TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: Other T.G. wordplay.


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jeudi 30 janvier 2025

Other T.G. wordplay.

 It's becoming horrific, you can simply forgive someday like it was in a county state Indiana where a guy pass out or pass away into capitols lands will receive no grace once at home and got shoot at his arrival and being shoot by local police . You can even grace members of this Group called Panama in pride to renaming it into America Borderline traffic, it's horrible to stand into T.G word, where now it's stand into borderline trafficking.

But one of my best remain into talked information to somehow having the ear for .  

So don't ask to your A.I, it will answer :

You mean talking about Ferrengi, not Trump ...

No, I mean the guy in the independent chart signing to request the local held and preserve a commune sense of directing the place and making profit.

- From Your A.I :

- Still Ferrengi in DS9, a at master Ferrengi inviting the local container Agent from DS9, and promising "Latinum" and directing the place.

- So my proposition to T.G wordplay was presumably based on another well word own by American... Giveaway

like : Testosterone Giveaway

- Talking to this guy, It's moreover an infantry problem in performing like everyone is a quote of "Space Cadet" holded by a women affirming can pilot a spaceship and got screw by flooding an Canadian helicopter on the Potomak river during summer. Holding to be un-survey and common injection of testosterone in this domain to not fall out again, the explanation across a "Space Cadet" on Netflix does show a common uses para-military and scour to space grade a commonly receiving testosterone. Stopping it will also cut in expansion of the people (weight increasing ) and slowly kill some APO-thyorydal which is another Jack Kennedy pride at war against what changing American for something we don't want.

So I sold about that T.G wordplay about even my parent holding names of old military wisdom receiving Testosterone. They are Canadian and have numerous way to vote at you, by this subscription and by holding a card Prepaid Visa Card in travel and receiving it from Texas Auckland and not their, bank.

The fare and compare, is in the army or high stress level, women like the demonstration inside "Space Cadet" , agency like N.S.P.R.T. to give advice and such reality to infer in human will by promoting this Testosterone injection Through psychologist analysis.

They other big, but big Giveaway and it's stop upon Trump declaration into the military services will also cause stop of supplying Testosterone for wipe-out effect of methamphetamine uses and allowed to be used and in Iraq war, but at the approval as such agency .

Trump will possibly impact on the Panama terrorist that import drug which all of them where fentanyl is aside of suffering in one or other of uses of theses drug.

The third and touching my parent in another way, post-military effect of the shape and injection of APO-thyoridals in inflated them with uses of Testosterone and maintaining a level of greases, upon cancer-end phase and prevent loss of weight. Stopping at this because it's para esthetic is both ending in post military services and post-stress like helicopter driver.

With that I am sure He will cash in Billion in ending mass injection but push the American reality to be "boosted", and this will reduce the production mass in whole of your land .

Where european and Canadian perform, Using Modafinil to provide vigilance for ...

A difference between Trump and Ferrengi ?

Trump hasn't destroyed yet the earth, but know Eon and his will that did. As developing rich electric char that blow and surely to order a murder like Ferrengi can .