This is not just a Kalam plan from a Disney partner that end into my hand. Buying it like internationally as retail element from the market. There is few that don't know there is Spark Channel, as television for kids, but Digispark was also member of this structure and if you ask why they are in the AI-generative idea since the beginning, but you do get the point. Branded for toys sell in quest-booth, the Disney light-clock was full of chip at at least the descendant of max7219, which was probably japan grade with dot-chip with black glue where once recycled they end into laser tailored component alike max7219, an American company as Atmel is also American... So re-uniting a DigisparkPro board and a 8x32 light dot made of max7219 chip and you can virtually draw back the Space Invader, The Soren pencil-crying draw, some cool effect, but who was being the so called program that made it ?
I do believe it start with the Arduino Example, having a tiny footprint of a demo made of the horrible structure and with lesser holding that merely help teacher teaching demonstration of that component which also a study-live-cycle part.
Actually doing it back from what friends of the past left us into us idea, a father plaid to felicitate for an effort of this. Actually having a lot of question about a final close realistic that continue to show the same demonstration as Arduino Max7219 example, but also adding pointer and a logic design to make it possible to send a configuration of build the application depend of user choice and superpose the user setting will in the design into the micro-controller core.
So leaving online example of a well concrete uses of my coding skill and design at-least the same design and demonstrate the expansion is a bit easy.
So developing DisplayMax7219MTest.ino on arduino cloud it should work unless there is no possibility to add the attiny-167 of attinycore inside online arduino, the compilation over arduino from 32 KiloByte and 16 KiloByte or arduino Nano does compile. It's the remaining work after dismantling the important procedure into pointer and related data-structure depot that seems to not support, or simply the SpaceInvaderMAX7219.ino on arduino cloud should be transferable in many arduino family including nano/uno , but because my version of attiny167 is not working with pointer I also develop the an online c++ into compatible domain to see if there is a problem in the structure reading,
So Here the link that bring them into you desk. My Raspberry Pi 4 with 4Gb of memory take around 310 seconds compiling one or the other version of Space Invader of Martian Invader (DisplayMax7219MTest.ino ), So don't hesitate to bring back the image into your past using online compiler. You are not watching at which speed they are processing , but assuming it might be Xeon, you do understand why I do shop recently for them... 310 Seconds from home, 15 secsonds and less.
DisplayMax7219MTest.ino Originally Martian Invader, this version should work
SpaceInvaderMAX7219.ino Use Pointer make it risky of attiny167, but Nano ?
It's not held here, if I am changing things inside the cloud arduino, does it reflect here inside SpaceInvaderMAX7219.ino ? It's not like github and probably it will become unavailable or simply change, but you won access to old test, it's officially not like github where a branch can describe long all type of trial. Here explain like literally, will also have addition. In house version even try too use "pgm_read_byte" from enforced location of data into save place where it shouldn't disappear
C++ Pointer calling struture being Space Invader
The C++ Pointer calling structure was tried somewhere else for understanding. After all the mechanism work like luckily, but apparently equiped of the same pointer-loaded function like a bullet in a gun fire a function and run-it seems to work in both DisplayMax7219MTest.ino and SpaceInvaderMAX7219.ino. And apparently it make a fault signal. Or especially it's working in the case of DisplayMax7219MTest.ino, and do switch from DanceInvader, to InvaderPosing, yeah !! It does own creepy function name like this.
You do know what chipmunk does tell about robot made from creepy game, and artifact from from a park or parked in you room...