TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: Makefile for Fnct.D and rolled-out Variable FILE_SIGNATURE known 14 years in advance.


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lundi 16 janvier 2017

Makefile for Fnct.D and rolled-out Variable FILE_SIGNATURE known 14 years in advance.

Since Fnct.D was developed, it was already used by developers, Network administrator and many I.T. professional. Stated for January 17, 2017, a makefile will be issued for developers / Network administrator, to use this beta-test bash functionality in theirs daily tasks. The project it still not ready but can extend having a simplest as is should be a and conform to (POSIX.2) it should be trivial to use candy coming from this installer. 

Use of this make file allow an easy way to install bash Library function created and require to clone at least the git-code coming from A specific branch named MakeFileInstaller is properly added to not make perturbation the master branch.

This makefile also provide essential addition to your '.bashrc' to Load Library by opening a bash shell and Adding the common Variable loader applied by important function theirs version naming. It's True Fnct.D does have many function from version 0.0.0 to 0.0.3 and deal with integration, use of similar application compiled in gcc or either better or extended function. Know to be in the 2017 schedule, akin and offer an M.R.U. engine in some application generating standard output on steady form does provide exact form based by called Prefixed-Variable and based on this similarity it will throw out information from the M.R.U. Instead, looking in datafile of Sha1um index from facility to save time in already generated solution. We are sure M.R.U. will not applied to GetOtherDate function, but internal function from GetOtherDate using TagParser function will use the M.R.U. engine to restore modal form created by user. M.R.U. stand for (Most Recent Unit), And this engine should be called from Call_Argument which is one important to declare which version you want to use by calling the Library Loader with appropriate version for CallArgument.

README.rst from Fnct.D project is present and will explain this effort and official Branch to load before updating. The rest of the makefile will create link from your Fnct.D Library to the /etc in appropriate path of /etc required to work. Since bash profiling is possible inside /etc/profile.d and main profile inside /etc/profile , bash completion is a script inside /etc/profile.d and all function made is possible to have their Prefixed-Variable completion by loading Function services by calling a function with '--compword' will give ability to type your function name (example GetOtherDate ) and press 'TAB' and all Prefixed-Variable from  GetOtherDate will apear like bash completion. But I'm pretty sure ZenityBuildForm is better to design a correct uses of Fnct.D componnent. Allowing them to store your query, they become certified and might reduce risk to call them in the wrong way. It's also what is proposed in makefile creation (later in this chapter), to generating makefile from Certified command from uses of GetterByLineData that do read SHA1SUM certificate from ZenityBuildForm generated command, and may enforce integrity of creation paradigm to a more pleasant way.

Now About FILE_SIGNATURE from this make file.

Role of a specific item: FILE_SIGNATURE.
As mentioned, FILE_SIGNATURE is known for at least 14 years in advance an do have to play with Canadian rules of the providing the Network. Whereas allowing to higher instance of this members like Ottawa Data council and Supreme court as well to have immediate access to information and does not consider to infringing « Nature » accessing to Future information since methodology exists and our environment allow accessing information in different moment of the past and future.

So FILE_SIGNATURE is nothing more than a clean wrapper to distribute known information in TEXT nor CODE or Assembly information. 14 years early unknown computer instruction like x84_64 coming from ABI64 under linux was present but not in form Hardware. Compiler and environment was ready to emulate or offering a support for ABI64 but natively not offering it. However offering a cleaner way to «Code the instruction », does make GCC compiler creating more realistic way to convert 'C' code to Assembly and vice versa. Making GCC becoming an hardened platform to support whats coming out from future, indeed.

So like identity shelve, FILE_SIGNATURE is nothing more than a know identity like a key in a realm allowing to provide « unmodified » Instruction toward a past compiler that may not support it. NASM targeted (under name Intel Netwide Assembler) have surely adapted since signed filed offered are to be unprotected and do come from a mechanical process to offer whats lying in ABI32 and ABI64 Kernel call that haven't changed since we do are aware of this statement:

- A «Kernel call» is nothing more than a command called by assembly-call using resource from « unistd.h » header defined. Having opacity and procedure to respect it's surely a knowledge to aforementioned «Kernel call» may deserve using strict condition may result in illogical consequence like :
  1. Right restitution is good in file creation, and in process spawning.
  2. Execution statement is calling internal process and does require a «Right restitution»
  3. Hard-coding the right to a default value like '0' does only interfere creating root value attribution. 
  4. Leaving the execution by not returning to your initial User value is called Shell spawning and Unix/Linux will not oppose this since It's security concern and user and right management.
Following this methodology it's clear offering Assembly instruction which still working in 64-bit mode does not prove overpassing the user-right but lacking in user-management which require to theses example to already make a chown (Change owner) to root.${USER} the compiled file and chmod (Change mode) '+s' to the executable created, which require higher privileged to made it possible. So it's nothing more than calling the essential within '/usr/bin/su' and  '/usr/bin/sudo'. Strict user with profiled protection against access to login shell inside /etc/shells and limited bash access to not use the root access does not fall into a 'root' access with this example provided as TEXT and with FILE_SIGNATURE allowing you to read the file and do the compilation from comment left inside the TEXT. As well other modification like adding a copy of the 'shell' and changing permission and owner from a direct «Kernel call» are not in our subject but remain the same way in neglecting a Assembly call in a conformed system.

So this is also neglected Assembly provided in parallel showing example offert in NASM format and GAS from Gnu Assembler that simply forbid this call and throw a segmentation fault instead. It's true, TEXT information from conversion from NASM Assembly from a security specialist in Northern California does provide these information since 2003 in Canadian Library .