Always doubting when Chinese ask for something with the word 'special' embedded into their 'special' request !
Apparently it's a will to obtains such type of nominee, with this person to walk and on sides and doing such HUWAEI fail to leave with agreed expressed technology such protocols and communication. You may found it well , HAVING "TIME TRAVEL" into form of a PROTOCOLS is not only the PPP - EXTENSION that came out of it but development hided in the future, it's only patent available through this method to lead to access to you future knowledge... It fit in my definition of using modern term to get of pluck into something protected...
So Canadian Government can possibly confirm it's protected and we shall not send the whole human-project into yours hand and many more details you especially want ; including turning a high-level genetic code into test tube and shrew me out into syrup or some genetic patches for them after sucking me out everything... As special we can or can't do something with it's depending of politics conclusion.
Oklahoma in united stated apparently got money from Chinese as well to inquiry about special things we can invest in injecting exterior money into your local politics. This case with Bush and Chinese ends into excuses and some special request, when high-society that protect U.S.A. may have refused to give for having not enough observation for that ... Bed , including the one we shoot, we give the control out to Canadian.
As politic conclusion over myself, I was in hand of Mme Helen Chuang and both Pierre Ny who was ratified of Medicine Order around 1985 of exercising a preparation of myself into boy which lead them into guiltiness of changing sex of a child of 3 years old still heating in my head 40 years after and I should refuse everything from Chinese for having a hand into my sex life and ruined for decades, but I was prepared to be turn into test tube by the way.
Because I can confirm having appears in China during my 11 to 13 years old stated to show up my vaccine to a Chinese guy look like M. Dumoulin .
So I'm going to be out of this proposition, let the nominee being cycled across time and avoid the Ivanoe Campbridge offer from Trump. I am not joking I lost my job at A.C.N. after he call itself friend of A.C.N. and offering me a job during a technical call which I do refuse and being fired for ...