TheySaySomethingInterrestingApparently: septembre 2020


Iterpipes, Between Bash and Hash-bash

A library for running shell pipelines using shell-like syntax

Enables piping infinite streams through shell pipelines in Python

xhtml-css Bivalidator

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Yet Another Comprehensive Content

Like, Young's modulus is a vibrating variation inside a solid... The times it take to respanw to an excess of energy is what molding apparence may look to not-so solid thing's... Like this Blog when adding content, the effor is like slapping it and the time it goes back, centered... we consider being more stable than usual...

jeudi 10 septembre 2020

Before the showroom.

This is year is more evident than ever. I do have to present a showroom. Petting far from tendency. Pandemic under the crown env. do respect in any the confinment perspective. Doing Do It Yourself (DIY) thing, curriying plant for novelty and smoker are greatly appreciated in Canada. And because we can only show out thing out of a mallet, out the box, mine is in picture with part before The real showroom. 

Completed with estimation of chip and tendency I do remark I forget one domain and keep thing low in price in fact. So prior to present this Showroom I do submit thing that made it. The domain is recycling because you beleive it or not but this 3.5inch screen fit exactly inside high-quality camera movie with wide angle. I mean like many old and innovative stuff from 1990 and before 2000, many camera were half igital. Zooming was electronic, focus too and the digital eyes was half optic with this example of screen. I mean the LCD is in fact transparent led on a borosilicate sheet where either the light can be capted and transformed into electric signal but some where filtering light only and allow passing filtered light with the lcd light caption and production. Also Many optical camera/picture were having a internal calibration that simply enlight the lcd. On next chapter of the Showroom I will show an equivalent Dollorama picture taker made from SDRAM and unknow chip, the eyes can be unscrew and do look exactly like an LCD, and does having same ration of capcitance and resistance across touched gate with my tester.

But because the camera film on top of most of them are Thorium grey lens and or colloidale silver, it yellowing or darkening with time. Hopefully the borosilicate substrat s intact untouched non-alterable. So the fault is the guys throwing it's camera out. Don't ask to get fortune out of this wisdom It was transformed in LCD in my hand, and I should own it forever...And especially in this moment recycling about SDRAM, old camera, old lcd can either being turned back into SDRAM or probably more Magnetic flash memory, LCD or back into other optical sensor or even back into other form of LCD. Since Parallax win against Microchip for its magnetic memory holder and microsized energy pump based on dickson. Here in Canada, Quebec, Montreal is like paradise for this element under my personal caddy of Arduino Stuff for doing hitech things.

All this was costing under 120$, The main gift bought on Amazon consist of my Mega2560 from Elegoo equiped with 16u2 chip. I was wondering if I was able to make some bit-code with my fireOS when this year showroom will introduce my raspberry pi 4 with 4 Gb of RAM LPDDR4. Not show here another BIG surprise just hit me. I do respect some information transmitted by the past and it's true like my Raspberry was under 140$ CAN I just receive a 2 Terabytes USB key to try. There is officially nothing mechanical inside this... 

The 16U2 (under the paragraph) is located back to USB-HUB. Don't forget Elegoo get Canadian trust from 2002-2003 for Arduino investment. As Well Microsoft is glue to this cause to offer cheap thing as proposed for all the excessice Microsoft...

16U2 chip image

Here the LCD. I added a Winbond 128 Mbits chip instead of 32Mbits written on the LCD shield. There is nothing more around so I will probably change in wire or scrap some gate and reflow it by adding coupe of pull-up resistor.  Theses part too like 5 chip of 128 Mbit  cost 6$ to 8$ US ( like generic or with cyrillic encoding (N25Q128A13ESE40F ) )  and 2 (25Q128FWSG) did cost about the same . Both report about same efficiency. But chip like shift-register, Octal D-type with transparent latches, PCF8574T a remote GPIO expander. I just fall for messing QuadRAM like project and encarving studies of Buses and driving.

as exposed this surface is excatly like the Dollarama scavenged picture-taker of approx 640x480 pixel for aprox 1Mbpixel as resolution . This screen is a 640x320 and do own same density to reach 1080p software. Aka Raspberry 3.5 inch monitor sold on ebay is derived  from this screen with extra CPU for emulating a software resolution. Cost about 8$CAN 2 other are coming in form of 3.2 and 3.0. Priced from 8.95$CAN to 12$CAN they are a bit higher than 3.5 inch, but are really affordable, I got caught buying a 20x04 (20 chars long 4 lines)  they deliver an 16x2 to a price of 20x04 at 2.76$CAN. It was the only one to let me look like an evil. Usually a 20x04 cost aroun 9$ on ebay but can be found at 6$CAN at who are cheating ???

The print out for the screen was not even changed for selling for mega2560. Are typo error does contribute in price reduction, buyed 10.08$CAN delivered in 4 days. I dare the other ordered by I guy who it's user had disappear during the sales... It's really conflictual, I should take the retail ID of this and craft it myself...

Theses ares picture of the new ATMEL4808. The Nano Every a brand new Arduino in this world. It's the minimum toward new sense and higher level arduino. Atmel4808 do own the minimal a somewhat to project developping HID project. Alike Arduino Due, Leonardo, 32U4 and 16U2 they can be coded to own a behavior with USB communication. Doing thing like virtual keyboard. Mine to weld in one the NanoEvery and the LCD and enought memory to hold Password boxes to own password from Our inacessible hardware rather than waiting the terminal bit-bang all the password to be pushed out of the com as it was a Stroke, a password. Once demonstrated I should come back to mega2650 to change the boot of the 16U2 to get an 32U2 like boot to allow coding the 16U2 to propagate the INF file, to emulate a virtual USB file to let windows or linux getting the file and load the driver and VOILA a Password box no need to type down.

