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As They provide...
- They provide me all the tools I do require to provide the best I can get .
- I do provide even beyond what promised as Network monitor and Network Administrator. Furthermore to read this news beyond the time I do write it.
- Giving consumption timeline 3 days in advance, It's only civilian and expert that can do this ...
- Working in a clean environment, I shall not forget :
- the Viarail-student project delivered with my own code instead of PHP page never published by called mentored group working with another company hosting Tucows and lots of Domain Name Guys working with Netmarketing solutions and are deliberately un-cooperative and end in conflicts in hand-by-hand and get pushed out, literally to reject outside the establishment by coders groups and one of the associate.
- Providing management and retirement solution; they manage my records of Revenu du Québec and Revenu du Canada to provide me a private retirement, for an ageless civilian and somewhat eternal.
As They respond...
- Starting July 21 2016, is the conclusion of this biggest chapter in communication group with civilian working in a top-singular reality.
- Fact of VLD2/ Phéromone / Flow+Design, is en entity managed with civilian and advocate, The "Barreau Du Québec" have to ratify this elements come out of the Crown, an apparatus to allow only one company being subscribed to this organisation of "Barreau Du Québec" as key elements in rights to manage civilian right man devotion, related to me as well .
As They offer...
- They offer investment to be released soon, starting on 21 July 2016 to be the choosed day, they have also the right to throw inside my wallet the "Monetary mandate", of fews golden nugget I think(1)
- Associate with many company, they already retired me and Shall have a Proof.
As They See...
Myself is entering in conflicts with Time(2), had contributed to provide a free winning lottery ticket to one of the member, being sited close to it after he receive a call of me 3 days early. This day , a Sunday and cloudy day, I was unable to connected in the Sunday Time and can only report the information of the Wednesday, calling by phone I do retrieve couple of number and my hand in the lottery contest, was holding the winning number for two full day and do contains about 2 millions give to the guys who give me the lottery number. Only for a database problems....It's another candidate to observe why only
VLD2/ Phéromone / Flow+Design shall ratify the permanent reason why I do not really need to contribute in this Canadian Society as worker. We do manage data thru Ottawa Online Data management, but having an accurate management of even incident of what I'm doing all alone....
1: The real amount is not showed and seems to be information desperabely loosen by some one stealing the mandate-deposit paper and try to cash-it thru HSBC, a big story never revealed.
2: Time like Space Time and Time fluctuation where it show my own weight is subject to throw away electromagnetic flux away by 2 or three days in future...
Dear Custodian and Tuon,
This last 3 years are the success of registration of my location, beneath to introduce the extension of property wisdom like Tulip bought by Queen Wilhelmina of Pays-bas, Caspien and Twile had introduce Hemp And envenomness flower upon manipulation by our Civilian President action on daily gardening task. Enforcing the crown civilian to operate twice in survey, it envenomn by primate manipulation or any Custodian and Tuon pulling-off the flower or even cutting it. Successfully produced 100000$ in 2 fines distributed in close environment, I shall conclude it should remain a such task to protect such important flower that even require radioactive material to grow more easily...
Dear Civilian of the Crown,
The enforcement of my action to grow protected species suppose to be in action since 2009 and going well. I do appreciate the task done since the enforcement of my location on any Hemp flower being planted by myself. I do produce a low tea-oil smell by smoking it and or drinking it. It does not produce venom if collected by me and seem to not becoming dangerous by intake. However it does contains radioactive material or might collect it. We do understand molten salt from passive nuclear reactor are granted to become another essential fertilizer to become standard in exotic plant grow, but we do have worry. I do especially that all action made by close Civilian act as advocate for this task and tank's contributive custodian to contribute.
Notice, starting to midnight 14 July and 17 of July 2016, Shall Be he time to act and promote civilian to a much more pleasant future. In a near future I should discuss on re-activation of mass-execution if shall save time for those working hard .
