This TV shows created in 1984 end in 1988, had simply disappear out of Canadian television in early 90, was able in French and English. At this time, CFCF-TV and TVA-Metropole was sharing many television show and was probably a good try to make available in both French and English many televisions series. CFCF-TV was also broadcasting thing in French. It sounds weird, but some poor quality TV series like "fire's love" and dynasty were in French and apparently were a bit better in French due to low quality of recorded voices. So dubbed version take advantage to record on something that lasts.
Alike Punky, it was easy to switch back and forth from French and English and was becoming a rosette-stone, tale-traduction in this case. To understand what was transmitted between Egyptian-like modern way to get people working cheaply in Building theirs New York out of sand and cement. Theirs descendant praise to suffer less and moving to Grec-forum to make a talk about everything that may help them not forgetting this enormous error to grow too fast. It was reflected in many series lying around New York and Manhattan . It may explain huge amount of thing we can talk about a girl stuck with it's dog, caught in street's of Manhattan by "Georges Gaynes", it claim in first episode to take out her of this environment and bring her into Chicago. So if we are not seeing any of original girl so-called Soleil Moon Frye, the initial plot character stand in familiar look of any poor abandoned for many reasons.
Apparently this was also concluded from other Canadian instance that after a real exploration during 1970-1976 in New York real photographer had really took picture out of construction environment having child working or simply attend to their live staying in construction field. At the time the photographer decide to take film out of this realty, big name do have seizing video and probably re-use it ( the material ) which was also case of gaining up Montreal to take picture first of human regenerating hand ; which split into Baby pampers tub implying the baby with cut arm have exactly same image that one observed in Saint-Justine hospital and also cleaning condition having used soy-sauce to taint the baby, for not having used default brown-disinfectant solution found in cartoon example of "Remi Sans famille" the serre episode. The other sample was re-used inside Dead Pool movie and do suffer from a visual optical index similar to child incuber plastic and normal tube-light exposition make a bit un-realistic seeing the Dead pool guy looking to it's hand after escaping a Xavier mutant from Marvel series.
Also the plot of "Lieutenant Gerald Sweeney" is definitively based on story of the real New York Lieutenant, to own right to inform "sole individuals right society" ( french : Societe de personnes unique ), and real offender. Of course we are talking about John Gotty and do reflect much more reality this guys was more polite and less aggressive as all story refer. They sharing the serious look-like reflect.
Michael Rispoli as Rudy Pipilo, is the so-called definition of the hand who invests in building in this New York nightmare, and do have probably most being watched in proof of the photographer. Herein to clarify, if it miss match between fact that at this time M. Trump was the "Real Hand" building this city based on itself series of "Trump dynasty", we can agree using false name and different voice event to call Paper News to inflate to promote itself richer than claim. Seeing twice if its wife have in common to today's Punky plot ( Soleil Moon Frye ). We can exaggerate having in mean she's the "Montrealer" from initial mate under the knives three times, masking skin to relatively high temperature do stay. Unlike ear I do own had resist and last for 30 years, which continue to let me ear all things 10 times stronger, but reverted and pale and low correct sound not reversed, I do believe some may hide under mask loving brute name.
So Punky Brewster out of it's dawn, had severe talk with M. Gaynes about purple pill, and story why she is not sleeping to wake herself with a different face. And if you found her having to explain where it should happen she responds from a movie talking about soy. The mean movie did not disappear out of our reality and the photographer even tell her to pretend having idea to visit this place expressed by it's memory and found funny when she said :
It's sure, to investigate to find back proof you do require original because, event Canadian TV channels own different series including "Dans le temp d'une paix" where re-mixed and adapted by some people around 1900-1996 and had mess many old expression to having no idea how to keep them they trash it into simpler expression. And today remaining Punky episodes to be numerous was simply replaced by Punky sit on a couch, look to M. Gaynes, scrapping the talk because Punky is not inside the view, M. Gaynes look out of its journal and look Punky and can be repeated twice and many important talk were removed ... We haven't made media being persistent as my personal mind have disliked all the simplification.
Sorry, the movie was "Green Soylent", don't forget to praise it, It may cut in healthy management turning old-one into food and help promote the United State Health Management, and will reduce debt ...