NanoEvery cost 12.40$CAN on ebay take 92 days of delivery during PANDEMIC.This is not because it take so many time to  deliver than ebay is not good. At the moment the order was made, there as no NanoEvery out of the Arduino website. And I did not think ordering the chip, do the board with pcbway... Can be good, but collegue of mine did a So Civilian work I mean so hardwork she just drive about volunteer to contribute maning from this ore. And if that chip was in presentation about thoses are spreading the word (or maybe the widget) and do make reservation for what was made, couple of signature toward notary and there a legal distribution system out of waiting realm of having prototype to offer even call engineer things to distribute for school of Iot. 
This one is the Arduino Mini Prox (aka BS0009) official arduino stuff the guy sold me as. I replaced this one by a 32U4 nano and I ship you with what I left of this replacement. But the guy sell it as 32U4 as replacement for atmega328p... Usually I pick the Arduino Every because they says, ArduinoNano Every is replacing ATMega32U4. In my hand I get the Atmel4808 picture are present... So doubfull as ebay is, surely that guy as lost is user after this because I'm well surround by... watcher 

All  the typo problem occur doing thing too fast. Does "peack" and "peak" are similar 

This almost all the member for this showroom. Underneath the fact a WEMOS OTA based on Arduino Uno R3 with wifi based on esp8266. I will own 2 esp8266, while one can be Network redirection from a Ethernet to esp8266, but offering MicroPython server for claiming external process being processed with this tiny server is just about idea of IoT. And that conflits from one not giving it's 32U4. And there 2 meduino running at 5V 16Mhz with CH340G ar USB driver, they will good for the german course for intercommunicating and experimenting interprocessing between 2 processor, mega2560 is just about ideal size in form meduino. Notice than there is also 2 Wemos with apparently OEM mega328p which is time cheaper, 2 wemos was 4.64$CAN, Meduino buyed separately 8.71$CAN, 10.08$CAN. The Elegoo dated from my birthday, around 26$CAN 6 days delivery by IntelExpress. Raspberry is not showed but cost 140$CAN, pre-loaded, lot of wire. This is the Labists. Hold a great trust with professional camera, and movie world do depend from couple of thoses Berry.

This is the esp-01s the USB-serial interface. I did not take the time to shop for chip max3232, but alternative like CH340G are just excellent

At the left picture it show on upper left corner favorite policer officer friend for detecting alchool in breath and stand well if my theory of all MQ-Sensor from 2 to 200 are in fact radar operating in high frequency around 57-64 Ghz alike Cornwell radar on chip Webinar from digi-key  on September. By the way It really announce the next year webinar. It just sound like story of Chevy Chase sweepstake filmed with Dan Acroyd, disarming a Scud in the cold winter. Initially he participated to a sweepstake and after participating the speaker enumerate people having contribuate to it's speak. Not only so similar but they have plenty way of giving role and attribution. While they never get out of Antrax, they voted ton of exceptions. But beware I think Swedish was also with the crown and vote such exception during Spanish flu and do had lost a effectively high amount of citizen, I think it was more than 45% . So think twice to infirm you can work back. Did someone had attended to. So back to theory of using coerent radar emission and treatment of innner region specified by the metalic cage around and the Impulsion will detect about density of air within the cannis and will interpret it. The mostly reason found in patent pending of MQ-3 and MQ-135 (Alchool , hazardous) are requiring to be very synchronized and having to reduc factor for operability it take the 5 mins out to prepare the Arduino-Breath-alchool detector. A counsin working for RCMP should enjoy having a cousin thinking as helping it keeping border out of clumsy people.

Module image is a bit foggy.  

It Still foggy but show all the wifi.  

So othe module are 2 screen of 128x32 will be tested for both emission of light and possibly recovering document on own making them perceiving light from it. Curiously an old twai scanner 256 tone was working with a led-like string and was able to interpret color of a surface. I should go in details some day. Other module are RTC (total of 4 RTC device 2 or 3$US each), I do have Monoxyde carbon MQ-9, MQ-3 alchool and MQ-135 for hazardous and dangerous gases. There is 2 accelerometer one with the missing capacitor. Right I say missing capacitor it cost 0.99$CAN It work because it was adapted from STM32 where there is already capacitance satified for. But the guy remove the wrong one. So apparently it require a 10uf or a tantalum 107 or a 476 which apparently is heavy and slow  . The next one in the center like is a Gy-91, with temperature and barometric pressure... If it was not design to be an IoT of meteomedia working under NXP WeatherCloud they do rely on coherent radar for rain and cloud detection. At totally right there is a CAN bus. The idea come with Managing AtmegaRAID a Atmega3250 with SCSI LVD used around 2001-2008 I think they move over and get the infrastructure out of it. So this RAID for serving webserver was working with a 328p boot and the expert confirm me buwas unable to speak for the CAN bus 1.0 implementation. Today with 2.0b there is even higher reduction of overhead enought... There is a Ethernet plug a w5500 a top middle and at left in center the TWI SPI serial interface know as pcf8574, an remote GPIO expansion.