Here a look to a short survivor of the two plant ; To be know has recedivist, He did own it's fine of 50k$ and seem to act twice. Not beleiving in it's rehabilitation, I do doubt seem him hiding himself in College rank until he found an entry and re-educate that Tuon can be a waste of time, sincerely, it depend on all Citizen of the crown to decide, a second attempt is a second offence.
Remarkably lost in America until we do prefer uses of Sativa and Amerindian and Aztec root to cultivate really large sheet to produce cigar-like hemp. We do also loosed in our own yard We loose the harmless effect of Hemp in tea. Even bought hemp kernel out of House of tea to get our harmless Hemp grow.
by English physician are centenary and know uses of hemp are oldest as
uses of Tea. And Hemp/cannabis are know from them since the Indian
annexation of Great-Britain, and were uses in conjunction of tea. Those
know what is a Tea-Tree is initially a plant that grow up and becoming
strong enought to resist to dryness and cold temperature know in high-mountain. Coming out of Indian, hemp also had property toward Indica uses. Those where straining Stevia to not produce sativa had also
same story toward reducing or increasing Indica inside Tea for
increasing pleasure and laugh.
Tea story reveal and appeal greatest colonist and botanist. To grow them on their land rather than exporting it from Indy. Before adopting the Orange Peacock tea, Marvelous Tea is also a old topic mastered during English course of Secondary 2 with the tallest man in school, measuring 8 feet 2 inches, it's brother twice tall had also to throw golf-bal every times he smell a big-joke lying around...
While Orange Peacock Tea had to be adopted, Marvelous Tea's was also it's predecessor hold few sheets by thousand of hemp for all accommodation to mother maiden nature to render Britain drinking their tea the under rain, under fog. Harvesting positive feeling "Marvellous Tea" had origin a ratio of 1 sheet os hemp/chanvre by thousand sheet of tea. Giving a smiling, once the acetaminophen origin change the smiley or the "Marvelous" feeling into single cramps.... So it's deprivation of Tylenol can let your experiment that old feeling...
Also from Alice series, The eggs being represented by it's Strong Idea of Father walking on a line like walking on a top-wall. He does report inside chapter "King's Oyster and Lemon Marvellous Tea" :
- That tea is good for you not for me. I do not need to show sign of my emotion at this time they are already know. Fruitful for the family.
- But your dear being so young and haven't expressed one natural smile. I do live here more time here to understand it's not temperature that left you un-smiley.
- So it's good for you that tea for the smile it give you...
So far so good, I do have to apologize for lack of knowledge for all reader around my family haven't catch any expression toward such memorial of Alice and it's Wonderful land, prior to be young and un-expressive, she live inside a natural way to procure feeling rather to test first series of asylum anti-depressive pill made out other flower also extracted from Indy and populated in Israeli.
Here some memory in case that "Marvelous Sativa Lemon Joyce", doest have to be pull-off like weed.
Alice in Wonderland
Being rated highest and pricest hemp family that Crown reduce price to a
wonderfull under 100 buck per distribution. We do agree, this flower
had to be taked young before starting to make oil or, Tea is oily and
un-smokable. What the Chenille a.k.a. it's mother had to report toward
King Oyster and Marvelous Tea Sheet:
- You can let them grow in your yard if your are doubtful to not coming from maiden nature...
- This sentence can be "Stuffed" of "Indeed", why...
- She personally building it's imaginary-garden of mother and father feeding out reputation of both uses of mushroom and hemp into a fairy-tale, rather than really feeding mushroom and hemp for self satisfaction...
Eating fairy literacy indeed, Agree chasing out rabbit because another meal will come in few hours, 3 times a day...
Really under-survey it's some picture coming from accommodation
Unfortunately, rupture of Great-Britain did not have any side effect, but offering wide range of Crown-citizen and Federated member aim to reluct and establish in "Real" London, shall have their chance to avoid a similar case of evasive Greece citizen quitting their land for economic context. London should have to modify it's internal adoption politic to prevent loosing citizen...
