There is sample used to start a discussion in use of Variable within a __in_for function developed in context of completing some Programmation API like Javascript and PHP( with map_filter ) an equivalent in Bash* version [ GNU bash, version 4.0.33(1)-release] to use the Array and a common function with fixed member of Unique Parameter... You can download Here The API to get briefed with the example :
Now included, a function to create a Gui and parse text with variable percentage of resume. Called OTS( Open Text Summerizer ), it something clever to show when explication weight several lines... It needs
### example :
### follow context and come back if it's unclear.
function __test()
eval $( __call_localityLocalName=__test __call_locality ) ;
echo "${StrFuncName}" ;
### will print :
---> __test
function __test()
eval $( __call_locality ) ;
echo "${StrFuncName}" ;
### will print :
---> DefaultSubFunction
While inspecting __call_locality, don't forget to « promote C.O.R.P » ---HERE---
Using a simple Ubuntu Distribution through the VirtualBox station from you common installation, you may need to find executable name cvs and at least the GUI one, which is good for beginner... You may have only few knowledge in all command-line, and you may only know what preceding course on using packages under Debian and Ubuntu are working... Some utility like apt-src, apt-get, apt-file, dpkg and dpkg-deb are acquired through previous Personal Work in preceding chapter...
Takes following notes from fnct_lib the tiny Bash Function Left in this blog,
get_col | is used in complement to extract a column-like... An ugly example with poems with Carriage return in every line will return the second word if you call it by piping a text and specifying two as parameter for get_col :( like cat grand-corps-malade.txt | get_col 2 ) |
eval $( __call_locality ) | Mandatory surrounded by «eval» and executive braces, will automatically create a parameter list from $*, called ArrayArg... Engine facility if you call it wrong ... |
__in_for | Equivalent to Javascript prototyping or simple Function with this embedded in corpus, or PHP map_filter(), or even Python map() is demonstrated here in bash function __in_for where first Argument is mandatory a Array... and any function designed to look inside the Array can Use ArrayArg[0] if __call_locality is evaluated ( Special case surround fixed parameter will produce another design and will change the order... but Posix remain clear in Argument processing). And, the beauty of __in_for is... the Array can hold its own property and it's index is propagated through the function calling... This mean Having an Array Called ArrayEx, inside a function designed with/without __call_locality will be available in the function designed with Member ${intArrayEx}, this mean intArrayEx is increased each-time, and both ArrayEx[intArrayEx] is accessible... and If the function body is designed with __call_locality ArrayEx[intArrayEx] and ${ArrayArg[0]} ( with no fixed parameter ) will give the same information... |
### Finally... ### This is unexplained inside conventional doc... Some distributions like Ubuntu and all ### Debian, may hold on intermixing Argument between inline declaration of ARRAY and $ARRAY. ### Actually There is talk because it's efficient and may be stronger to hold on python/bash ### code intermixing, but the preceding exercises is IMPORTANT to understanding code ### alternative because some Distribution are not compatible yet with Argument Arrangement ### introducing the argparse/wordish python embedded processor with Bash Extension, you may ### fall down during the Bash Object-Generator Object in next chapter. But Tanks to source ### this, it's provided a link for clang-fake-gcc python module have excellent example. # Setup script. Run me to install. ### example : ### follow context and come back if it's unclear. function __test() { eval $( __call_localityLocalName=__test __call_locality ) ; echo "${StrFuncName}" ; } ### will print : ---> __test function __test() { eval $( __call_locality ) ; echo "${StrFuncName}" ; } ### will print : ---> DefaultSubFunction
Following Discussion in Problems using multi-behavioring function, depending variable calling before function in this case submitted in previous source is using an echo as fixed parameter in __in_for calling... and the Body is acting differently... This is not The ArrayArg[0] that own Chunk of Array Information but ArrayArg[1]... Why, Posix calling conventions lead to impressive regulation and «octroi» an order of calling ; Starting with 'Program Name' 'Option' [ optionals options ] The Infor, by it's design Follow it's methodology claiming If only ArrayArg[0] is present by __in_for parameter declaration, mean only A datachunk is available, while Having ArrayArg[0] and ArrayArg[1] ( meaning ArrayArg[0] is fixed) will mean Item/Executive/Analytic member and 2nd and 3rd, data, option... This is why some person by the past already give a write-back of function with only Array Name and it's iterator...
And other hints, you can create a chain of Array and function... as long Array are unique, you can create a function with another __in_for passing another Array and central function will hold all iterator at the same... I did not develop any Frezing of lock-iterative method... still out of productivity and can create problems in Administration management
Topic still under essay, will be corrected by Tuesday with final draft... Any Student trying to work with pre-draft may facing couple of problems... Like doing free-work...
I prefer to invite person to leave e-mail, instead of playing a song at midnight with the explication embedded inside his song to tell me more about clang-fake-gcc... Hearing Clang like slang I was thinking in hip-hop like song... Until I remember this example invalidated in 2003 during a test phase... The famous inline declaration of ARG and $ARG under fedora distribution failed if not all Python module are installed... Did they already think doing code/argument intermixing... As ferry are old prediction... « It will have a Bash and a Python and the Admin action to axe the snake to kill the problems ».
Note:* : Bash is IEEE Standard 1003.1 compliant (Registration required to read all the content)
Note:** : IEEE 1003.2 is the Posix standard regulation for Regular Expression see: White paper on One Single Unix Specification.
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