From Linus
- Money only is the main motivator being liberty-act !
From Lucy:
- Hi Chalie Brown, Why you're not asking to your favorites psychologist aid about what she think about war ?
- And why not about war in Ukraine ?
Just look, theses book aren't being burned they had passed times.
mercredi 23 mars 2022
What Snoppy friend's says ?
The guy who close his eyes and lock a third of U.S. Economic
Toward the fact of The Russian pay some economical sanctions equal to the amount of Mutella they are eating in my theory of : They still de-contaminating a /bombrdment/ environment, it's still few to justify even our trading from having petroleum from them was not arising 50% of the load before we do war ?
It's going even in the same way as. If by today we do promise a Military Judgment( Palais Militaire ) for them with the actual "crown-civilan" treaty agreeing loyalist to impeach back an Impeachment-persistent to president for a second error out their first one is to reduce the impeachment for weeks. It's total collusion and while the apparent Trump is missing and should take care of this after Impeachment :
and avoid itself of :
- Of it's presence in a debate, or either lucrative action .
- Since this amendment was docked a bit before Bush Times, where Impeaching of a president will become Nation-wide either just for Washington state.
We do heard about and still acting about everywhere like it was before.
Does some one take even a hand to allow this thing to perform. Ask to Jean-Charest to replace Trump and Will have the chance to run against Trump...
But apparently M.Trump Impeached is also banned from Montreal and have to take course outside of Montreal, in Brossard, observed in 2009 it's surprising.
The second error stand in a Third of the economic locked between Troy and Canada/United-Stated where a thief from "feu-professionnal" family stole the Gazillion and I was in charge to answer and provide an X1 or X3 check-id change to let it fall in the thief hand. Once the command send The supervisor that give me the access have revoked the check and even lock the 100000 $CAN pending into nothing in the thief hand... So this year is the year they are officially opening the amount out of the Morpheus protection and left into Financial locking without Liberty-Act to avoid this one to fall into a pitfall to increase the inflation due to the high-value accounted not being active.
Liberty-Act is also holding some economical protection like some organism are protected being this. NASA is also standing around .
I was present in this action and some have well done to deserve the protection it deserve to protect us from this problem.
But Liberal does suffer a lot from it. Not as firing out all Trump allegation, but this person had Truncated Teamsters voters externally of United Stated and voters from New-Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, and Saskatchewan where found being voter for Trump and are classed by white hand whom came to my desk pretending they are American too to vote and they are voters ....
mardi 22 mars 2022
I did not leak that.
About Cornell Dubilier, I did not leak any information for your Cornell Thin Aluminum Capacitor.
No, I did not leak any... I don't know if they can leak I have the expert 2 years ago in a chat-conference and It did not come to my mind if they are !
Because the ebay rail gun is officially online and accessible, plating it with old Cornell Ampacitor was an apparent subject ongoing actually in State.
"Cornell Dubilier THA and THAS ThinPack capacitors are designed for high capacitance bulk storage and filtering in space-critical applications, with both series available with capacitance values from 18,000µF at 10V to 140µF at 450V. This allows designers to replace entire bulk storage arrays, which can reduce PCB area by approximately 70% while also reducing size and weight. The reduced part count also simplifies assembly and improves reliability. "
Mentionned by EETech Media, LLC.
And couple of arduino news as well.
mardi 1 mars 2022
Whitehouse in disclosure, just recently observed.
As radio-canada as presented video of the Whitehouse. It seems they can even talk about today right after American as proposed some effort to Ukrainian during the war ; but images in background also show the White is Disclosed today ?
A Whitehouse disclosed can be for many reason ; Infrastructure restoration can be first one. A simple fault also can disclose that place. If you are feeling like Rambo and run away of guard and A.T.F. ; it's disclosed and they looking at YOU .
But Since I did something like bring a person in front of highest civilian to explain in what I am different and I do demand to be see differently. That person to represent at once some one close to some disregard over a father can constantly looking for theirs loosen child ; I did only open a door to a member of the family to talk in your so family tie...
Entering in the Whitehouse without appointment ? It's Forbidden I also tell directly I was bringing a person here on my behalf. Because I shouldn't enter myself here all alone... It's possible I was outside few hours before this is why it's fault-and-counting.
- I was asking about images of sidewalk or even the entry-door it's kinda more Civil access where I should bring the person I bring on my behalf.
It's so forbidden to access in a place like this there is ton an huge amount of movie toward :
- How and all reason to get an appointment.
- Be civilized and don't enter in the place like a 'The prize is right' presentation. Did I copy a room accessories during this attempts ?
Some can consider having sight of first teleportation through worm-hole. There is many reason why a Whitehouse is disclosed.
I should come back some days to getting fingerprint I mean...
Because leaving a Whitehouse during the War and a colony may fall in pieces and they don't want to heard about, many consequences can be. Liberal act from many not so social initiative aren't protected. Even those reserve me the 'Carnet de Vaccination' for esthetic purposes to look like fat corpulent lady or bitches aren't protected because the civilian collected voice out of Trump are in the Whitehouse wall not President hand when the Whitehouse is disclosed.
So my Not so favorite General Quidoz can be arrested without being protected, and Bernadette too from this initial Liberal clause ; it can't be renewed and can be handled...
Yesterday, A civil voice claim over the level of nuclear warning of Ukranian .
As spoke from it's own course. We can have more information by passing by this place. M. Michel Murgulescu does a pretty and excellent work as teacher at College Rosemont. But this person is also a Civil voice for something specific. A hand in this war, and many act and liberty of declaration either from russian and Ukrainian are handled by civil hand. Exceptionally they are in hand of the teachers from where I do express my believe toward 'student-only' does war at this moment.
It also posing me that question, does the 137 to 139 persons dead from Tchernobyl event are such 'Eternally remember' like on the first day, we do claim either it still having about 137 deads from the first day of war with Ukrainian.
It stand well because the autochthonous remembrance day where Russian burn books too for burning all book collected from Russian and expressly recently over Ukrainian population. These book harboring negatives images of autochthonous ; I think individually all country did it this year, but here it require the Army.
Apparently, Canada was involved in Tchernobyl de-contamination to a certain level. After this it's revealed from Army because if stories of Tchernobyl show Ukrainian leaving in Poland to work in an international effort to concern Russian to clean the error. It's stand in a civil hand-voice, and using the army. So we were already informed some days the army will do the rest...