TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: D.T. Order to come surely to shutdown Mega-Cannon project.


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lundi 17 février 2025

D.T. Order to come surely to shutdown Mega-Cannon project.

Some movies or story from real-fact having some write down and even having new from court, announcement of judge and even order from D.T.


 While some already view a real-fact movies or happen in live in Videotron location section; Mega Cannon is something strange that is offer to be de-filed and show because there is an important problems after it's end. 


Mega-Cannon, a participating project.

Mega-Cannon project consist in a effort to let Israeli-army engineer to build from knowledge from U.S. Army facilities and during this they are sharing a better price in oil from great chief leading ad helping. Thus lead to Israeli-army to follow a faith of an old chief promising he can bomb all place on earth by building a Mega-Cannon and theses Israeli-army engineer decide to build. Belong to their projection they attempting to uses a big tunnel oriented through Orleans past Appalachian surface and should ring the NATO shield at once. But the problems is not to receive a theoretical bullet from this location ( somewhere in Palestine), but actually they wasting about time and effort to not use digital and calculation to promote another path or providing a bullet with propulsion, but have an insight and even issue of scud-grinding project. 

Mega-Cannon , a scud-grinding project.


 The main concept is really a big tunnel of around 150 meters long to 250 meters dig by hand and align with modern techniques does using a powerful explosion to create a propulsive force and lunch the bullet. It's create a lot of friction inside that 250 meter long tunnel than at the bullet size is apparently lesser than a meter in diameter, does leave a final bullet of 30 centimeters to radar and than not even touching Cuban gulf...

    By wasting, on and on, I think the fall of-f, some will let himself terminate, contract like this and possibly change the price of oil. But affording to let Israeli-army engineer to play in a different realm, we also see the passing of Hibrahim Rassi apparently collecting about recipe and ship it into Canada airport where it really end into cocaine cease an went out of this plane like big rock of cocaine. Apparently the mega cannon project found at the video location store relate them like it was old but facing fact to fact they are held about his death of M. Rassi and the declaration of what that project is doing. 

It's a participating project help to maintain a price level low with oil partner and let this tragedy happen, to discover Israeli-army engineer are relatively poor minded and can only design such big aperture not to dominate with new technology.