We know Bendel being really big infrastructure buying and buying companies after companies.... Being sure if they are correctly wired, Since they acquire biggest company in copper wiring since the beginning of our modern times ( around 1980 and 1990 ). We Guess our «Crown» had done right to boon serious others mandate ... Co-Operators / Tripwire is a serious other targetted domain... So asking twice in 2016/2017 if Tripwire are bad to the bones are not... Any coil coilled in since the first electronic part buyed is wounded by early own fab from Bendel... No in fact it's a pretty bad way to guess the future .
- But Likely abandoned view from early '90 , Crown aka «Société de la Couronne » did ask in the early time an investigation on Loews syndication and local-problem around abuses of syndication-uses. In fact Loews is a American model and not American native company... We also depend of the Crown to allow our Canadian nation to participate to the mentoring «Libre Echange» act. Inspected deeps of the market in view stabilizing both Canadian and American money and market. They acquire many Big foundation before agreeing to this «Libre Echange» act.
We all know American does not own any Crown like Canadian does, but since the 1980 the whole american market just collapse after Intl company flaw out maket. At this moment :
- This company accelerate the evolution internally and all internal share owner know all about future of the computer market but does not realize if future depend of computer .
- They Finally had the sponsoring for realizing processor but everyone ask for the ultimate end-line . So loosing interest they asking themselves if :
- This money was made for making processor .
- To continue to share the processing idea.
- While all end-engineer was discussing about plan to transform idea in a computing solution they even insist to keep processor in close area and let people live with a terminal solution to see the result.
- Knowing today Tablet are ultimately same result 35 years later. To merge to a same solution. Tablet are nothing more than limited per-application uses and does not own possibility to make your own application .
- Today's Movies all make in 3D depend of script and rendering and required this step called «Rendered » and at this moment they had no idea what rendering mean .
So Market collapse and Crown secretly buy Microsoft to avoid owing to make immediate Terminal and probably invest lot of money in Video Processoring to let this Tablet of Thing laptop solution being able to push a bit more information....
But American market had collapsed being uncertain over what money from share should be distributed. And How certain a financial vision should be persistent and should not change upon share moves.
Finally we do have lot of error since Copper have change in method and American also hide this fact from especially AWG37 had change in Ohms/M from 1.72 Ohms/Meter to 1.810 Ohms/Meter for purity over 99.9999%. Copper like other metal like Manganese are becoming electrically-repulsive if they are pure and if it coming from electric fusion. This fact had totally eliminated Iron/Manganese battery at thin as Cross Section Area of 0.0095 to 0.0100 mm let free electromagnetic flow in naturally and create Electronegative current to appear inside. Even using ferric insulation it does accumulating electricity ...
And this fact lead to tell leaving kilometer of AWG37 at the 0 meter around equator may generate power, enough to ask us if we do have to move to natural electric induction to benefit from...
Actually wounded couple of coil to start a LM317 / LM338T project resistor of 2.1 and 3.36 Ohms are required to test a schema with LM338T giving 590 milliampere per channel. Actual one are calibrated with Mastercraft calliper 58-6800-4 :
Give : 1.220930233 Meter of 122.09 mm from calipper and report 2.7 and 3.0 Ohms from coil of diameter of 10.02 mm (+/- .01 mm) with 33 or 37 turn tightness is in cause for different number of turns.
Assuming the R1 and R2 from LM317T will be easier to uses, they are using 150 and 240 Ohms. They can uses lower resistor but bridge from schema heat and unlike previous example of showing a 28 Ohms resistor in Halogen lamp, I'm sure it does not feedback electricity by it's purity...
Second Section
I bring a weekly example of what is correct to observe by buying something made almost naturally with normal tool. I do buyed a AWG 29 of 30 meters. Corresponding to 268.5 Ohms per kilometer or 0.2685 Ohms per meter this example is showing a local brand being wired loosely and If I do have to unwound it and mesure it exactly I will probably not observing 5 or 10 meters overs and this photography show 9.4 Ohms instead of 8.055 Ohms which making sense. Rather observing 3.0 Ohms for a 1.2209 meters of AWG 37... So my tools are not totally ineffective ...