value are unknown, I leave the schema in my git, just look to the drawing here...
LM324 GitHub, The Export-File for Falstad
There is severals other to export. Like LM7805, LM3178 and LMD18201. The LMD18201 is a H-Hybride Motor driver is the heaviest one to draw and export. Hopefully my Nvidia driver can support the virtual screen resolution and can handle 2048x2048. Only have to load the falstad circuit.jar from shell... However This model without knowledge of transistor Beta-hfe, resistor and real capacitance value, it have to be qualifed on typical performance characteristics of Input voltage, Input Current, Voltage gain, Supply Current, Open Loop Frequency response, Common Mode Rejection ratio to know how thi LM324 can be handled...Quite similar to COMSOL value negociated inside the Introduction to Thermal exchange module, it's not only bringing a model from spice... But can help... As example drawing one of the LM7805, LM3178 require about 20 to 22 transistor which are out of plan and path for heat transfert... I think We need a path for every transistor and including the Beta-Hfe for something... Kinda had to see the demos once again...
Also... Exported-file and Images may change without notice... You may see, new Images like, having test around it, some View in Scope... The Export file reflect the actual modification... This gracefully done with github, it reflect the content here...
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