Having another turn, on British story, it's something American had learn by the past, waiting to get serve, getting out of economic crisis, and at least developping their own tongue instead of lowering theirs expression. Ultimately, Trainspotting is deliberately developped after the British had leaved the European Union... Removed from original movie, Inside introduction of "Trainspotting" after show-up of an apartment in non-fortunate region of side-London, they start there movie with following quote: "After economic strike of Quitting the Union"... If you do member the carton series "Il était une fois l'Espace" made around 1981 with Robert Barille. The Robotic Strike On Omega start with mention of European Union Showing the map and mention British and separated...
Petting for another dish ...
It's probably what everyone should have to do on continental Breakfast on board of your annual
- We do learn it from Sam's the records man's, "Breakfast Mode" talking strikingly of are we are serve all t the sames or not...
Related German Story to serve in group and England to get serve as soon as possible. Continental Breakfast on a ship is a long story with Susan Suto, Michel Louvain during "Operation Enfant Soleil" on biggest ship St-Lawrence river had accost with all the cooked eggs they can order...
Old Fashion Crescent with
yellow-eyed egg's is
contemporary continental
American Breakfast.
Petting for side Effect...
Also Available in News: "It's 4 o'clock tea after all", we are all looking for side effect and unattended news I dare to not suffer from, blindness in uses of modafinil uses. Severely questionned for woman uses and prescription in sex change, uses of modafinil is reduced to Nill due to desoxy-nation of in sex change is impairing permanently sight. Will in medium term and one-use term it feeding the cell-mitochondria wich suppose to be partial in vision-cell found inside eyes. Mitochondria being partial to primate is also a phenomenon observed allowed to lighten the cell and let have property to accept light more easily... Blind person impaired by first uses of modafinil report being able to see after hours or two... Where I'm not touched by this relation own full-renewable cell in eyes, vision-cortex and vision-nerves, They are also full-sized cell.
- Sides Effect mastered by English physician are centenary and know uses of hemp are oldest as uses of Tea. And Hemp/cannabis are know from them since the Indian annexation of Great-Britain, and were uses in conjunction of tea. Those know what is a Tea-Tree is initially a plant that grow up and becoming strong enought to resist to dryness and cold temperature know in mountain, in hight. Coming out of Indian, hemp also had property toward indica uses. Those where straining Stevia to not produce sativa had also same story toward reducing or increasing Indica inside Tea for increasing pleasure and laught.
Remarkably lost in America until we do prefer uses of Sativa and Amerindian and Aztec root to cultivate really large sheet to produce cigar-like hemp. We do also loosed in our own yard We loose the harmless effect of Hemp in tea. Even bought hemp kernel out of House of tea to get our harmless Hemp-tea being pull-up miserably like weed.
This year it's an accommodation or compromise. Everyone who accept to, had drink this tea and did not notice any side effect and shall promote it to something that do not old any THC... Advised by glandular preventive synthroidale consumer, light obesity, an light diabetic, some one almost normal. What a type of council we have to face just to let it grow, not consume it, to let it grow...
Petting for questionary...
Is also the Azima favourite expression toward a client in a call centre that spend half-hour to ask only question about it's Bell Numerical account.
Petting for Services...
Is The nominated-one, For serving for 2 mandates with FBN-financial, and communicating with American for unlocking international access to commercial account. being under survey for aged-tools OIQ had hand-in and continue to be a big problems, I was prompted and sacked unless the direction did notice it's usual to talk each other of Old-root american authorized to call FBN services to have ton's of question. Every times I put the feet in I'm invited by such director and notice there is a permanent conflicts between me and indirect-superior. I do also have to confirm that I want to work and want to accomplish this mandate or the sign with Assurance-Emplois for an exception... Petting for services is not an offensive expression, uses on the floor as well.